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2017/01/12 23:36
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  • I have a work project due tomorrow, so I've been busy recently.

  • I have a project due tomorrow, so I've been busy with that.

  • I've been busy working on a project that's due tomorrow.

英訳1:納期が明日までなので、「明日まで納期の仕事があって」は現在形、忙しかったのは今(最近)までなので現在完了形を使います。 英訳2:この場合の「仕事」とは、1のように work project と言ってもいいし、単に project でもOKです。 英訳3:「〜で忙しい」というには、be busy ~ing という形で表します。 1, 2とは節の順序を入れ替えてますが、1や2に比べて言いやすいし結論を先に言うので自然な表現です。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • I was caught up with my assignment which is due tomorrow and my schedule was hectic recently.

明日納期の仕事: an assignment due tomorrow 最近とても忙しい: my schedule was hectic recently ご参考になれば幸いです。
Yuiko Manager Research & Administration, ECC Junior講師
  • I have a work project due tomorrow. I've been really busy recently.

  • I've been really busy recently due to a work project that's due tomorrow.

"I have a work project due tomorrow. I've been really busy recently." I assume you mean you have a work-based task that was due so it is best to use the phrase "work project"as this is more commonly used in English. "I've been really busy recently due to a work project that's due tomorrow." The other way to state this is to mention that you've been busy first and the expand on to the reason why afterwards
"I have a work project due tomorrow. I've been really busy recently."(明日が納期の仕事があって、最近すごく忙しかったです) = 締め切りを迎える仕事の課題があるということだと思います。それなら、"work project" というフレーズを使うのがベストです。英語でよく使われます。 "I've been really busy recently due to a work project that's due tomorrow."(明日が納期の仕事があって、最近すごく忙しかったです) = まず忙しかったと伝えて、それからその理由を説明することもできます。
Chinique DMM英会話講師
  • I have a work project due tomoroow so I have been really busy recently

  • I've been really busy doing a project that's due tomorrow

If you want to say you have not had much time as you have been working then this is said to be 'busy' or 'really busy' when explaining something that has happened not that long ago this is called 'recently' If something needs to be taken or handed in then it is said to be 'due' then
「仕事で時間がなかった」は、'busy'(忙しい)や 'really busy'(とても忙しい)で表せます。 何かが最近起きたことは、'recently'(最近)で表せます。 何かを提出しなければならないなら、'due'(期限が来た)が使えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I had a deadline for tomorrow so I was really busy.

  • I was really busy seeing that I had work due tomorrow.

  • Sorry I was unavailable, I had some work due for tomorrow that I needed to complete.

Seeing that: because Unavailable: unreachable Complete: finish Due: required Deadline: finishing time/due When we have a deadline we have little time to do anything else until we are done with the work. We can use the above sentences to express the idea that we were busy with completing work.
Seeing that: なぜなら Unavailable: 連絡が取れない Complete: 完了する Due: 求められている Deadline: 締め切り 締め切り(deadline)があると、その仕事が終わるまで、他のことをする時間はほとんどありませんね。 上記の文を使って、仕事で忙しかったことを伝えることができます。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I've got a deadline tomorrow so have been rather busy recently

  • I've been pretty snowed under recently as I've got a deadline to meet tomorrow

If you have a job due to be completed tomorrow and have been busy recently - and wish to express that, then one of the above expressions should do. If you are SNOWED UNDER, you have been struggling to complete all the necessary work you have.
「締め切りが明日の仕事があって最近忙しかった」なら、それは上記の文の一つを使って説明できます 'SNOWED UNDER' は「仕事が多過ぎて処理しきれない」という意味です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have an assignment due in tomorrow so I've been busy

  • I've been busy with work due tomorrow

  • I have a work deadline tomorrow so I've been busy with that

It's a very common expression to say you have a 'deadline' or saying something is 'due' for a date when talking about work or studying. There are many ways you could say 'job' such as 'task', 'assignment', 'project' or 'role'. Other expressions include: 'I was really busy since I have a work assignment due tomorrow' 'I've been busy working on an assignment that is due tomorrow'
deadline' や 'due' は、仕事や勉強について、よく使われます。 'job'(仕事)の言い方はたくさんあります。 例えば: 'task' 'assignment' 'project' または 'role' 次のように言うこともできます。 'I was really busy since I have a work assignment due tomorrow' (明日締め切りの仕事があってすごく忙しかったんです) 'I've been busy working on an assignment that is due tomorrow' (明日締め切りの仕事があって忙しかったんです)
Harriet R DMM英会話講師
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