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fish は単複同形だと習いましたが、DMMの先生(フィリピン人)が複数形はfishesだと言います。地方によって違うのでしょうか? また、carp,tuna,sharkのような、魚の種類も、単複同形なのでしょうか? 野球の広島カープは、他の球団名と違ってcarpsとは言わないのは単複同形のルールからだと聞きました。
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2015/12/19 11:19
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  • Fish

  • Fishes

  • (type of fish)~s

Hey there! ユーコネクトの英語コーチのアーサーです! この質問、難しいですね!正直に言うと、ネイティブ同士でも賛成できません。人によって、「魚」の複数形は「fish」か「fishes」です。僕は個人的に「fish」と言いますが、「fishes」を言う人が多いです。 もし魚の種類を言ったら「~s」をつけます。 A: There are many fish here! What kind are they? B: I think they’re all sharks. A: Oh no!!! でもご注意ください! 「~s」をつけると、まだ生きている魚という意味になります。 もし食事のために用意された魚だったら、複数形を使います。 A: There is a lot of fish on the menu. What is everyone getting. B: Three people will get salmon, two people will get carp. お役に立てたかな? よろしくお願いします! 応援しています! アーサーより
  • Fish

複数の魚を指す時はesを付けないでfishと言う事が多いです。 Look at those fish, they're so colorful! (見てあの魚たち、とてもカラフル!) ただ、ダイビング等に行って色んな種類の魚を見て、あえて複数の魚の種類をを見た事を伝えたい場合はfishesと言う時もあります。 I can't believe all the different fishes we saw when diving in Palau! (パラオでダイビングをした時に見た魚の種類はすごかった!(多かった)) 因に複数の魚や、群がっている魚は"school of fish"と言います。 魚の学校?何じゃそれ?ってなりますよね。英語では複数系の動物の呼び方がめちゃくちゃだったりします。 フェレットの複数形= a business of ferrets カラスの複数形= a murder of crows ネイティブでも???な状況なのでfishとfishesのどちらが正しいかに関してもたくさんの意見があるのでしょうね!
  • I caught 3 tuna when I went fishing yesterday.

  • The water is full of sharks so don't go swimming!

  • I saw 2 carp in the garden pond.

In the UK, 'Fish' is the usual plural form of 'fish'. 'Fishes' is sometimes used in children's stories or by some people when talking about different 'species of fishes'. It is heard rarely although 'fishes' may be used as the plural form. Tuna or tunas may be used in the plural form, but 'tuna' is the most common. Carp has a plural form, 'carps' but 'carp' is the norm. The plural form of 'shark' is 'shark' or 'sharks'. For some reason. 'sharks' is a more popular plural form. but the singular form is always a correct plural form. TIP The singular form may be used as the plural form for ALL species of fish.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Fish

  • Fishes

The plural of fish is fish: - "Fish" is one of those odd words that's usually both singular and plural—like "deer" We saw so many colourful fish in the river No fish were registered But fishes has a few uses. In biology, for instance, fishes is used to refer to multiple species of fish. For example, if you say you saw four fish when scuba diving, that means you saw four individual fish, but if you say you saw four fishes, we might infer that you saw an undetermined number of fish of four different species. Fishes, with an apostrophe, also serves as the plural possessive of fish— for example, the fishes’ scales were yellow. And of course fishes is the present-progressive verb (e.g., she fishes in the river).
魚の複数形はfishです。 Fishはちょっと奇妙ですけど、単数でも複数でも使えるんです。deerという単語もこれと一緒です。 例 We saw so many colourful fish in the river No fish were registered しかし、一方でfishesというのは使用法が少ないですね。 例えば生物学でfishesというと、複数の種類の魚を指します。 例えば、スキューバで4匹の魚をみたとき、four fishesといえば、それぞれ別の種類の魚を4匹見たという意味を示唆します。 Fishesにアポストロフィが付く場合、これは複数形で所有格を表します。例 Fishes' scales were yellow. また動詞として魚釣り、という意味もありますよね。 She fishes in the river.
Sharon R DMM英会話講師
  • Fish

  • Fishes

Fish The plural of fish is usually fish. Fishes Refers to more than one species of fish . Examples They caught several fish. The list of endangered species includes nearly 600 fishes. List of plural form of fish species: Sharks Carps Tuna Guppies Goldfish
Fish (魚) fishの複数形は通常fishです Fishes(魚) 2種類以上のfishを指します (例) They caught several fish (彼らは魚を数匹捕まえた ) The list of endangered species includes nearly 600 fishes (絶滅危惧種のリストには約600種の魚が含まれている) ▼複数形の魚種リスト - Sharks(サメ) - Carps(鯉) - Tuna(マグロ) - Guppies(グッピー) - Goldfish(金魚)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Fish

  • Fishes

When referring to one species of fish, for example, salmon, or carp, tuna,, and shark, the plural is fish. For example if there were a lot of salmon in a particular area in the sea, you will say, there were a lot of fish in that area. The same plural form 'fish' would be applied to a lot of carp, a lot of tuna, and a lot of sharks. However, when referring to all these species inhabiting the seas, each in large numbers, they can be referred to as fishes. For example, you may say: There are lots of fishes of different species in the sea.
例えば、鮭、鯉、マグロ、サメのように1つの種類の魚について話すときは、複数形は fish です。 たとえば海のある地域にたくさんの鮭がいた場合、There were a lot of fish in that area.と言います。 それが鯉でもマグロでもサメでも、同じ種類の魚がたくさんいるときは複数形は fish になります。 ところが、これらの種類の魚がそれぞれたくさんその海に生息している場合、魚の複数形は fishes になります。 例えば、 There are lots of fishes of different species in the sea.(その海にはいろいろあ種類の魚がたくさんいる。)となります。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • FISH is both singular & plural...(Scientists sometimes use the tems " FISHES" in the study of different species

  • GIve me ten fish please...there are lots of people coming to dinner!

This is a source of confusion for many ;-) NO native speaker say FISHES! As for shark/ tuna /and carp..there is no defined rule in my opinion. There can be sharks in the water! IE: Some shark(s) have very sharp teeth and may attack people. (but not tunas!! or Carps!!!) There may be many tuna /carp caught in the net!
これは多くの人にとって混乱するものですね! ネイティブスピーカーで fishes と言うひとはいません! shark(さめ)、tuna(マグロ)、carp(鯉)についてですが、私から言うととくに決まったルールはありません。 "sharks" (複数形)がいると言うこともできます。 例えば、 Some shark(s) have very sharp teeth and may attack people. (サメによっては鋭い歯を持っていて人間を襲う。) という事もできます。 でも tunas や carps は言いません! There are many tuna/carp caught in the net. (マグロ/鯉が網に捕らわれています) と単数形で言うことも可能です。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Lots of fish

  • some fish

  • a school of fish

The plural form of "fish" is "fish". The amount of fish can be indicated by the words that preface the word "fish" Lots of = large number some = medium number A school of fish = a large number/a family of fish (You can't use "school" for other animals like birds or dogs. Only "fish")
Fishの複数形はFishです。 魚の数は、fish という単語の前に数字を置くことで表すことができます。 Lots of = たくさんの数の some = そんなにたくさんでない、何匹かの A school of fish = たくさんの数、魚の家族 (school は、鳥や犬のような動物には使えません。魚にのみ使用します)
Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • Fish (when referring to fish in general)

  • Fishes (when counting the number of fish in a personal aquarium e. g.)

Fish is used in the "singular" form in plural given that in English the noun "fish" is uncountable. This is the usual standard, but when referring to different types of fish, or counting the number of fish in a small body of water such as a personal aquarium, then fishes is appropriate. Examples: There are a lot of fish in the ocean--over four trillion fish. (Generalized) Tuna and sharks feed on smaller fishes. (implying different species of fish) Tuna and carp tend to follow that same rule above. Sharks do not.
Brayan DMM英会話講師
  • fish

  • tuna

  • sharks

As a Canadian, it is much more common to refer to many fish as simply 'fish'. Example: "There are plenty of fish in the sea!" It may occur sometimes that you would hear fish referred to as 'fishes', but it isn't very common and isn't really considered proper grammar. To me, it sounds more like something somebody might say as a joke or to sound cute, or maybe a young child might say it. :) This might be different in other countries though! Many tuna would be called 'tuna', not 'tunas'. However, many sharks would be called 'sharks'! English can be a very tricky language sometimes. What a great question!
Rhi DMM英会話講師
  • Fish.

  • Fishes.

Fish Fishes Technically, or at least as far as I am aware, fish are uncountable so you shouldn't pluralise the word since there is no need. However, there is the option of saying fishes, but generally I would say that fish is the singular and plural of the word. When it comes to types of fish it depends, for instance, when I say carps and tunas out loud it doesn't sound right, but sharks sounds fine. So it all depends. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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