世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/02/09 22:32
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  • I can't hear anything.

こんにちは。 I can't hear anything.「何も聞こえない」と言えます。 It's too loud here.「ここうるさすぎる」と加えるとより伝わりやすいかと思います。 他には: I can't hear what you're saying.「なんて言ってるのか聞こえない」 I can't hear a thing you're saying.「なんて言ってるのか一言も聞こえない」 It's too noisy here.「ここうるさすぎる」 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • I can't hear you over the noise.

周りがうるさくて何にも聞こえない という場合でしたら、 I can't hear you over the noise. といいます。 もし、「電話が遠くて」など、婉曲的な言い方をしたい場合は I can't hear you because of bad connection. などといいます。 ご参考まで。
  • I can't hear you, there is too much background noise here

  • I can't hear a word you are saying, it's too noisy

Background noise is any type of noise that you are not specifically listening to E.g. I like the radio on for background noise while I am studying I can't sleep with all the background noise from the traffic I can't hear a word you are saying means it is so noisy I can't hear anything E.g. His accent is so strong, I can't understand a word he is saying
例えば勉強しているときのバックグランドでラジオが流れているのが好き 車やバイクの音がうるさくて眠れない I can't hear a word you are sayingは、ひとこともききとれない。 彼のアクセントは強すぎて、一言もききとれない。
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • I can't hear you, it's noisy where I am

1. I can't hear you, it's noisy where I am You can use this statement to let the person know that the reason you cannot hear them is because of the noise in your surroundings.
I can't hear you, it's noisy where I am (うるさくて何を言っているのか聞こえません) この表現を使って、あなたの周りがうるさくて相手の言っていることが聞こえないことを伝えることが出来ます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Please ,speak up! I can't hear you properly

  • I am in a noisy place and so I need you to speak a bit louder.

  • Louder please! I can't hear a thing with all this noise around me.

"Please ,speak up! I can't hear you properly" To speak up = To speak in a louder tone of voice so someone can hear you. e.g Could you speak up? We can't hear at the back "I am in a noisy place and so I need you to speak a bit louder." You are asking them to increase their volume to combat the background noise on your end. "Louder please! I can't hear a thing with all this noise around me." can't hear a thing = You can't hear anything they are saying. You can also say: You'll have to speak up, I can't hear you.
"Please ,speak up! I can't hear you properly" ①ちゃんと聞こえないので、大きな声で話して下さい。 To speak up =人に聞こえるように、大きな声のトーンで話すこと。 例文: Could you speak up? We can't hear at the back 大きな声で話してくれませんか?後の方は聞こえません。 "I am in a noisy place and so I need you to speak a bit louder." ②周りがうるさいところにいるから、もう少し大きな声で話して。 周りの騒音に掻き消されないよう声量を上げて話して欲しいと訴えています。 "Louder please! I can't hear a thing with all this noise around me." ③もっと大きな声で話して!周りがうるさくて、何も聞こえない! Can't hear a thing =相手の話が何も聞こえないこと。 もう一つ、こんな言い方もできます: You'll have to speak up. I can't hear you. 大きな声で話してくれないと、聞こえません。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, I'm in a very noisy place at the moment. Could you repeat that?

  • I apologise that there is so much background noise at my end.

If someone says something and you do not understand or there is too much noise on the line,. then you may just say: "Could you repeat that?" "Sure..." You could also offer an apology: "I apologise that there is so much background noise at my end." That is all you can do when the noise is beyond your control.
もし誰かが何かをいって、通信にノイズが入っているとき、こういえます。 "Could you repeat that?" もう一度いってくれますか? "Sure..." もちろん。 謝罪をいうこともできます。 "I apologise that there is so much background noise at my end." こっちがわノイズがひどいんだ、ごめんね。 ノイズが自分の手に負えない時には、こういうことしか言えないですよね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please speak a bit louder because there is a lot of noise here. I apologize.

  • I can hardly hear you because of the nose around here. Please speak up.

  • Please speak closer to the mouth piece because I can't hear you due to the noise around here. I apologize.

If you are speaking on the phone, and there is so much noise around you, you definitely will not be able to clearly hear the other person. You have no option but to apologize and politely ask the other person to speak a bit louder. So, you may say: Please speak a bit louder because there is a lot of noise here. I apologize. or I can hardly hear you because of the nose around here. Please speak up. or Please speak closer to the mouth piece because I can't hear you due to the noise around here. I apologize.
電話で話している時に周囲がうるさい時には相手の言っていることをはっきりと聞き取ることができません。話し相手に謝罪して丁寧にもう少し大きな声で話してほしいと伝えるしかありません。 よって次のように言うことができます: "Please speak a bit louder because there is a lot of noise here. I apologize." (ここはうるさいのでどうかもう少し大きな声で喋ってください。すみません。) または "I can hardly hear you because of the nose around here. Please speak up." (ここはうるさいのであなたの言っていることがあまり聞き取れません。どうかもう少し声を張り上げてください。) または "Please speak closer to the mouth piece because I can't hear you due to the noise around here. I apologize." (周囲の音であなたのことが聞き取れないのでどうか送話口に口をもっと近づけて喋ってください。すみません。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • There's too much noise around me

  • I'm in a noisy environment, please text me.

  • It's so noisy here, I can't hear you clearly.

If you are in a loud place it might be hard to hear what someone is saying over the phone. Use the sentences above to let the caller know that you are in a loud environment. You can ask the person to text so that they can communicate what they need to or they can call back later when you're in a quieter environment. "Call me later Susan, it is too loud here for me to hear you clearly." "I can't hear you over this noise, please text me and I'll get back to you."
うるさい場所にいると、人が電話越しで言ったことが聞き取れないことがあるかもしれません。これらの文を使って相手に伝えることができます。 相手にテキストを送るようにお願いすると、必要な連絡を取ることができますし、もしくは後で静かな場所から電話をかけ直すこともできます。   "Call me later Susan, it is too loud here for me to hear you clearly." (スーザン、後で電話して。ここがうるさすぎてはっきり聞き取れないよ。) "I can't hear you over this noise, please text me and I'll get back to you." (この音で聞こえないよ。テキストして、後で連絡するから。)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • There is a lot of interference on my end, and it's hard to hear you.

  • One moment please. I need to get to a quieter spot in order to hear what you're saying.

Another way that one can refer to the noise surrounding him/her is to use the word interference. It indicates that there is something that is causing a distraction or complications. In order to let the person on the phone know that the interference is drowning out what he/she is saying is to say "it's hard to hear you." If the person on the phone is in mid-sentence, it may be necessary to interrupt and say "One moment." It will keep one from missing out on what he/she is saying at the time. Needing a quieter spot implies that the current surroundings are noisy.
「周りの騒音」は "interference" でも表すことができます。これは、邪魔をするもの、気を散らすものがそこにあることを伝えます。騒音で相手の話が聞き取れないなら、"it's hard to hear you."(声が聞き取りにくい)と言えます。 電話の相手が今何か話しているなら、"One moment." と言って一度話を止めた方がいいかもしれません。相手の話を聞き逃さずに済みます。 "I need to get to a quieter spot"(静かな場所に移動しないと)は、「今いる場所はうるさい」という意味合いです。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • Could you speak up? I can't hear anything.

  • It is very noisy, could you speak up a little.

  • Sorry, it is very noise where I am, could you speak up a little?

The third is a bit of an extension on the second. All make perfect sense and will help you when you are ever in this situation. Good luck.
三つ目は二つ目を少し長くした感じです。どれも伝わります、この状況で使うことができます。 頑張ってください。
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Please speak up - I can barely hear you over all this noise around me.

  • I'm sorry, there's so much noise here that I can't hear a word you're saying.

1. Please speak up - I can barely hear you over all this noise around me. 2. I'm sorry, there's so much noise here that I can't hear a word you're saying. When you cannot hear the other person, always ask them to speak up which means to speak louder.The phrase, "over all this noise" means because of all the noise around you. I can't hear a word you are saying is a slight form of exaggeration which basically means that you can barely/hardly hear most of what the person is saying.
1. Please speak up - I can barely hear you over all this noise around me. (もっと大きな声で話してください。周りの音がうるさくてほとんど聞こえません。)  2. I'm sorry, there's so much noise here that I can't hear a word you're saying. (すみません、ここの音がうるさくて何も聞こえません。) 相手の声が聞こえないときは、大きな声て話すようにお願いしましょう。"over all this noise"は、自分の周りの音のせいでという意味です。   I can't hear a word you are saying(何も聞こえない)は、やや誇張表現です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
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