賃貸の場合は"rent"です。住宅[ローン](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/66596/)は" home loan"とも言わないことはないのですが、日常会話ではみんな"mortgage "と言っています。
" I need to pay my rent.(家賃払わなきゃいけない)"
" rent" は家賃に限りません。日本と同じで、『レンタルビデオ』『レンタルDVD』は
" rental video " " rental DVD "です。
" rent a video "です。
Youb are a tenant and you have a rental agreement with your landlord for perhaps, an apartment, for example. Ususlly, the rent is payable monthly in advance in the case of a standard tenancy.
EX. "I pay my rent monthly bu standing order."
通常 "rent"は一般的な借用契約では一か月前払いです。
"I pay my rent monthly via standing order."
"rent" or "rental" is money paid to a landlord for property that a tenant occupies.
E.g. I didn't pay rent last month and now I am in trouble with my landlord.
-The tenant refused to pay the rental fee until the landlord fumigates the cockroach-infested apartment.
"rent" or "rental" という言葉は、家主に対して支払うお金のことです。
例 "I didn't pay rent last month and now I am in trouble with my landlord.”(先月家賃を払わなかったので、家主とトラブルになってしまった。)
"The tenant refused to pay the rental fee until the landlord fumigates the cockroach-infested apartment."
Rent is known in English as money that is used to pay for your living quarters and you give to your landlord. You can say "My monthly rent is 51 dollars." or "My yearly rent is 70 thousand dollars." Where the former speaks about each month and the latter about each year. Most people in the States pay their rent month by month, while some who own houses have to worry about mortgage which is the bank giving you money with some interest.
Hope this helps!
"My monthly rent is 51 dollars."(毎月の家賃は51ドルです)
"My yearly rent is 70 thousand dollars."(毎年の家賃は7万ドルです)
Rent' is the most common word to use when referring to the money you pay regularly to live in a house, apartment, land, etc.
E.g. "The rent in the countryside is usually cheaper than in the city. "
You can also use 'rental' for the money you pay to rent a piece of property, a car, or even a piece of equipment.
E.g. "I leased my house at a monthly rental of 200 dollars."
"The rent in the countryside is usually cheaper than in the city."
"I leased my house at a monthly rental of 200 dollars."
The rent in Tokyo is insanely expensive, but I heard that of NewYork costs much more.
expensive「(値段が)高い」だけでもよいですが、東京のありえないほど高い家賃を強調するために insanely 【副詞】極めて、狂気のように を使いました。(insane 【形容詞】正気でない、狂気の、非常識な、馬鹿げた)
I heard「私はききました」に続き、that of NewYork は直訳「ニューヨークのそれ」ですが、ここのthatはrentのことを指しています。繰り返し同じ単語を使うのをさけるためthat ofを使うことがあります。覚えていると便利ですよ!
Cost は「費用がかかる」という意味です。
If you are the tenant ( the person renting ) and you must pay the landlord ( the person who owns the house ) every month/year/etc., we would refer to this money given as, "rent."
Example sentences :
- I need to pay my rent by the end of the month.
- My rent is about 1000$ per month.
→「In Japan, rent in Tokyo is high」
→「I pay rent every month」
→「The rent for this apartment is 50,000 yen」
→「I am looking for a place with cheap rent」