Ebisu is one of the Seven ucky Gods and he is a god of prosperity.
Ebisu worship is popular among merchants.
Because Osaka has developed as a city of merchants, Festival of Ebisu called Ebessan is a very popular festival in Osaka.
Seven Lucky Godsとなっているので、これを使います。godsと複数形になることでキリスト教の唯一神とは違うとわかりますので、このSは絶対落とさないようにしてください。
恵比寿はone of the Seven lucky Gods であること、a god of prosperity であること。商売をする人たちが信仰していることぐらいが言えれば良いでしょう。
Ebisu is one of the Seven Lucky Gods, and he is a god of prosperity.
Ebisu worship is popular among merchants.
Because Osaka has developed as a city of merchants, Festival of Ebisu called Ebessan is a very popular festival in Osaka.