世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/01/09 18:19
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  • Drive and use a phone

  • Driving while on a phone

  • Driving and texting

「携帯を使いながら運転」なら1つ目の"Drive and use a phone"で十分です。 2つ目を使って文章の例を作ってみますね。 "My friend crashed my car driving while on a phone."(友達が私の車を電話しながら運転して事故った) 3番目の"texting(または単にtext)"はショートメールなど携帯のメッセージング機能を使ったやり取りです。LINEなどを使ったやり取りも同じ言い方ができます。馴染みがないと戸惑ってしまう表現かと思うので、この機会に参考にしておいてください。 Don't drive and text. It's a bad idea.
  • Phoning while at the wheel

  • Illegally telephoning while driving

  • Engaged on a call while in control of a vehicle

At the wheel = driving a motor vehicle of some kind Illegally.. = doing something which is against the law or contrary to current regulations. "He's illegally selling drugs to school children." Engaged on a call = making or receiving a telephone call. 'While in control of a motor vehicle.' This is a phrase taken from the wording of various traffic offences in the UK. "The man was charged with being drunk whilst in control of a motor vehicle and sentenced to 3 months imprisonment."
At the wheel = 何かしら乗り物を運転している Illegally.. = 法律違反で、違法に "He's illegally selling drugs to school children." 学校の子に違法でドラッグを売っている。 Engaged on a call = 電話にでている、またはかけている。 'While in control of a motor vehicle.' 運転中に:UKの交通違反でよく使われる表現です。 例:"The man was charged with being drunk whilst in control of a motor vehicle and sentenced to 3 months imprisonment."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Driving and texting caused an accident

  • Using your phone while driving contributed to the crash

Using your phone while driving is never recommended. In fact, it's illegal. Since you were distracted from driving while using a phone, an accident occurred.
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • Texting and driving

  • Using your cell phone while drving

Texting - Means to send someone a text message _______________________________________________________ A: Have you heard about the huge car accident? B: No. What happened? A: John was texting and driving. As a result he collided with a truck.
Texting - Means to send someone a text message Texting=携帯メールすること。_______________________________________________________ A: Have you heard about the huge car accident? B: No. What happened? A: John was texting and driving. As a result he collided with a truck. ≪例文≫ A. 大きな自動車事故のこと聞いた? B. ううん。何があったの? A. ジョンが運転しながら携帯メールしてたんだ。そうしたら、トラックに衝突したんだよ。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Being on a call while driving

  • Driving and texting

"Being on a call while driving " This means you are engaged n a phone call and driving at the same time. Driving and texting This means you are driving and writing/typing messages at the same time.
"Being on a call while driving " ①「運転しながら電話している。」 運転と電話を同時に行っていること。 Driving and texting ②「運転しながらテキストしていること。」 運転と携帯でメッセージを打つことの両方を同時作業していること。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • They were driving while using their cellular device.

  • I saw them talking on the phone while driving.

  • They were texting and driving.

All of these expressions can be used to tell someone that you saw said person on their mobile device/phone while operating their vehicle.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • The accident was caused by a driver texting while driving.

  • There was an accident as a result of the driver texting while driving.

  • Like many accidents this particular one was caused as a result of the driver being on his phone and not focussing on the road.

To express that an accident happened as a result of someone being on their phone you may say that the accident was caused as a result of the driver texting while driving. Texting while driving is a well-known expression in English and is similar to that of drinking while driving . Both are in many countries considered a criminal offense.
電話を使っていたために起こった事故のことを説明する場合は: The accident was caused as a result of the driver texting while driving. (その事故は、運転中に携帯メールを打っていて、起こりました。) と言うことができます。 Texting while driving(運転しながら携帯メールを打つこと)は、よく知られている表現で、 drinking while driving(飲酒運転)とよく似ています。 どちらも、多くの国で犯罪とみなされます。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
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