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2016/12/25 16:53
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  • How long does it take to get home?

所要時間を聞く時の決まり文句は How long does it take to ~です。 「~するのにどれくらい(時間が)かかる」 という意味です。 参考までに「~するのにいくら(お金が)かかる?」は How much does it cost to~ と言います。 どちらも旅行で良く使う表現ですので 押さえておいてください。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • What's your journey time home?

  • How long does it take to get home?

When asking these questions, you may explain the reason: "What's your journey time home? It's just that I need to know as the amount of ice I pack around the cake is dependent on the travel time."
これら質問をするときは、一緒に理由を伝えるといいでしょう。 例:"What's your journey time home? It's just that I need to know as the amount of ice I pack around the cake is dependent on the travel time."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How many hours does it take to get home?

そのままズバリ「家に帰るのに何時間かかりますか」の意味です。 前のアンカーの方が挙げてらっしゃるように、 「ケーキを買って自宅に帰るまでの時間」だとhow longで良い(むしろそちらの方が自然な表現)なのですが、 タイトル文に「何時間」と書いていますので、そのままズバリ直訳のhow many hoursも付けておきました。 ちなみに、 「何分」ならhow many minutes 「何秒」ならhow many seconds です。 普通にどのくらいと所要時間を聞きたいときはhow longがお勧めですが、もっと厳密に聞きたいときは、【how many 時間の単位】も使ってみて下さい(^^♪
  • Do you live far from here?

  • Do you live close/nearby?

"Do you live far from here?" "Do you live close/nearby?" Asking these will determine and answer the question of how long it will take them to get home, without melting the cake.
"Do you live far from here? ここからどのくらいの距離に住んでいますか? Do you live close/nearby? この近くに住んでますか? これらの質問はケーキなどを購入したときに保冷剤が必要か聞くときに尋ねられますが、 どちらもここから家に帰るまでにどのくらいかかるのかを尋ねています。"
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • How long will it take you to get home?

  • How long is your travel time?

"How long will it take you to get home?" This simple asks them to tell you how long it will take them to get home. "How long is your travel time?" This asks them how long the journey will be.
"How long will it take you to get home?" これらは家につくのにどのくらいかかるのかをシンプルに尋ねています。 "How long is your travel time?" これは、その旅路がどのくらいかかるのかと聞いています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • How long does it take to get home?

How long does it normally take to get home? Oh, around, thirty minutes or so, it doesn't take so long. That should be okay then, everything should last that long. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • How long does it take to get home?

  • How far is your home from here?

  • How far is your home?

How long does it take to get home? 家に帰るのにどのくらい時間がかかりますか? How far is your home from here? ここからあなたの家までは、どのくらいかかるの? もっと短く簡潔に言うなら How far is your home? 家まではどのくらいかかるの? でも大丈夫です^^
Riyo W DMM英会話講師
  • How long will it take you to get home?

  • How long will it be until you get the cake home?

I would say: "How long will it take you to get home?" This way, the customer will be able to tell you how many minutes or hours it will be until they arrive at their house. A more specific way of asking could be to say: "How long will it be until you get the cake home?" This might be better in case the customer is wondering why you want to know how far away they live. Then it would be easy to explain that you would like to help ensure the cake stays fresh for that length of time.
Rhi DMM英会話講師
  • Will it take you long to get home?

  • Do you need an ice pack?

  • How long does it take you to get home?

You can simply just ask the customer if they need an ice pack. This way there is no confusion. It might only take them 10 minutes to get home but they may need to stop in another shop before they get home. How long - How much time. How long will it take? / How much time will it take?
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • How long does it take for you to get home.

"How long does it take for you to get home." This means you want an estimate of how long it takes for them to get home so that you can advice them accordingly.
"How long does it take for you to get home." これは助言をするために、家までどのくらいかかるのかを知りたいということを意味しています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • how long does it take to get home from here

  • how many hours does it take to get to ..........from here

example "how long does it take to get home from here?". or "how many hours does it take to get to ............ from here?" or "i don't want it to spoil, how long does it take to get home from here?".
【例文】 "How long does it take to get home from here?". (ここから家までどのくらい時間がかかりますか?) "How many hours does it take to get to ............ from here?" (ここから~まで何時間かかりますか?) "I don't want it to spoil, how long does it take to get home from here?". (これを悪くしたくないです、家までどのくらいかかりますか?)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • How long does it take you to get home?

  • How far away do you live from here?

  • Do you live far from here?

Here are three different sentences that you can ask your customers to find out how far or how long it would take them to get home. Notice that the two different style of questions either ask how, "far," you are from something whereas the first example talks about, "how long," or how much time it takes to go home from there.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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