"My stomach is rumbling", is a common way of saying that you are hungry and want to eat.
When you hear this sound, you may also make a joke of it:
"I think my stomach's trying to tell me something."
You may also apologise for this sound if you are with other people.
"Excuse me, I didn't have time for breakfast!"
"My stomach is rumbling", お腹が空いて、食べるのをまっているときによく使われるフレーズです。
"I think my stomach's trying to tell me something." お腹がなにか伝えたがってるみたいだ。
"Excuse me, I didn't have time for breakfast!" ごめん、朝ごはん食べてきてなかったんだ。
Usually, before your stomach makes this noise you get a pre- warning that it is going to happen. In this case you can forewarn the people you are with:
'Oh no! My tummy is going to grumble'
You can also use the following words to mean stomach:
Tummy, belly, gut.
'Oh no! My tummy is going to grumble'
Tummy (おなか、ポンポン)
Belly (腹)
Gut (腹/腸)
When your stomach is making a noise because you're hungry, it is typically referred to as "growling stomach" or a "stomach rumble". For example, you can say:
-I was at an event with people and my stomach started rumbling before we were served our meals.
-A growling stomach may indicate hunger and sometimes it indicates that a person has a lot of gas.
お腹が減ってお腹が鳴っていることを通常 "growling stomach" (お腹が鳴る)または "stomach rumble"(お腹が鳴る)と言います。
-I was at an event with people and my stomach started rumbling before we were served our meals.
-A growling stomach may indicate hunger and sometimes it indicates that a person has a lot of gas.
We would say that our stomach, "growls," when it makes noise because we are hungry. We can also say that our, "tummy rumbles," to express the same thing when using the word tummy instead of stomach. My description of the sound it makes would be, "grrrrr."