世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/03/05 16:56
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  • library

  • school library

libraryは「図書館」ですが、学校にある図書室もlibraryと言います。自宅に図書室がある場合もそれをlibraryと言います。 図書館ではなく学校の図書室だと明確にしたい場合はschool libraryと言います。
  • school library

  • library

In America, most schools have a room full of books where students can study in a quiet environment. Usually, we just call it a 'library' without any words to differentiate it from a non-school library. Of course, school libraries are usually smaller compared to other libraries, such as public libraries, which are community libraries funded by citizens of the town/city who pay taxes to the government to build these facilities. I hope that this is useful to you in your studies.
アメリカでは、ほとんどの学校に生徒が静かな環境で学習できる本のたくさん置かれた部屋があります。普通これは学校のものであることを示す言葉は加えず、単に 'library'(図書館)と言います。 もちろん、学校の図書館は普通、町民・市民の税金によって建てられる公共図書館などと比べ、大きさが小さいです。 勉強のお役に立てば幸いです。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • school library

  • library

  • book room

school library and library are the most common terms for such a place. book room or study are often described as a library but not so often, maybe a small library in someones house would be called 'book room' or 'study'
school library'(学校図書館)と 'library'(図書館)が最も一般的な言い方です。 'book room' または 'study' もしばしば 'library'(図書館)と定義されますが、あまり一般的ではありません。おそらく、家にある小さな図書館は 'book room' または 'study' と呼ばれます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • School libraray

  • Library

A "library" is a very big room with many shelves and books. They also have desks and chairs for students and people to sit at, to do their research, to study or just to read. It is always very quiet in a library so that you can concentrate or focus better. Most libraries have two different sections, one for adults and the other for children, where adults can volunteer to read stories to younger kids and they sometimes have games and other fun activities for the young ones, especially during vacation time. "I have a "study group" that meets at the library twice a week!" "study group" - a group of students that study together Where do you normally study? At the library! Why? It is quiet and peaceful at the library, no distractions!
"library"(図書館)は、本や棚がたくさん置かれた大きな部屋のことです。図書館には机や椅子もあり、学生らが座って研究をしたり勉強をしたり本を読んだりできます。 利用者が読書に集中できるよう、図書館はいつも静かに保たれています。 ほとんどの図書館には二つのセクションがあります。一つは大人用、もう一つは子ども用です。子ども用のセクションでは、特に休暇の時期になると、大人が子どもに本を読んであげたり、一緒にゲームをしたりする様子が見られます。 "I have a "study group" that meets at the library twice a week!"(週に二回仲間と図書館に集まって勉強をしています) "study group" - 一緒に勉強している学生のグループ Where do you normally study?(いつもはどこで勉強をしていますか) At the library!(図書館です) Why?(なぜですか) It is quiet and peaceful at the library, no distractions!(図書館は静かで落ち着きます、気を散らすものがありません)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • School library

  • bookmobile

School library - A location in which books are categorized by genre in alphabetical order and are stored for students to read. Students are required to fill out a form when taking books outside of the location. Bookmobile - a vehicle designed to be a library for people, particularly students. Bookmobiles are commonly seen on school grounds during book fairs.
School library(学校図書館) 生徒が読むための本が保管されている場所です。本はジャンルごとにアルファベット順に並べられています。ここから本を持ち出すときには、用紙に必要事項を書き込む必要があります。 ~~~~~~~~~ Bookmobile(移動図書館) 特に生徒が利用するための移動式の図書館のことです。"Bookmobile" はブックフェアのときに校庭によく止まっています。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • the library

  • the reading room

A library is a place where many books can be found and is normally a place where one needs to keep silent. Some libraries allow you to borrow their books for a certain period of time to bring home and read. This is also a place where one can study or do some work on their computer.
"library"(図書館)とは、たくさんの本がある場所です。みんなここでは静かにしないといけません。 ここから一定期間本を持ち出すことができる場合もあります。 ここには、勉強をしたり、あるいはパソコンを持ってきて仕事をする人もいます。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • School library.

A library is a room/rooms/facility that has different types of reading material, for example: books, magazines, comics. In a school library this material is used for educational purposes. Example: I need to study for my English exam so I will go to the school library after class.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Library

  • School/university/public libraray

At a school, the name of a room/facility where books are stored and students can read them is known as a library. You can see some. "Let's study in the library today!"
学校で、生徒が読むための本が保管されている部屋は 'library' と言います。いくつか言い方があります。 "Let's study in the library today!" (今日は図書館で勉強しよう)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • reading room

  • private library

図書がいっぱいある部屋、つまり小さい図書館のような場所は reading room と呼ばれます。図書館との違いは、サイズと、住民の誰でも使う公共施設ではないことです。従って、公共の public の代わりに、 private (個人用、民間の) library も言えます。 例 My friend’s dad claims he has the largest private library in the state. (友達の父の図書室は州一と主張してるそうです。)
  • Library

  • School library

  • Study hall

In this sense, you could call it just a library or a school library depending on how specific you wanted to be. Within libraries or the libraries themselves can be considered study halls which describes that this is a common space where people can sit quietly to read or focus on their studies.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • School library

  • Library

A room or facility in a school where books are stored so that students can read from is called either the library or the school library. Many schools are equipped with their own library so that it is easy and convenient to do their research. School libraries usually have books on various academic subjects, newspapers, and computers where students can access the internet. Here are some example sentences:- 1. School Library:- "I need to go to the school library so that I can complete my school project." 1. Library :- "Where is the library? ihave to go there to get some information for my homework."
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • The library

  • School library

In the library is where you can go to read books in your spare time or borrow them to take home. There is normally a huge variety of books to fictional to non fictional and magazines. A library is normally a quiet place and you need to respect others that might be in there reading or doing work.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • library

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ 「図書室」はlibraryと言います。 libraryは「本がたくさん置いている場所」のことを言うので、 「図書室」も「図書館」もどちらもlibraryと言います。 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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