This question is difficult to answer, but I'll give it a try.
This question is tough, but I'll try my best.
「難しい」= difficult, tough, hard
「頑張る、頑張ってみる」 = give it a try, try one's best
This question is difficult to answer, but I'll give it a try.
= この質問は答えるのが難しいけど、(頑張って)やってみます。
This question is tough, but I'll try my best.
= この質問、難しいけどベストを尽くしてみます。
try my best と言うと大げさに聞こえるかもしれませんが、「頑張ってみるよ」というような意味合いで使えます。
他に、「やってみるね」というニュアンスの let me try も使えると思います。
This question is difficult to answer, but let me try.
It is hard to answer the question, but I will do my best.
It is a difficult questions, but I will try my best.
1)It is hard to answer the question, but I will do my best.
※hard to answer=答えるのが難しい
※do my best= 頑張ってやってみる
2)It is a difficult questions, but I will try my best.
※a difficult questions=難しい質問
※try my best= 全力を尽くしてみるよ。頑張るよ。