「嘘が上手くないよ」と言うときは「You're not as good at lying as you think you are」
「嘘つきとして下手くそだよ」(こっちの方が親近感のある言い方です)と言うなら「You're not as good a liar as you think」が適切かと思います。
My first sentence is to be said to the person who is lying and is a warning. It says that, as a rule, you know when they are not being truthful. This would work equally well with a coworker or a child. It tells the person hearing it that it is not worth their time trying to lie.
The second sentence is more confrontational. In this case, you are saying that you know they are not being truthful. It is the type of sentence you would want to use right after someone tells you a lie.
The third sentence says that you can "see through" their lies. This is a common phrase among native English speakers. To "see through" a lie is to see past it to the truth.
三つ目の文には"see through your lies"という表現が使われています。これはネイティブがよく使います。"see through a lie"は「うそを見抜く」という意味です。
not as ... as ~ 「~ほど...ではない」という言い方を使ったものです。
As a native English speaker I would use the term "You're not as good a liar as you think" as this would be the most natural way for me to express this thought.
"You're not as good a liar as you think"(あなたは自分が思っているほどうそがうまくないよ)
You're not a very good liar.
You're not very good at lying.
You don't lie as well as you think you do.
Are all adequate responses.
You're not a very good liar.
You're not very good at lying.
You don't lie as well as you think you do.
The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that they are not as good at lying as they think. In the second sentence you will see the noun poker face. This is the kind of face that doesn't show any expression and can hide what one is actually feeling. So, if someone has a good poker face that means you can't tell if they are lying or telling the truth. The word poker face is appropriate for informal settings.
二つ目の例文に”Poker face"(ポーカーフェイス)という名詞がありますが、感情を出さない無表情という意味です。なので、”good poker face"というのは、表情からは真意が読めないとう意味です。ポーカーフェイスは、カジュアルな場面で使います。
Well, it is obvious that when someone lies, they believe their lie will be effective. However, some people are not proficient at this skill and may need to be reminded of that.