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2016/09/30 18:52
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  • It'd be better to have a positive view on working days as well, rather than just waiting for weekends / days off.

文脈から「平日」を「仕事日」【woking days】にしました。 「週末」は【weekends】もしくあは「仕事の休みの日」で【days off】でいいでしょう。 【rather than ~】で「~よりむしろ」と言う意味です。 【have a positive view on O】で「~に対して前向きにとらえる」です。
Tsu 英会話講師トレーナー、高校英語教師
  • I want to be as excited about my Mondays as I am about my Fridays.

  • I wish my everyday of the week is full of fun.

I want to be as excited about my Mondays as I am about my Fridays.- This means you want to be excited about your Mondays too and not just your Fridays. I wish my everyday of the week is full of fun.- If you wish for something it means it is not currently happening and you hoping that it can be the way you imagining it.Therefore this means you would like the whole week to equally exciting.
I want to be as excited about my Mondays as I am about my Fridays.- これは金曜日だけではなく月曜日もたのしみになりたいという意味です。 I wish my everyday of the week is full of fun.- これを願っている場合はいまそのようなことが起こっていないけどいずれ起こってほしいという事です。つまり、一週間毎日楽しく過ごしたいということです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I want to cherish every Monday as if it were the first day of my life!

  • I want Mondays to be the best day of the week

  • Every day of the week is a gift!

Well, you could say: "Live every day as if it were your last," but that seems quite a heavy comment. More casually, you may say: "I want Mondays to be the best day of the week." However, probably you would then need to explain in some detail why you would like that. This is quite a philosophiocal statement and probably you would have to explain the reason why youb are feeling so philosophical at this time!
"Live every day as if it were your last,"といえますがもっとカジュアルなフレーズは :"I want Mondays to be the best day of the week."です。 しかし、このフレーズを使う場合は理由を説明しないといけません。哲学的なフレーズなのでなぜそのようなことについて話す気分なのか伝えないといけないかもしれません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I look forward to weekends and also to workdays. I enjoy my balanced life.

>▪I look forward to weekends and also to workdays. I enjoy my balanced life. >Look forward is to be excited for something= This means that you are excited for weekends and for workdays. >Balanced life means that you enjoy having time off at work for relaxing, but you also enjoy going to work. .................................................................
>▪I look forward to weekends and also to workdays. I enjoy my balanced life. 訳:私は週末と平日を楽しみにしています。バランスの良い人生が楽しいです。 >look forwardは何かを楽しみにしているという意味です。 >Balanced life は仕事とプライペートをバランス良くしているという意味です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Thank goodness its daybreak everyday of the week. I want to enjoy everyday of my life.

Usually, people like saying, "thank God it's Friday" to show their relief that the weekend is here and that working weekdays are gone. During the weekend, one is free to use his/her time as he/she pleases. However, if you want to enjoy everyday of your life and not just weekends, including weekdays, you won't have to say "thank God its Friday", but, "thank goodness its daybreak". So, you may say: Thank goodness it's daybreak everyday of the week. I want to enjoy everyday of my life.
普通人々は "thank God it's Friday"(神様有難う、きょうは金曜日だ)と言って労働週が終わった週末に安堵するものですよね。 週末の間、時間を好きな事に自由に使えます。 しかし、あなたが週末ではなく平日を楽しみたいのであれば "thank God its Friday"とは言わず "thank goodness its daybreak"(ありがとう、夜明けが来た)と言うかもしれませんね。 ですので、次のように言い表すことが出来ます。 【例】 "Thank goodness it's daybreak everyday of the week. I want to enjoy everyday of my life." (ありがとう、毎日。私の人生の毎日を楽しみたい)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I want to be able to enjoy weekdays instead of just waiting for weekends.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) I want to be able to enjoy weekdays instead of just waiting for weekends. 「週末をただ待つのではなく、平日を楽しめるようになりたい」 want to be able to「できるようになりたい」 instead of ~「~ではなく」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
  • I want to enjoy everyday the same, not just wait for friday to come

  • I want to enjoy Monday as well as looking forward for friday to come

Most people don't enjoy Monday's as they have had the weekend off and relaxed and then know they have to work 5 days until they are off again so most people enjoy Friday as its's the starts of the weekend you could say 'I want to enjoy Monday as well as waiitng for friday to come'
たいていの人は月曜日は好きではありません。週末に休んでリラックスした後、そこからまた5日間働かないといけないからです。 反対に、ほとんどの人は金曜日が好きです。週末が始まる日だからです。 次のように言えます。 'I want to enjoy Monday as well as waiitng for friday to come' (週末を待つのはもちろんだけど月曜日も楽しみたい)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I want to be content in life, during the week and on the weekends!

  • Life should be enjoyable regardless of whether I'm working or not!

1) "I want to be content in life, during the week and on the weekends!" - This explanation emphasizes being happy with one's own life. By adding the differentiation between the week and the weekends, you also illustrate what you are saying. 2) "Life should be enjoyable regardless of whether I'm working or not!" - This is a fairly normative statement and prescribes that this life we lead ought to make us happy. Moreover, it challenges the notion that work should not be pleasurable. Both statements emphasize the quality of life as the main focus!
1) "I want to be content in life, during the week and on the weekends!"(平日も週末も充実させたい) - これは「人生に満足すること」を強調しています。平日と週末を区別することで、あなたの言いたいことを表しています。 2) "Life should be enjoyable regardless of whether I'm working or not!"(仕事をしていようがいまいが人生は楽しくないと) - これはかなり標準的な言い方です、人生は楽しくあるべきと伝えています。加えて、仕事は楽しむものでないという考えに異議を唱えています。 どちらの文も生活の質に焦点を当てています。
Lennart DMM英会話講師
  • I want a lifelong weekend

  • I'd like to enjoy Monday as much as i enjoy the weekend.

"I want a lifelong weekend" To have something 'lifelong' is the term used to describe something that lasts for a life time. "I'd like to enjoy Monday as much as i enjoy the weekend." To 'enjoy' something is to be happy, to have a good time with something. in this case to have feel happy and content on a Monday or weekday.
"I want a lifelong weekend"(毎日を週末のようにしたい) = 'lifelong' は生涯続くものを表します。 "I'd like to enjoy Monday as much as I enjoy the weekend."(週末と同じくらい月曜日も楽しみたい) = 'enjoy' は「楽しむ」という意味です。ここでは、月曜日あるいは平日も楽しむということ。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I wish I enjoyed Mondays as much as I enjoy Fridays.

To explain to somebody that you want both the weekdays and weekends to be fun, you can say: "I wish I enjoyed Mondays as much as I enjoy Fridays."
「平日も週末もどちらも楽しみたい」は次のように言えます。 "I wish I enjoyed Mondays as much as I enjoy Fridays." (金曜日と同じくらい月曜日も楽しめたらいいのに)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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