世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/10/07 14:45
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  • What are you doing tomorrow?

  • Are you doing anything tomorrow?

  • Do you have any plans tomorrow?

「明日何してるの〜?」というのは、このように言えます: (1) What are you doing tomorrow? 基本的にこの表現を使っても問題ありません。 例文: A: "What are you doing tomorrow?" B: "I'm going to a concert. Want to join?" A:「明日何するの?」 B:「コンサートに行くよ。一緒に来ない?」 A: "Are you doing anything tomorrow?" B: "Well, I was thinking about going for a run in the park." A:「明日何かするんですか?」 B:「うーん、公園で走ることを考えていたんだ。」 A: "Do you have any plans tomorrow?" B: "No, I'm free. Let's hang out!" A:「明日何か予定あるの?」 B:「いや、予定なしだよ。遊ぼう!」
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • What are you doing tomorrow?

  • Any plans tomorrow?

  • Are you free tomorrow?

こんにちは。 ・What are you doing tomorrow? 明日何するの? これは直訳ですね。シンプルでいいと思います。 ・Any plans tomorrow? 明日何か予定ある? plan は「予定」です。I have plans と言えば「予定がある」になります。 ・Are you free tomorrow? 明日ひま? 遊びに誘うのであれば、このような表現も良いと思います。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Are you free tomorrow?

  • Are you doing anything tomorrow?

If you want to invite someone to do something tomorrow, and you want to ask if they have plans or not, you can ask any of these questions : 1. Are you free tomorrow? This question is really asking the person if they have any plans for tomorrow or not. 2. Are you doing anything tomorrow? This question is similar to the previous question and is also asking the person if they have plans for tomorrow or not.
明日誰かを何かに誘いたく、予定があるかを尋ねたい場合は、以下のように質問できます。 1. Are you free tomorrow? この質問は、相手に明日予定があるかどうかを実際に聞いています。 2. Are you doing anything tomorrow? 前の質問と同様で、こちらも相手に明日予定があるかどうかを尋ねています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • plans

  • An aim to do something, intentions for something.

When asking somebody casually you could say something like "what are you up to tomorrow". or "have you made any plans for tomorrow". More formally might be something like "do you have any time in your schedule tomorrow". or "what are your plans for today". or "do you have a busy schedule this week?".
誰かにカジュアルに尋ねる際には次のように言うことができます。 "What are you up to tomorrow?" 「明日何してるの?」 "Have you made any plans for tomorrow?" 「明日の予定はもう立てた?」 よりフォーマルに尋ねるには次のように言えます。 "Do you have any time in your schedule tomorrow?" 「明日、スケジュールに空き時間はありますか」 "What are your plans for today?" 「あなたの今日の予定は何ですか」 "Do you have a busy schedule this week?" 「今週は忙しくされていますか」
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • What are you up to tomorrow?

  • Do you have anything going on tomorrow?

What are you up to tomorrow?=明日何かしてるの? up to something=〜をやる What are you doing tomorrowと同じ意味です。 Do you have anything going on tomorrow?=明日何かやってるの? anything going on=〜が起きてる もう予定はあるの?と言ったニュアンスです。
  • If you're kicking your heels tomorrow, let's hang out!

  • If you're just messing about tomorrow, why not hang out together?

  • If you're free tomorrow, fancy doing something together?

To kick one's heels - wait or pass the time aimlessly or futilely; be kept waiting; "She kicked her heels for hours at the gate of the Embassy." To mess around/about = to do silly things that are not important: "Stop messing around and do your homework!" To fancy doing something = If you fancy doing something, you want to do it.
・To kick one's heels - 目的なくまたは無駄に待つ、または時間を過ごす。待ち続ける。 【例文】 "She kicked her heels for hours at the gate of the Embassy."(彼女は大使館の門で何時間もつぶした) ・To mess around/about = 重要でないくだらないことをすること: 【例文】 "Stop messing around and do your homework!" (ふざけてないで宿題をしなさい) To fancy doing something = fancy doing somethingというのは、それをしたいということです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What are you up to tomorrow?

  • What are you doing tomorrow?

  • Do you have any plans for tomorrow?

If you want to hang out with a friend you can find out what their plans are by asking what they are doing. This can be at any particular time you choose. If you want to hang now, you can just ask what they are up to, or if you want to hang tomorrow you can ask them what they are doing tomorrow! If they have no plans then thats great, invite them over! Have fun Teacher Jemxii
もし友達と遊ぶのであれば、何をしているか聞くことによって 予定が何かを明らかにすることができます。 これはあなたの選らんだ時間でいいです。 今遊びたいのであれば、 “What are you up to?” (今なにをしていますか?) と聞くことができて、 もし明日に遊びたいのであれば、 “What are you doing tomorrow?” (明日何をしていますか?) と聞くことができます。 もし友達に予定がないのであれば、 いいですね!!!誘ってあげてください! 楽しんで! Jemxii先生
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • Could/can we hang out tomorrow?

  • If you are not busy tomorrow, could we hang out?

  • Let's hang out tomorrow if you are not busy.

:Could/can we hang out tomorrow? > Both ''could'' and ''can'' are words we use to politely ask for something. ''Could'' is more polite and formal but it can be used in both formal and informal situations. > Positive answers: ''Yes. I'd like that./ Sure, I'd love that'' > Negative answers. ''No, I can't./ I'm sorry, but I'll be busy tomorrow.'' :Let's hang out tomorrow if you are not busy. >In this sentence you are making a suggestion but keeping in mind that your friend might be busy.
Jemy K DMM英会話講師
  • What are you doing tomorrow?

  • Do you have any plans for tomorrow?

  • If you don't have any plans for tomorrow, do you want to hang out?

What are you doing tomorrow? - This is asking someone to tell you their plans for the next day. You can answer this question many ways. Examples: Q: What are you doing tomorrow? A: I have an appointment at 10 am but nothing after that. A: I don't have any plans tomorrow. A:No plans, what about you?
Niabh DMM英語講師
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