It's not worth going anywhere during New Years = 年末年始はどこに行く価値もない。
Not worth = 相場に見合わない
新年等のイベントごとはNew Years、と大文字で書きましょう。
holiday seasonはだいたい12月下旬から元旦の間をしめします。
はっきりと年末を言うなら year-end holiday seasonといっても良い。
I'm sick of〜
I'm tired of〜
packed, jam packed
1.Everywhere is usually crowded around December, its really tiring.
I'm tired of dealing with crowds everywhere in December.
These two sentences mean the in the month of December (end of year) everywhere you go will be crowded and its a tiring experience. In many countries December is Christmas season, a time when a lot of people are shopping and trying to do all they need before the year finishes.
Everywhere is usually crowded around December, its really tiring.
I'm tired of dealing with crowds everywhere in December.
In my first sentence, I used the phrase "wears me out". This is a common phrase among native English speakers. When used to describe yourself or another person, it means that you are tired and are in need of rest.
In my second sentence, I used the phrase "takes so much energy". In this context, it means that you have to put forward a lot of effort to get anything done. The end result is that you are tired.
In my third sentence, I used the phrase "takes a lot out of me". This is similar to "takes so much energy". It says that you have to put a lot of effort into going somewhere and that you need to rest afterwards.
はじめの文では、"wears me out"というフレーズを使いました。これは、ネイティブスピーカーがよく使うフレーズです。人について使うと、「疲れさせる」という意味になります。
2つ目の文では、"takes so much energy"というフレーズを使いました。この場合、「たくさんの労力を必要とする」という意味です。その結果、疲れてしまうというわけです。
3つ目の文は、"takes a lot out of me"というフレーズを使いました。これは"takes so much energy"と似ています。どこかに行くとエネルギーを使って疲れてしまうと言っています。
If you are talking about during the holidays or a specific time you can mention that. For example I would say "I hate the crowds during New Years, I try to avoid them".
"I hate the crowds during New Years, I try to avoid them"
The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that you are tired at the end of the year because every place you go to is overcrowded. In the first sentence you will see the word exhaust and in the second sentence you will see the phrase worn out. They both mean tired. The first sentence is suitable for a formal setting, like talking with your boss or a client, while the second sentence is suitable for an informal setting, like talking with close friends or family.
一つ目の文章では”exhaust"という動詞、二つ目の文章には”worn out”というフレーズを使っていますが、どちらとも「疲れる」という意味です。
The 31st of December is referred to as 'New Year's Eve'. 'Eve' is an old English word meaning the day before, but you are unlikely to hear it other than in 'New Year's Eve' and 'Christmas Eve'. You may also hear 'New Year's Eve' shortened to 'New Year's'.
To explain that you get tired because everywhere is crowded, you could say 'everywhere is crowded SO I get tired' or 'I get tired BECAUSE everywhere is crowded'.
12月31日のことは'New Year's Eve'(大みそか)と呼ばれます。'Eve'は「前日」という意味の古い英語ですが、'New Year's Eve'や'Christmas Eve'(クリスマスイブ)以外の呼び方はしません。'New Year's Eve'を省略して'New Year's'と言うこともあります。
'everywhere is crowded SO I get tired'(どこも込んでいるので疲れる)
'I get tired BECAUSE everywhere is crowded'(どこも込んでいるので疲れる)