世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/12/04 17:44
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  • I don't remember yesterday's nomikai at all.

  • I have no memory of yesterday's get together.

Hey there! ユーコネクトのアーサーです。 「飲み会」という概念はアメリカにはないのでとても訳しづらいです。 Drinking partyは単にみんなでお酒を飲み、あまり話さないイメージがします。 ですから僕はいつも飲み会をそのまま言っています。 A: I went to a nomikai yesterday. B: What's that? A: It's a get together at a restasurant / bar where everyone drinks and talks after work. 説明する時に「get together」と言いますので、「get together」も最初から言えるでしょう。 「記憶がない」 このフレーズの直訳は Have no memory of ~ I have no memory of the nomikai I have no memory of what I did at work today. I have no memory of going to school today. この言い方は少しフォーマルな感じですから、多くの場合は「I dont remember」と言っても問題ありません。 I don't remember yesterday's nomikai I don't remember going to school today. 「全く記憶がない」ということを強調すると At all も入れます。 I don't remember yesterday's nomikai at all. お役に立てると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いします! アーサーより
  • My mind's a blank

  • I have no recall whatsoever of last night

  • Where am I?

Some parties may lead to or involve comsumption of large quantities of alcohol and as we all know, every example of excess has a downside. This may take the form of a hangover which involves a severe headache and queasiness, and also symptoms of dementia.
一部のパーティーは、大量のアルコール消費に導く、またはそれを引き起します。皆さん知っているように、全ての過剰の例は、マイナス面があります。 これには、ひどい頭痛や、吐き気を引き起す二日酔いや、認知症の症状もあります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I don't remember ANYTHING from last night!

I don't remember ANYTHING from last night! 昨日のこと何も覚えてない! The last thing I remember is... 最後に覚えているのは… なんかも使えますね♪
  • I don't remember yesterday's party at all.

  • I don't remember the party yesterday at all.

アメリカ在住のMasumiです。 飲み会は「Party」パーティーと表現すればいいと思います。 I don't remember yesterday's party at all. 昨日のパーティーの事は何にも覚えていないんだよ。 I don't remember the party yesterday at all. 昨日あったパーティーの事は何にも覚えていないんだよ。 飲み過ぎには注意してくださいね!
Masumi ボーカリスト&ボーカルトレーナー、ミュージックスクール経営
  • I had a black out after yesterdays drinking party

  • I have memory loss after yesterdays drinking party

▪I had a black out after yesterdays drinking party Black out= loss of consciousness ▪I have memory loss after yesterdays drinking party Memory loss= To forget what happened
【例文】 ▪I had a black out after yesterdays drinking party. Black out= 意識を失う ▪I have memory loss after yesterdays drinking party. Memory loss= 起こったことを忘れること
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I was so drunk last night that today, I can not remember what happened at the drinking party.

  • After drinking so much alcohol last night, I suffered a blackout and I can hardly remember what happened at the drinking party.

It often happens at drinking parties that people get extremely drunk. Some get so drunk that they become sort of 'unconscious', not aware of what is happening around them. This is often referred to as a 'blackout'. One may be heard saying: 'I drank so much alcohol last night that I suffered a blackout. I can hardly remember anything as to what happened at the drinking party' So you may say: I was so drunk last night that today, I can not remember what happened at the drinking party. or After drinking so much alcohol last night, I suffered a blackout and I can hardly remember what happened at the drinking party.
飲み会で酔っ払い過ぎることはよくあることです。酔っ払い過ぎて、ある種の'unconscious'(無意識)になり、周りで何が起きているのかわからなくなることがあります。これをよく'blackout'(一時的な記憶喪失)と言うことがあります。 次のように言うことができます: 'I drank so much alcohol last night that I suffered a blackout. I can hardly remember anything as to what happened at the drinking party' (昨夜はアルコールを飲み過ぎて、記憶がなくなってしまいました。飲み会で何が起こったのかほとんど覚えていません。) また次のように言うことができます: I was so drunk last night that today, I can not remember what happened at the drinking party.(昨夜飲み過ぎて、飲み会で何が起きたのか今日は思い出すことができません。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I have no recollection of yesterday's party at all.

  • I can't recall what happened at the party yesterday at all.

  • I can't remember what transpired at yesterday's drinking party.

In the effort to explain and express that one has lost a fragment of one's short-term memory or in trying to convey that you cannot at all remember what you did or what happened during a certain time, you may say the following; I have no recollection of yesterday's party at all. recollection- The ability to remember or recall something. I cannot recall- Not having the ability to remember something. You may also say; I can't remember what transpired at yesterday's party. to transpire- to take place, what happened.
あることの記憶がないとき、自分がしたことを思い出せないときなどは、以下のように表現できます。 I have no recollection of yesterday's party at all. 昨日のパーティーのことを全然思い出せない。 recollection- 記憶力 I cannot recall- 思い出せない I can't remember what transpired at yesterday's party. 昨日のパーティーのことが思い出せません。 to transpire- 何かが起こる
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • I completely blacked out at the party.

  • I don't remember anything from the party.

The most common expression would be, "to black out," which means that we drank so much that we are unable to remember what happened. In addition we can also say that we don't, "remember anything," to have the same meaning.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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