世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/01/13 23:30
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  • You'll get used to it.

get used to ~ 「~に[慣れる](」 It might be embarrassing at first, but you'll get used to it in no time! 「はじめは恥ずかしい[かもしれない](けどすぐに慣れるよ!」 文化の違いは頭でわかっていても慣れるのに時間がかかると思います。慣れてしまえば なぜ躊躇していたのかも忘れてしまいますが・・・。 これからも先生に日本の文化や習慣を多く体験してもらえるといいですね。
  • You'll get used to it.

  • You'll be fine.

「すぐに[慣れるよ](」は、私も一番に You'll get used to it. の方を思いつきました。 その他だと、 You'll be fine. も言いやすいと思います。 「(すぐに慣れるから)[大丈夫だよ](」 という感じです。
Adam and Michiko 英語講師/ESAC英語学習アドバイザー
  • to get used to

  • to become familiar

  • to become accustomed

In English, when something is unfamiliar, we might speak of becoming used to it. For example: “I felt embarrassed taking my clothes off to get into the hot spring but after a little while, I got used to it.” A more formal way of expressing this is to use the word accustom. For example: “I felt embarrassed taking my clothes off to get into the hot spring but after a little while, I became accustomed to it."
英語では、unfamiliarといえば、何かになれようろしている、という時に使うことがあります。 例 “I felt embarrassed taking my clothes off to get into the hot spring but after a little while, I got used to it.” 温泉に入るために服を全部脱ぐのは恥ずかしいと感じていたけど、ちょっと経って、もう慣れた。 よりフォーマルな言い方としては 例 “I felt embarrassed taking my clothes off to get into the hot spring but after a little while, I became accustomed to it." I became accustomed to itという言い方があります。
Suzi DMM英語講師
  • You are not familiar with this but you will get use to it.

  • You are not familiar with this but you will get use to it.

>You are not familiar with this but you will get use to it. This is telling hi/her that you know that he/she is not use to this type of thing but soon it will sink in and will then be used to it.
You are not familiar with this but you will get use to it. 今は、このやり方に慣れていないが、すぐに慣れるということを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • You'll get used to it.

  • You'll be fine.

慣れるにはget used to …が使えます。 慣れるという意味ではないですが、例えば新しい地に引っ越すことを不安に思っている友達(すなわち新しい環境に慣れることが不安な友達)などにはきっと大丈夫だよという意味で You’ll be fine. も使えます。
  • It's quite normal here and you'll soon get used to it

  • It may be a challenge at first, but after a short time, you'll be fine!

In the UK, it is very rare that people are in the position of being naked with others in a public place and so, there may be some cultural barriers to overcome in this situation. However naturism is an activity pursued by minority groups and of course, such people will have no reservations about taking off their clothes! "I'm not sure I want be totally naked. can I leave my swimming costume on?" "No, that is not prohibited. It may be a challenge at first, but after a short time, you'll be fine!
イギリスでは人は公共の場で他人と裸になることはあまりないため、この状況では乗り越えなければならない文化の壁があるかもしれません。しかし裸体主義は少数派により追求されている活動でありもちろんそのような人々は服を脱ぐことに対して気兼ねしないでしょう。 会話例: "I'm not sure I want be totally naked. can I leave my swimming costume on?" (完全に裸になることに対して抵抗があります。水着を着たままでもいいですか?) "No, that is not prohibited. It may be a challenge at first, but after a short time, you'll be fine!" (いいえ、それは禁止されています。最初は難しいかもしれませんが少し時間が経てば大丈夫ですよ!)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You'll get used to it!

  • When in Rome!

If someone 'gets used to' something, it means they are now ok with it. Maybe they felt embarrassed or scared first time. 'When in Rome!' is a phrase used in English to mean, when you are in a new country, you should follow the local customs and culture. This phrase comes from a longer one... 'when in Rome, do as the Romans do'. We have shortened this to just when in Rome!
人が何かに'get used to' (慣れる)場合、今は大丈夫だということです。 おそらく、最初は恥ずかしかったり、怖かったことでしょう。 'When in Rome!' (ローマに入りては)は新しい国に行ったら、その国の週間や文化に習わなければならない、という英語の慣用句です。この慣用句は元来長い文から来ています。 'when in Rome, do as the Romans do'. (ローマに入りては、ローマ人のするようにしなければならない) 私達はこれを'when in Rome!'と短くして使っています。
Danno DMM英会話講師
  • Initially, it will seem strange, but you will get use to it.

  • After some time you will be accustomed to taking off your clothes for the hot springs.

Understanding that someone is unfamiliar is a great step to telling them that they will get use to it. Some things can be scary if you are not use to it. So always be kind and help them get accustomed to the current environment.
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • You'll get used to it soon.

  • You'll be nervous only at first.

おっしゃられている内容は以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) You'll get used to it soon. 「すぐに慣れるよ」 You'll be nervous only at first. 「不安なのは最初だけだよ」 get used to ~「~に慣れる」 at first「最初は」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
  • used to

  • become normal practice

When talking about getting used to something we may say something like "don't worry, it will become second nature soon". or " It feels strange at first but soon you will take it in your stride, you will be so used to it".
何かに慣れることを話す時私たちは、次のように言います。 【例】 "Don't worry, it will become second nature soon". (心配しないで、すぐに第二の天性となりますよ) " It feels strange at first but soon you will take it in your stride, you will be so used to it" (最初は奇妙かも知れないけど、一歩踏み出してみて、すぐになれるわよ)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • You'll become comfortable with it.

  • grow accustomed to it

You can explain to them that the more they do something the more comfortable it will become to them. For example you could say, "I know this is strange to you right now, but you'll become more comfortable with it if you do it more often." You can also say "grow accustom to it." I know this is strange to you right now, but you'll grow accustomed to it if you do it more often."
Madison T DMM英会話講師
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