世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/11/13 19:21
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  • Do you have this (jacket) in a different color?

  • Do you have this (jacket) in gray or black?

Do you have this (jacket) in a different color? これ(このジャケット)の違う色はありますか? Do you have this (jacket) in gray or black? これ(このジャケット)のグレーか黒はありますか? 買い物の時によく使うフレーズですね〜品物を手に持って聞けば間違いなく通じると思います♪
  • Do you have this in grey/black?

  • Does this come in another colour?

Do you have this in grey/black? 'This' refers to the jacket or any other item. When speaking to a sales clerk you would hold up the item or show it to them. Does this come in another colour? 'come in' This is a phrasal verb meaning to appear in or to exist in (another colour/type/style/size). I hope that helps!
Do you have this in grey/black? this はそのジャケットのことや、対象のアイテムのことを指します。店員さんに話しかける時は、その商品を手に持っていたり、店員さんに見せているでしょう。 Does this come in another colour? come in というのは群動詞で、他の色、タイプ、スタイル、サイズがあることを意味します。 参考になれば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Does this item come in different colors?

  • What other colors do you have this item in?

Sometimes, when shopping you may see an item that you like, but not in the color that you want. In such a situation, you can ask the sales clerk the following questions 1. Does this item come in different colors? 2. What other colors do you have this item in?
ショッピングをしていると、いいなと思うものがあっても、欲しい色ではないことがありますね。 そんなときには、店員さんに次のような質問をすることができます。 1. Does this item come in different colors? 2. What other colors do you have this item in?
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Does this jacket come in any other colours?

  • Are there any other colours?

  • Do you have a colour swatch for this?

In context, if you are holding an item such as a jacket in your hands, you may enquire: "Does this jacket come in any other colours?" or, "Are there any other colours?" Sometimes, with suits, clothing or soft furnishings such as curtains or upholstery, the retailer may provide you with a swatch, which is a small book of alternative materials and patterns in which the product may be completed.
この状況では、あなたは"Jacket"というアイテムを手にしています。 そこで、あなたはこう尋ねます。 "Does this jacket come in any other colours?" (このジャケットの他の色もありますか?) 又は "Are there any other colours?" (他の色もありますか?) 時々小売店では"swatch" (材料見本の本)をスーツ、洋服、カーテンや張り布などの布地の室内装飾品の商品を購入する時に提供してくれる事があります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have this jacket in other colours please?

  • Does this jacket come in another colour please?

  • Do you have this/Does this come in another colour?

If you have the item you want in your hand or are near to point to it then you can simply say 'Do you have this' or 'Does this' as the person can see what you are talking about You can say 'In other colours/another colour' both meaning the same thing. If you know the colour you want then you would simply ask if they have it in that colour so 'Do you have this in black?'
商品を手に持っていたり商品を指さして言う場合、'Do you have this'や'Does this'だけで何について言っているのか伝わります。 'in other colours'または'in another colour'と言えます。どちらも同じ意味です。 欲しい色があるなら、その色があるかどうか聞けます。 例えば: 'Do you have this in black?' (この黒はありますか)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have this in another color?

Do you have this in another color? 〔訳〕別の色ってあります? another color と言ってもいいと思います。 商品を手にとって言ってみてください。 Sheilaさんも紹介されていますが、 in の後に具体的な色を入れてもオッケーです。 例) Do you have this in black? これの黒はありますか。 参考にしてください、 ありがとうございました。
  • Does this jacket come in different colors?

  • Do you have this jacket in other colors?

  • Do you have this jacket in black?

Sometimes different items of clothes do not come in other one color, so to ask if it is come on it is come to assorted (different) colors, you can use the following: "Does this jacket come in different colors?" "Do you have this jacket in other colors?" "Do you have this jacket in black?"
自分の好きな色の服がないときもありますね。なので他の色であるかどうかを聞くには、以下のように尋ねることができます。 "Does this jacket come in different colors?" (このジャケットは他の色もありますか?) "Do you have this jacket in other colors?" (他のいろのこのジャケットもありますか?) "Do you have this jacket in black?" (このジャケットの黒はありますか?)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
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