Japanese professional baseball has two leagues: the Central League and the Pacific League, and each league has six teams.
Japanese professional baseball has two leagues: the Central League and the Pacific
League, and each league has six teams.
In Japanese professional baseball, 12 teams are divided into 2 leagues, the Central League and the Pacific League.
「分ける」という意味のdivideを使って、~ be divided into ~「~が~に分かれている」を使うといいですね。ちなみにdivideは引き算のときにも使います。
例:10 ÷ 5 = 2 (読み方:10 divided by 5 equals 2)
この話題を使って、Have you seen Japanese professional baseball games? (日本のプロ野球試合を見たことがありますか?)Would you like to go to see the Japanese professional baseball game with me? (私と日本のプロ野球試合を見に行きませんか?)と話題が広がったりするといいですね。^^