My rent is expensive, but living in a big city is convenient because there are lots of hospital that offer advanced medical care, as well as lots of museums and theatres, so costs and benefits balance out in the end.
ーMy rent is expensive, but living in a big city is convenient because there are lots of hospitals that offer advanced medical care, as well as lots of museums and theatres, so the costs and benefits balance out in the end.
hospitals that offer advanced medical care「高度医療を提供する病院」
to balance out「帳尻が合う・相殺する」
in the end「最終的に・結局」
Even though it's expensive to live in cities, having many top hospitals and lots of theaters and art galleries nearby makes it worth it.
・「Even though it's expensive to live in cities, having many top hospitals and lots of theaters and art galleries nearby makes it worth it.」
(意味) 都会で暮らすのは家賃は高いけど、高度医療を提供する病院がたくさんあったり、劇場や美術館が近くにたくさんあったりで、トータルで考えるとコストとベネフィットが相殺されます。
<例文>Isn't the rent expensive?// Even though it's expensive to live in cities, having many top hospitals and lots of theaters and art galleries nearby makes it worth it.