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2017/01/19 18:28
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  • I drank too much.

こんにちは。 「飲みすぎた」は I drank too much. になります。 例: Ugh... I drank way too much last night... おえ…[昨日](ほんとに飲みすぎた… ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • drink too much

つい先ほどほぼ同じ内容の別の質問にも回答させていただきましたが、「drink」一語で「[お酒を飲む](」という意味を表します。 ちなみに、「[二日酔い](」は「hangover」と言います。 I have a hangover.(二日酔いである)
Akira Kagami 英語求道士
  • I drank too much yesterday.

  • I was drunk yesterday.

When talking about something that has already happened one must make use of words in the past tense. Example: Drink (verb in present tense) is drank (verb in past tense) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 'too much' in this instance means that one drank excessively. 'drunk' is a term used to describe someone who drinks or drank excessively. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Example A: You look terrible. B: I drank too much yesterday.
過去におこったものは過去形を使わなくてはなりません。 例: Drink (verb in present tense) is drank (verb in past tense) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 'too much' この場合は飲みすぎたという意味です。 'drunk' は飲みすぎて酔っ払う事です。 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 例 A: You look terrible. B: I drank too much yesterday.
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I had too much to drink yesterday.

"I had too much to drink yesterday." This means that you drank a lot than normal.
"I had too much to drink yesterday." いつもよりもっと飲酒してしまったという事。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • 1. I got pissed last night

  • 2. I was stoned out of my head last night on wine

  • 3. I was a little more than tipsy last night. What day is it?

Pissed = drunk (vulgar slang) Stoned = under the influence of drugs, especially cannabis, or alcoholol; very drunk. "They're in the local pubs getting stoned" "He's pissed out of his head!" Tipsy = slightly drunk. "Don't give any more sherry to grandma - she's already tipsy!"
Pissed = 酔った (スラング) Stoned =カナビスやアルコールの影響で酔い潰れている状態 "They're in the local pubs getting stoned" あいつら地元のパブで酔い潰れている。 "He's pissed out of his head!" 彼は飲みすぎているよ。 Tipsy = ほろ酔い "Don't give any more sherry to grandma - she's already tipsy!" ばーちゃんにもうシェリーあげちゃだめだよ。もうほろ酔いなんだから。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I was dead drunk from too much alcohol yesterday.

  • I got totally intoxicated yesterday

To be dead drunk is to be completely incapacitated because of having drunk too much alcohol, so much that one is unable to move. To be totally intoxicated is to be so drunk with too much alcohol that one loses control of one's faculties or behaviour. You may say: I got totally intoxicated yesterday and I can't remember a thing as to what happened. When you get totally intoxicated, you may get what is called an alcohol-induced blackout. During an alcohol-induced blackout, your memory is impaired.
「To be dead drunk」とは、全然動けなくなることです。 たくさんアルコールを飲むので動くことができません。 「To be totally intoxicated」とは、アルコール取りすぎて飲みすぎることで、機能や行動のコントロールを失います。 以下のように言うことができるかもしれません。 I got totally intoxicated yesterday and I can't remember a thing as to what happened. 昨日全く動くことできませんでした。何が起きたか覚えていません。 When you get totally intoxicated, you may get what is called an alcohol-induced blackout. 完全に動けなかった時をアルコール性記憶喪失と呼びます。 During an alcohol-induced blackout, your memory is impaired. アルコール性記憶喪失の間、記憶がありません。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I had way to much to drink yesterday.

  • I drank to much yesterday and am now hungover today.

  • I drank a lot yesterday, I am definitely feeling it today.

These sentences will help you express that you had to much to drink the day before.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • I overdid it last night.

  • I got hammered last night

  • I had one too many drinks last night.

"I overdid it last night." To overdo something is to do more than what is necessary or safe.If you say you overdid it specifically in the evening people automatically assume you were drunk.You can also overdo things at work,school,gym etc. "I got hammered last night" To get very drunk eg.We went to a wine bar and got totally hammered "I had one too many drinks last night." To have one too many is too have too much alcohol to drink/too many glasses of alcohol. You could also say : sloshed= to get drunk eg.I drank a lot of wine and got sloshed
"I overdid it last night." To overdo something is to do more than what is necessary or safe.If you say you overdid it specifically in the evening people automatically assume you were drunk.You can also overdo things at work,school,gym etc. 「昨夜は、飲み過ぎた。」 Overdo=やり過ぎること。この場合、飲み会のことを話しているので、Overdidと言えば、周りに「飲み過ぎた」と解釈されます。 "I got hammered last night" To get very drunk eg.We went to a wine bar and got totally hammered 「昨夜は、泥酔した。」 Get hammered=酔っ払うこと、泥酔。 例文:「ワインバーに行って来て、酔っ払っちゃったよ。」 "I had one too many drinks last night." To have one too many is too have too much alcohol to drink/too many glasses of alcohol. 「昨夜は、飲み過ぎた。」 One too many=○○のし過ぎ。この場合、One too many drinksなので、お酒の飲み過ぎのこと。 You could also say : sloshed= to get drunk eg.I drank a lot of wine and got sloshed (他には、Sloshedと言う動詞を使うこともできます。例文:「ワインを沢山飲んで酔っ払った。」)
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I drank too much yesterday.

  • I have a hangover.

If someone wakes up with a hangover, they feel sick and have a headache because they have drunk a lot of alcohol the night before. She had a bad hangover. At my age the hangovers have become unbearable. You are simply suffering from a hangover.
二日酔いで目覚めると、前日の夜にたくさんアルコールの飲んだので、具合が悪く頭が痛いです。 She had a bad hangover. 彼女は二日酔いです。 At my age the hangovers have become unbearable. 私の年齢で二日酔いは耐えられません。 You are simply suffering from a hangover. 単に二日酔いで苦しんでいます。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Oh, I am so hungover. I drank way too much yesterday.

  • 2. [for social media] Oh, I am soooo hungover. I drank way too much yesderday (then emoji for hangover or sick).

1. "Oh" in an interjection, meaning to express emotion, surprise and in this case discomfort. Then, "I am so hungover. I drank way too much yesterday." is direct and to the point. If you are writing this for sms messages or social media: Then #2. This is not good grammar, but this is how people actually express themselves today on social media. By putting the extra ooooo on "soooo" is to say that you are really hungover. Then after you write, "Oh, I am soooo hungover. I drank way too much yesterday." I would follow this with an appropriate emoji.
1. "Oh"は、驚きや(この場合は)不快な気持ちを表す間投詞です。そして、"I am so hungover. I drank way too much yesterday."(ひどい二日酔いだ。昨日は飲み過ぎた)では、ストレートに言いたいことを伝えています。 SMSやソーシャルメディア(SNS)に書くのであれば、#2の表現が使えます。文法的には正しくないですが、SNSではこのようにして気持ちを表す人が多いです。"so"を"soooo"として、二日酔いがひどいことを強調しています。 私なら、"Oh, I am soooo hungover. I drank way too much yesterday."(ああ、ひどい二日酔い。昨日は飲み過ぎた)と書いた後、適切な絵文字を入れます。
Wolfgang DMM英会話講師
  • I had too much to drink yesterday.

  • Yesterday, I went a little overboard with the alcohol.

  • I drank past my limit yesterday.

When you have too much to drink you feel really horrible and full of regret the next morning. To say that you had too much to drink we can use the sentences above. Overboard: too far "I wish I didn't have so much to drink, I don't feel so great."
飲みすぎると、翌朝ひどい気分になり、後悔するものです。このことを伝えるには、これらの文を使うといいでしょう。   Overboard: いきすぎる   "I wish I didn't have so much to drink, I don't feel so great." (飲みすぎなければよかった。気分がよくない。)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I drank too much yesterday.

  • I overdid it last night.

  • I had one too many last night.

I drank far too much last night. I had too much to drink last night. - when you drink more than you should have. Drinking too much alcohol usually causes a hangover. Therefore you can say 'I have a hangover.' or 'I am very hungover today.'
I drank far too much last night. (昨日の夜は飲み過ぎた) I had too much to drink last night. - 飲み過ぎた時。 お酒を飲み過ぎると、大抵「hangover(二日酔い)」になります。なので: 'I have a hangover.' (二日酔いです) 'I am very hungover today.' (今日はひどい二日酔いです)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • yesterday I drank way too much

  • I am so hungover today

"yesterday I drank way too much" A simple expression explaining that yesterday you had drunk too much, often this refers to alcohol, and is stating you probably feel not so good. "I am so hungover today" This is a casually and widely used phrase, explaining that today you are 'hungover', this is the term of when one consumes/drinks too much alcohol the day before and you wake up the next day feeling really bad.
"yesterday I drank way too much" (昨日飲みすぎた。) 昨日飲みすぎたこと(たいていアルコールのことを指します)を伝えるシンプルな表現です。おそらく気分がよくないことを伝えています。   "I am so hungover today" (今日ひどい二日酔いだ。) これは、カジュアルで広く使われているフレーズで、二日酔いであることを伝えています。 'hungover'(二日酔い)は、お酒を飲みすぎて次の日起きるときにすごく気分が悪いという意味の言葉です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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