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2016/11/07 18:19
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  • This runny nose medicine makes me so tired.

  • I'm so tired from this medicine for my runny nose.

Hiyumi ソレイユインターナショナルスクール学長
  • Cold and flu medicine.

  • Decongestant.

A 'decongestant' is a medicine that clears up a runny or blocked nose and sneezing. This can also be taken along with a pain killer such as ibuprofen or paracetamol to ease a headache or any aches and pains. 'Cold and flu medicine' is a generic term used for many different medicines that ease symptoms such as those above.
decongestantは、鼻水、鼻づまり、くしゃみを治す薬です。頭痛などの痛みを和らげるために、イブプロフェンやパラセタモールのような鎮痛剤と併用することもできます。 cold and flu medicineは、上記のような症状を和らげるいろいろな薬を表す包括的な言葉です。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Runny nose medication.

  • Medicine for flu.

-Runny nose medication. This is medicine for a runny nose. -Medicine for flu. Flu is a virus that cause a runny nose or blocked nose. Example: Friend: Hey, are you sick? You: Yes, what medicine can I use for a runny nose.
-Runny nose medication. これは、鼻水に効く薬です。 -Medicine for flu. fluとは、鼻水、または鼻づまりを引き起こすウイルスのことです。 例: Friend: Hey, are you sick? 友人:ねえ、体調悪いの? You: Yes, what medicine can I use for a runny nose. あなた:うん、鼻水には、どんな薬を使えばいいかな。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • medicine for a runny nose

  • flu medicine / influenza medicine

Treatment used to cure a runny nose, sneezing, or a blocked nose is usually referred to as "flu medicine", "influenza medicine"or "medicine for a runny nose". You can use the above phrases in the following ways: -The doctor gave me medicine for a runny nose -I need to get flue/influenza medicine because I have a runny nose.
鼻水やくしゃみ、鼻づまりの治療薬は一般的に次のように呼ばれます: "flu medicine" "influenza medicine" "medicine for a runny nose" 文章で上記の言葉を使うと、次のようになります: 【例文】 -The doctor gave me medicine for a runny nose (お医者さんが鼻水の薬をくれました) -I need to get flue/influenza medicine because I have a runny nose. (鼻水が止まらないので、インフルエンザ薬を買わないと)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • sinus medicine

  • medicine for a runny nose

  • I need some sinus medicine for my nose.

"Sinus medicine" is medicine that can be used for any kind of problem with your sinus area like a runny nose, stopped up/blocked nose or even sneezing.
Sinus medicine(鼻炎薬)は、鼻水、鼻づまり、くしゃみなど副鼻腔のあらゆる問題に使える薬です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • medicine for rhinitis

  • medication for allergic rhinitis

「鼻炎の薬」は、 "medicine for rhinitis" / "medication for rhinitis" 「鼻炎」は、"rhinitis" / 「アレルギー性鼻炎」は、"allergic rhinitis" 「花粉症の薬を処方してもらった。」という場合は、 "I was prescribed medications for pollen allergy relief." "be prescribed ~"は、「~を処方される」という意味です。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Flu medicine

  • Cold medicine

  • Decongestant/sinus medication

If you are suffering from flu/cold symptoms (sneezing/runny nose/blocked nose) then a flu medicine or cold medicine will help this could be cough medicine or paracetamol these are the most commonly used A decongestant is a medicine used to unlock your sinuses so they relieve the pressure in your ears, head and ears and help unblock a blocked nose
インフルエンザ/風邪の症状(くしゃみ/鼻水/鼻づまり)があるなら、「flu medicine」「cold medicine」がいいでしょう。これは咳止めだったり、パラセタモールだったりします。これらが最もよく使われます。 「decongestant(鼻炎薬)」は、鼻詰まりを和らげ、頭や耳へのプレッシャーを和らげます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • sinus medicine

  • decongestant

Decongestants are medicines used for nasal congestion (stuffy nose) and sinus problems. Some people simply call them sinus medicines. Sinus medicines usually refer to medicine taken only a daily basis to prevent these symptoms. Decongestants usually refer to medication taken when you already sick and have a runny or stuffy nose and sneezing. Decongestants can be pills, nasal sprays, or liquid. Nasal sprays are called nasal decongestants.
decongestantsは、鼻詰まりや鼻の病気に使われる薬です。シンプルにsinus medicines(鼻炎の薬)と呼ぶ人もいます。sinus medicinesは普通、これらの症状を抑えるために毎日服用する薬を言います。 decongestants(鼻炎の薬)は普通、体調が悪い時、鼻水(鼻詰まり)とくしゃみの症状がある場合に服用します。 decongestantsには、錠剤、スプレー式点鼻薬、液体の薬があります。スプレー式点鼻薬は、nasal decongestantsと呼ばれます。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • decongestant

  • cold and flu medicine

A decongestant is a medicine to help clear the excess mucus in your nose. This medicine can help you breathe better when you are sick or have allergies. Cold and flu medicine helps with symptoms like fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat, etc. These are symptoms usually associated with having a cold or the flu. -This decongestant is really helping me breathe better.! - I need to some cold and flu medicine if I am ever going to get rid of this runny nose!
Madison T DMM英会話講師
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