世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/02/11 19:43
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  • I'd like to learn/know about your country's food culture.

  • Could you fill me on your country's food culture?

  • Could you tell me about your country's food culture?

食文化は、そのまま food culture でOKですので あなたの国の食文化を知りたい は I'd like to learn/know about your country's food culture. でOKです。 知りたい(学びたい)learn, know これはその方に「教えてほしい」ということだと思いますので、 ~したい は want toより、would ike to を使った方がよいですね。 (相手の人には関係ない(手間をかけない)事柄でしたら、want to, この場合のように、そう言うことによって、相手に何らかの手間を掛けさせてしまう場合には、「できたら…」という含みのある、would like to~ を使いとよいでしょう。 例・I want to improve my English. また例文2のように、「~教えてくださいますか?」と言ってもいいですね。 Could you fill me on your country's food culture? (fill 人 on~  ~について教える) それをさらに平易にしたのが、例文3です。 Could you tell me about your country's food culture? 参考になりましたら幸いです。
  • I am interested in learning about your national cuisines.

  • I would like to know more aboout the food in your country.

  • Ca you tell me more about your country's food ?

These are some of the ways you could ask about someone's national cuisine.You could also say: - I am keen on learning about your country's food. - What is your country's most famous dish?
他国の料理について聞きたいときに使う表現です。 他には、このような言い方ができます: - I am keen on learning about your country's food. -What is your country's most famous dish? ①あなたの国の食文化について大変興味があります。 ②あなたの国の最も有名な料理は何ですか?
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Could you tell me about your cuisine?

The cuisine of a country is the style of cooking that is characteristic of that place. ----------------------------------------- Example : It is a completely different cuisine from restaurant cooking. Its restaurant serves highly praised cuisine. Pasta and pizza knocked French cuisine into second place. The restaurant serves local cuisine with an Asian twist. The cuisine of Japan is low in fat.
その国のCuisine(料理)には、その国の特定な調理法が現れます。 例文: It is a completely different cuisine from restaurant cooking. Its restaurant serves highly praised cuisine. Pasta and pizza knocked French cuisine into second place. The restaurant serves local cuisine with an Asian twist. The cuisine of Japan is low in fat. ①それは、レストランの調理法とは全く異なる料理です。 ②そのレストランでは、高く評価されている料理をもてなします。 ③パスタとピザが、フランス料理を二位に転落させた。 ④このレストランでは、アジアン風味を加えた地元料理をもてなします。 ⑤和食は低脂肪です。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I am interested in trying food from India.

  • I have been wanting to learn about the food from China.

The terms "I am interested in..../I have been wanting to learn about..." can be used in a variety of situations where you show an interest in knowing more about or trying something new from a particular place or culture.
"I am interested in..../I have been wanting to learn about..." ある場所、文化について「もっと知りたい」「挑戦してみたい」と表すときに使える言い方です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to learn about your cuisine!

  • Can you teach me about your cuisine(food)?

  • I am very interested in your cuisine!

"Cuisine" is food cooked in a certain way, each country has their own way of preparing food. When I visit a new country, I like to try the local cuisine(food)! "I would like to learn about your cuisine(food)!" "Can you teach me about your cuisine(food)!" "I am very interested in your cuisine!"
"""cuisine""とはその国やレストランなどの特有の調理法で作られた料理のことです。 私の場合初めて訪れる国では、そこのローカルフードを試したくなります! I would like to learn about your cuisine(food)! 訳:あなたの国の食べるものについて知りたいです! Can you teach me about your cuisine(food)? 訳:あなたの国の料理、教えてくれない? I am very interested in your cuisine! 訳:君の国の料理にすごく興味があるんだ!"
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to learn about (country)'s cuisine.

Cuisine' is a term used to refer to a method of cooking or style of food. Various countries have unique cooking methods and flavors. __________________________________________________________________________ 'Like to learn' lets the other person know that you are excited to learn the skill. __________________________________________________________________________ Examples I would like to learn about Japanese cuisine. I would like to learn about Venetian cuisine. I would like to learn about Moroccan cuisine.
Cuisine'とは、料理のスタイルや料理法の事です。 様々な国にはユニークな料理法や味があります。 ________________________________________________________________________ 'Like to learn' とは、何かのスキルを喜んで習いたいという意味です。 _________________________________________________________________________ 例 I would like to learn about Japanese cuisine. (日本料理を習いたいです) I would like to learn about Venetian cuisine. (ベニス料理を習いたいです) I would like to learn about Moroccan cuisine. (モロッコ料理を習いたいです)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Please tell me all about your food and culture!

  • I'd love to know more about the cuisine and culture of your country!

You visited Italy for a long weekend and were very impressed by the pasta dishes and the seafood dishes and the cafe culture and the sweet breakfasts with coffee. You want to learn Italian and spend more time there - maye even retire there in later life! You bump into an old Italian friend of yours and state: "I'd love to know more about the cuisine and culture of your country!"
あなたは長い週末にイタリアを訪れ、パスタ料理やシーフード料理、カフェ文化やコーヒーと一緒に食すおいしい朝食に非常に感銘を受けました。 あなたはイタリア語を学びたいと思い、将来にでももっと長い時間をそこで過ごしたいと思っています。 あなたは古いイタリア人の友人とばったり会い、  "I'd love to know more about the cuisine and culture of your country!" 「あなたの国の食と文化についてもっと知りたい!」と伝えます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to learn about the cuisine of your country

Cuisine, is the name given to the collection of dishes and recipes for a particular country or culture. For example: Mexican cuisine, French cuisine, American cuisine.
特定の国または文化の料理・レシピをまとめて表す言葉です。 例えば: Mexican cuisine(メキシコ料理) French cuisine(フランス料理) American cuisine(アメリカ料理)
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to know about your country's food culture.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、そのまま直訳して I'd like to know about your country's food culture. と表現できます。 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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