Can you wrap this for me please? It's a Christmas gift.
Can you wrap this as a Christmas gift please?
Can you wrap this as a Christmas present please?
present - gift
A: Can you wrap this for me please? It's a Christmas gift.
B: Sure. Would you like for me to use Christmas colored wrapping paper?
A: Yes, please.
A: Can you wrap this as a Christmas present please?
B: Okay. Would you like to add a bow on top?
A: Yes, thank you.
A: Can you wrap this for me please? It's a Christmas gift.
B: Sure. Would you like for me to use Christmas colored wrapping paper?
A: Yes, please.
A: Can you wrap this as a Christmas present please?
B: Okay. Would you like to add a bow on top?
A: Yes, thank you.
I'd like to give this item as a Christmas gift, can you please wrap it?
Many stores have services like this around Christmas time, where you can get the item that you purchased gift-wrapped. If you purchased an item at a store and would like the item wrapped, you can ask the sales clerk or store attendant to do it for you.:-
1. Can you please gift-wrap this item?
2. I'd like to give this item as a Christmas gift, can you please wrap it?
1. Can you please gift-wrap this item?
2. I'd like to give this item as a Christmas gift, can you please wrap it?
I would like this wrapped as a Christmas gift, please!
Can you wrap these with Christmas paper, please?
These examples are very clear about what you are asking for and what you want them to do.
"I would like this wrapped as a Christmas gift, please!"
"Can you wrap these with Christmas paper, please?"
"I would like this wrapped as a Christmas gift, please!"
"Can you wrap these with Christmas paper, please?"
Could you please wrap this for me. It is a Christmas present.
Could you please wrap this for me.- This is a polite way to ask them to wrap for you.
It is a Christmas present.- This is to notify them what it is for so that they are aware of the right wrapping paper to use.
"Could you please wrap this for me.
It is a Christmas present.
Would you mind + Verb ing - we use this form when we ask someone very politely to do something for us.
"Would you mind leaving your keys at recxeption whnever you go out of the hotel?"
To have something done - we use this form when someone does some work or favour for us.
"I'm taking my car to the garage to have the tyres done."
"I'm going to the hairdresser's to have my hair done."
Would you mind + Verb ing - 誰かに何かを頼むときに使うとても丁寧な表現です。
例:"Would you mind leaving your keys at reception whenever you go out of the hotel?"
To have something done -このフォームは、誰かから何かをしてもらったことを表現するのに使います。
例:"I'm taking my car to the garage to have the tyres done."
"I'm going to the hairdresser's to have my hair done."
Could you wrap this for me please, as it's for a Christmas present/gift
Could you wrap this for me please as i'm giving it as a Christmas gift/present
Would you wrap this for me please as it's for a gift/present for Christmas
If you want to ask someone to wrao something for you then you could say 'Could you wrap this for me please?' or 'Would you wrap this for me please?' by adding please you are being polite and asking nicely
by adding 'as it's for a Christmas present/gift' or 'as i'm giving it as a Christmas present/gift' this explains why you would like it wrapped
”Could you wrap this for me, please?"または、”Would you wrap this for me, please?"は、どちらとも「これを包装してもらえますか?」という意味の表現です。”Please"を付け加えると丁寧な言い方になります。
”As it's for a Christmas present/gift"(クリスマスプレゼントなので)または、”As I'm giving it as a Christmas present/gift"(クリスマスプレゼントとして渡すので)と付け足せば、包装して欲しい理由を説明できます。