世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/11/14 13:18
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  • It's not cooked.

  • It's undercooked.

It's undercooked/it's not cooked. 生焼けです。 Undercooked;火の通りが不十分な 例 It's undercooked, can you please cook it again? 生焼けです。作り直しお願いします。 ☆料理用語 「焼く」はgrill, broil 「蒸す」はsteam 「揚げる」はdeep-fry
  • Excuse me, this fish is only half-cooked.

  • Excuse me, but this fish is undercooked.

Excuse me, this fish is only half-cooked. すみません、こちらの魚はまだ生焼けです。 only half-cooked:半分しか調理(火が通ってない)されていない "cooked"は一般的に日が通っている、調理されているという意味。 Excuse me, but it seems this fish is undercooked. すみません、こちらの魚は生焼けのようです。 直接的な言い方を避けるために、”it seems"のように 「〜なようです」と一言添えても良いですね。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • Then fish was undercooked

  • The fish was ill prepared

There are two possible interpretations for you question: 1. The fish needed to be cooked longer. 2. The fish was cooked but badly, or something was missing from the cooking process. You could say, "The fish was undercooked" if it was not cooked enough. Or, "The fish was ill prepared" if for example, it lacked seasoning or some other facet of the cooking process.
あなたのご質問は二通りの理解ができます。 1. The fish needed to be cooked longer. もう少し長く調理してほしいこと 2. The fish was cooked but badly, or something was missing from the cooking process.調理手順を抜かしたせいか魚は焼けてはいるがひどいこと。 生焼けであればundercookedでいいです。調理に何か抜けてたり、調味料がかかっていないときは"The fish was ill prepared"が良いでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This fish is not well cooked

  • This fish is undercooked

  • This fish is overcooked

In the first line, you are pointing out that the fish was not well cooked, meaning that the fish was not cooked with skill so that it could be tasty. In this case it can not be tasty because it was not well cooked. In the second statement, you are using the adjective 'under-cooked' implying that the fish was not sufficiently cooked. It can not be tasty in this instance. In the third statement, as in the second statement, you are specifying the reason for your not liking the fish by using the adjective 'overcooked'. This is the opposite of 'under-cooked'. If it is overcooked, it can not be tasty.
1つ目の文では、魚にしっかり火が通っていなくておいしくないこと、つまり "the fish is not well cooked" と指摘しています。 この場合、調理がちゃんとなされていないので魚が美味しく感じられません。 2つ目の文では、形容詞"under-cooked"を使っていて、十分に魚に火が通っていないことを意味します。 この場合も美味しくないです。 3つ目の文では、2つ目の文と同じく、"overcooked"という形容詞を使うことによってそのさかなが気に入らない理由を述べています。 これは"under-cooked"と反対の意味です。 overcooked(煮すぎた、焼きすぎた)では、おいしくありませんね。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • My fish was under/over cooked!

  • My fish was badly cooked or prepared!

This question could mean two different things, that your fish was still raw or that it was not prepared to your liking or taste. So, here are examples of both scenarios: "My fish was under/over cooked!" "Under cooked" meaning still raw or "Over cooked" meaning cooked too long "My fish was badly cooked!" or "My fish was badly prepared!" This means that you did not enjoy how the fish was prepared or the taste.
この質問は、2つの意味に取られるかもしれません。 ひとつ目は魚がまだ生であることと、ふたつ目はあなたの口に合わないことです。 なので、どちらの場合でも使える例文です。 "My fish was under/over cooked!" under cooked はまだ生であること、over cooked は火が通り過ぎていることを意味します。 "My fish was badly cooked!"または"My fish was badly prepared!" これはあなたがその魚の料理方法が気に入らなかったという意味です。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • This was not prepared well, I think it may need to be cooked more.

  • Please send this back to the kitchen, it needs to be cooked more.

  • This fish is under-cooked, please send it back.

All of these sentences can be used to explain that your meal was not cooked all the way through and needs to be cooked more.
Eli M DMM英会話講師

  • My fish was so was still jumping:-))

Sometimes our food at a restuarant fails to impress! The most common problem /complaint is UNDER or Over cooked dishes. Undercooked food may leave one open to food poisioning "Salmanella" etc As a customer you should mention any a polite & reasonable manner... "Excuse me, this fish is really undercooked!"
レストランでの料理が満足いくものでないときってありますよね。特に多いクレームは、火が通っていないか、火を通しすぎることです。火が十分通っていない料理は、「サルモネラ菌」などによる食中毒にもつながります。お客さんとして、失礼のないように、 "Excuse me, this fish is really undercooked!" すみませんが、この魚十分に火が通ってないようです。 などと、レストランの人に伝えるといいでしょう。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
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