世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2016/12/31 00:04
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  • My daughter's college tuition (alone) is about/roughly $25,000.


授業料は英語で "Tuition" といいます。(カタカナ発音だと、テュイション、という感じで発音)
さらに寄宿舎/寮がついているような学校だと、Room and Board. という表現を用います。

大学の学費と言う際には、"college tuition" あるいは "Tuition for college" というのが一般的です。
今回は「〜です」となっていたので原型の is を用いましたが、もしも娘さんが卒業されていたら was となります。学費だけでもこれだけ!という意味で alone を付け加えるのもいいかと思います。


PS: 300万円は現行レートでざっくり計算しました。通常であればわかりやすくするために、100円=1ドルで用いることが多いですね。

Tachiiri 事業開発コンサルタント、Zen English
  • My daughter's tuition fees is roughly 3 million Yen.

  • The amount for my daughter's tuition fees is almost 3 million Yen.

>My daughter's tuition fees is roughly 3 million Yen.
>The amount for my daughter's tuition fees is almost 3 million Yen.

Both sentences are good to use in this situation and clearly explains that the tuition fees are almost 3 million Yen.

My daughter's tuition fees is roughly 3 million Yen.
The amount for my daughter's tuition fees is almost 3 million Yen.


Denton DMM英会話講師
  • My daughter's tuition costs 3 million yen for four years.

  • For my daughter's tuition, for a four year university, costs 3 million yen.

"My daughter's tuition costs 3 million yen for four years." expresses the cost of your daughter's tuition.

"My daughter's tuition costs 3 million yen for four years."

Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • My daughter's college tuition is estimated at 3 million yen!

  • College tuition for my daughter is approximately 3 million yen!

"My daughter's college tuition is estimated at 3 million yen!"
"College tuition for my daughter is approximately 3 million yen!"

"Estimated" and "Approximately" is when we do not know the exact amount

"My daughter's college tuition is estiated at 3 million yen!"
"College tuition for my daughter is approximately 3 million yen!"


Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • My daughter's college fees are killing me!

  • Over 4 years my daughter's college fees amount to 3 million yen!

If you think it's super expensive and wish to stress this fact, it may be a more powerful message if you describe how this big expense affects you. If something " killing me" it means that this situation is causing you stress:
"Travelling two hours on the bus to get to work every day is killing me!"
However, if you just want to give the stark information, you may just quote the figures:
"I travel over 350 miles every day for my commute, 6 days a week, 12 months a year!"

もしすごく高価だというその事実を表現したいのなら、そのお金がどれだけ自分に影響するのかを表現するパワフルなメッセージが良いでしょう。is killing meという表現はまさにそれがあなたにとって大きなストレスの一つになっているという意味です。
"Travelling two hours on the bus to get to work every day is killing me!" バスで二時間の通勤は骨が折れる。
However, if you just want to give the stark information, you may just quote the figures:
例:"I travel over 350 miles every day for my commute, 6 days a week, 12 months a year!"

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My daughter's tuition fees is approximately three million yen

  • My daughter's tuition is in the region of three million yen.

  1. My daughter's tuition fees is approximately three million yen.
    The word "approximately" is used to show that something is almost, but not completely, accurate or exact; roughly.

  2. My daughter's tuition is in the region of three million yen.
    The phrase "in the region of" means the same as "approximately" or "roughly".

  1. My daughter's tuition fees is approximately three million yen.

  2. My daughter's tuition is in the region of three million yen.
    "in the region of"も、"approximately"や"roughly"と同じ意味です。

Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I will be shelling out 3million yen in college fees over the next 4 years

  • I will have to pay out 3million yen in college fees for my daughter over the next 4 years.

Shell out or to shell something out is a phrasal verb that is used when we want to tell people we are having to pay money for something, especially something that we consider expensive or when we have an unexpected and unpleasant expense.
'I had to shell out for a new tyre on my car.'
You can replace the phrase 'shell out' with 'pay out' which has the same meaning.

"Shell out"または"to shell~"は、「特に高価なもの、または予期しなかったものにお金を払う」という意味のイディオムです。

'I had to shell out for a new tyre on my car.'

"shell out"は”pay out”としても同じ意味です。

Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • My daughter's tuition is roughly 3 million yen.

  • My daughter's college fees are roughly 3 million yen.

  • My daughter's university tuition is about 3 million yen.

Within these three sentences we can interchangeably use the word, "tuition," or, "fees," in order to mean the same thing. Depending on American accent with, "college," and British English with, "university," we can also change these words as well.

Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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