This resort is still using artificial/fake snow (at the moment).
- This product contains no artificial colors or flavors.
- I accidentally bought a fake handbag.
↓こちらは fake でも artificial でもOKです:
- Fake/artificial flowers are easy to take care of and look nice.
In the case of a ski slope, it may be called Man Made Snow or Artificial Snow to distinguish it from natural snow. Synthetic snow is more of a decorative item as is used on Christmas and New Year decorations.
スキー場の場合、Man Made SnowやArtificial Snowが、自然の雪の対比として使われます。Synthetic snowは、よりクリスマスや新年の飾りで使われるようなデコレーションに使われる雪を指します。
Artificial (adjective)
made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally
Synthetic (adjective)
(of a substance) made by chemical synthesis, especially to imitate a natural product
Man-made (adjective)
made or caused by human beings
A: Is this real snow?
B: No, it's not. It is artificial.
This synthetic snow looks so real.
Artificial (形容詞)
Synthetic (形容詞)
Man-made (形容詞)
A: Is this real snow?(これは本物の雪ですか?)
B: No, it's not. It is artificial.(いいえ、違います。これは人工です)
This synthetic snow looks so real.(この合成雪は実に本物のように見えます)
When conditions do not allow for "REAL SNOW..: technology steps up
and creates "Artificial snow" using snow guns or snow cannons...
Believe it or not ... it may even be BETTER THAN THE REAL THING!
Since artificial snow is made from pure water,
it has a beautiful shine and clean white color that, real snow cannot compare with.
Man-made snow can also be called 'artificial snow'. It is called 'artificial snow' because it is not natural. 'Artificial snow' is mostly used at ski resorts either to supplement the natural snow or to prolong the skiing season. One might wonder how artificial snow is made. Well, without going into detail, they use a machine called a snow cannon to fire the snow onto the ski slopes. So, suppose the snow season is almost over but your family would like to go skiing, you may tell them:
Well, even though the snow season is almost over, we will go to a ski resort because they use artificial snow there.
Ski resorts prolong the snow season by using artificial snow. We will go skiing there.
Man-made snow(人工雪)は 'artificial snow'とも言われます。天然ではないので、'artificial snow'と呼ばれます。
'Artificial snow' とは、ほとんどの場合スキー場で天然雪を補ったり、スキーシーズンを延ばしたりするために使われます。
どのように人工雪が作られるのか不思議に思う人もいるかもしれません。詳細には触れませんが、スキースロープの上に雪を発射する a snow cannonという機械が使われます。
Well, even though the snow season is almost over, we will go to a ski resort because they use artificial snow there.
Ski resorts prolong the snow season by using artificial snow. We will go skiing there.