世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/11/16 22:09
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  • What are you going to next?

  • What's next?

アメリカ在住のMasumiです。 What are you going to next? 次は何をするの? What's next? 次は何? 知っている間柄なら、気軽に「What's next?」でも十分ですよ。 参考にしてみてくださいね。
Masumi ボーカリスト&ボーカルトレーナー、ミュージックスクール経営
  • 1. What're you going to do next?

  • 2. You exercised your arms and legs. What will you do next?

1. This question asks about the next exercise your friend will be doing. 2. This details what your friend has done so far, and asks about the following exercise. A: "You exercised your arms and legs. What will you do next?" B: "Well I'm going to spend 20 minutes on my abs and then I'll unwind with a swim." Abs = abdominal muscles Unwind = relax
1. This question asks about the next exercise your friend will be doing.これは、次のエクササイズについて、あなたの友達が何をするであろうか聞くことができます。 2. This details what your friend has done so far, and asks about the following exercise.あなたの友達がこれまでのところで何が終わったのか、そして次のエクササイズはなんなのか聞くことができます。 A: "You exercised your arms and legs. What will you do next?"腕と足は終わったよね?次何する? B: "Well I'm going to spend 20 minutes on my abs and then I'll unwind with a swim."うーん、腹筋20分くらいかけてするかな、でスイミングしてくつろぐよ。 Abs = abdominal muscles Unwind = relax "be going to"や"will"を使い表現することができます。 "Abs"=腹筋
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What are you doing next?

  • What should we move on to?

What are you doing next? asks what he is planning on doing What should we move on to? "move on to" means to do next
"What are you doing next? 何をする予定なのかを尋ねています。 What should we move on to? move on to 次に何をするのかという意味です。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • What is the next set?

Set refers to individual kinds of exercise at a gym.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • What's next?

  • What are we up to now?

次はなに? 次は何するの?? 何かがひと段落ついて、これから何をする? っていうフレーズにぴったしなのがこれです。ジム以外でも使ってみてくださいね。 What are we up to now?
  • Whats on your training schedule today?

  • What are you working on today?

If your friend is very organised, a frequent gym user and serious about workouts they will have a schedule they stick to, so you can ask about their schedule. For the less serious user you can ask what they are working on this is a general phrase that can include what muscle groups e.g abs or what part of the body e.g legs. Usually you will get a response that tells you the body part and type of exercise they are going to do e.g. abs and sit ups on the bench.
友達がしっかりしている人で、頻繁にジムで真剣にスケジュールを立ててワークアウトする人であれば、スケジュールを尋ねることができます。 ジムにあまり真剣ではないユーザー筋肉の部位を含む一般的なフレーズをいうことができます。例えば、腹筋や足などの体の一部です。いつも腹筋やベンチでの起き上がりなど体とエクササイズの種類に関する返事が受けることができます。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • What will you do next?

  • What muscles will you work on next?

  • What will you work on next?

to work on the legs / leg muscles = 足 (の筋肉) を鍛える
to work on the legs / leg muscles = 足 (の筋肉) を鍛える
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Hey, what are we going to do next?

  • So what's next for the workout?

  • Wow it appears to be a good one...What are we going to take up next?

It is important to show your excitement level when you are going to ask another workout moves. It is good to include : "Hey", "Wow" etc. to show how excited you are.
  • What are you going to do next?

  • What is your next move?

By asking : What are you going to do next? you are implying that the person has completed doing what he/she had to do but there appears to be something else to be done. You may ask: What are you going to do next in order to complete the task? Synonyms for the noun 'move' are 'movement', 'motion', 'action', or 'activity'. So in the second question, you are asking the person: What is your next course of action? In other words, what are you going to do next after what has happened?
What are you going to do next?と聞くことにって、相手がなにかしなければいけなかったことをし終えて、次にやらないといけないことがあることを示唆します。 What are you going to do next in order to complete the task?と聞くこともできます。 move の同義語は movement, motion, action, activityです。 なので、2つ目の質問では相手に、次に続く行動はなんですか?と聞いていることになります。 言い換えると、What are you going to do next after what has happened? (今し終えたことの次に何をするのですか?)ということです。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • What're you going to do next?

  • So, what's next?

When you want to ask in the gym what will he/she do next, you need to use any of these two questions. The second one is a very casual question and always good to use with your friends.
ジムで「次は何をするのですか」と質問したいなら、上記の表現が使えます。 二つ目の例はとてもカジュアルで、友達に対して使うことができます。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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