世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/12/27 20:51
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  • I'm jet lagged and can't keep my eyes open. Can you wake me up when you get there?

  • Sorry, but I am totally sleep-deprived. Can you wake me up when you arrive to the hotel?

  • Excuse me. I am quite sleep-deprived. Would you mind waking me up when you arrive at the hotel?

気持ちわかるわ!時差ぼけや寝不足でタクシーでも寝たい気分。 そんな時にカジュアルな言い方がいいです。 私はアメリカ出身ですが、アメリカではタクシーの運転手と会話をするときに友達っぽく話すことが多い。 1 I'm jet lagged and can't keep my eyes open. Can you wake me up when you get there? 時差ぼけでおきてられ無い。到着したら起こしてくれる? can't keep my eyes open→おきてられない、とても眠い 2. Sorry, but I am totally sleep-deprived. Can you wake me up when you arrive to the hotel? ごめん、超寝不足で。ホテルに着いたら起こしてくれますか? 丁寧な感じで言いたいなら→ 3.Excuse me. I am quite sleep-deprived. Would you mind waking me up when you arrive at the hotel? sleep-deprived→寝不足 どっちもニュアンス意味一緒(寝不足で着いたら起こしてください) 丁寧で言いたいのかカジュアルでいいたい、その辺は判断に任せますね。 英語頑張ってね
  • Sorry, but I really need to sleep. Could you wake me when we're there?

>寝不足で道中寝ていたいので到着したらおこしてくださいって英語でなんて言うの? 分けて説明していきましょう。 寝不足で ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I haven't been getting much sleep I'm a little sleep-deprived ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 寝ていたい ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (I) would like to nap (I) would like to get some sleep (I) would like to catch some Zs (I) would like to catch a few winks 状況的に、「道中」と言及しなくても意味が伝わるかと思いますが、 あえて言いたい方は、「during the drive」、「on the way there」などを付け加えてください。 ↓ (I) would like to sleep/snooze during the drive (I) would like to get some sleep during the drive (I) would like to catch some Zs on the way there (I) would like to catch a few winks on the way there ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 到着したらおこしてください ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Could you wake me up once we've arrived? Could you let me know when we're there? Please wake me when we're there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ すべてをくっつけると、以下になります: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry, I'm a little sleep-deprived and would like to catch some Zs on the way there. Could you wake me up once we've arrived? Apologies. I haven't been getting much sleep and would like to nap during the drive. Please wake me when we're there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ より短くしたい場合: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry, but I really need to sleep. Could you wake me when we're there? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ↑ 多分こちらが一番言いやすいのでは? ぜひご活用くださいませ~
  • I am pretty tired today. I would like to take a nap. Can you please wake me up when we arrive?

There are a variety of ways to express this. If you would like to keep it short, you can say: "I'm going to take a nap. Can you wake me when we arrive?" "Can you wake me up when we arrive please?" For a longer explanation, you can say: "I'm sorry. I am really tired today and would like to take a nap. Would you mind waking me up when we arrive at the airport?"
たくさんの表現方法がありますが、上記の表現で十分伝えることができると思います。短くいうのなら、以下 "I'm going to take a nap. Can you wake me when we arrive?" "Can you wake me up when we arrive please?" 長くいうのなら以下。 "I'm sorry. I am really tired today and would like to take a nap. Would you mind waking me up when we arrive at the airport?"
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • Please wake me if I'm asleep when we arrive.

  • Please give me nudge if I'm sleeping when we get there.

  • I may need waking up when we arrive.

Any of these expressions is adequate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm totally knackered. Please wake me up when we get to the airport.

  • Would you be so kind as to wake me up when we get to the airport?

  • I'm having a power nap while you drive us to the airport. Please wake me up when we get there.

There a many ways of saying one is tired - such as i'm totally knackered. A power nap refers to a short sleep period where a person is revitalized. A very civil way of asking is: 'Would you mind to ... or Would you be so kind to..." Good manners go a long way when one visits a foreign country. Good manners are affordable even if one travels on a shoe string budget!
疲れたことを表す表現はたくさんあります。 i'm totally knackeredなどです。 power napとは、人がまた元気になることができる短い睡眠時間のことです。 非常に丁寧な聞き方は、'Would you mind to ... または Would you be so kind to..."です。 よいマナーは外国に行くときに大いに役立ちます。よいマナーは、たとえ旅の予算がわずかでも持って行くことができますね!
Sven DMM英会話講師
  • Please wake me up when we reach our destination.

  • I need to snooze for a bit.Do you mind waking me up when we get to the airport?

"Please wake me up when we reach our destination." This is a polite way to instruct/request the driver to wake you up when you get there. "I need to snooze for a bit.Do you mind waking me up when we get to the airport?" You are explaining you need to take a nap and asking if the driver has a problem waking you up when it is time.
"Please wake me up when we reach our destination." ドライバーに起きたら起こしてくれるように丁寧にお願いする表現です。 "I need to snooze for a bit.Do you mind waking me up when we get to the airport?" 寝る必要があることと、時がきたら自分を起こすことに問題はないか尋ねる表現になります。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • If I fall asleep can you wake me up at the airport?

  • I am very tired, can you please wake me up when you get to the airport.

"If I fall asleep can you wake me up at the airport?" This says that you are tired and asks them to wake you up when you arrive at the airport. "I am very tired, can you please wake me up when you get to the airport." This politely asks the driver to wake you up when you arrive at the airport.
"If I fall asleep can you wake me up at the airport?" 疲れているので、空港に着いたら起こしてくれませんか。という意味の文です。 "I am very tired, can you please wake me up when you get to the airport." これは、運転手の人に空港に着いたら起こしてくれるように頼む丁寧な表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Please, wake me up when you arrive at the airport.

  • I am really tired, please, wake me up when we arrive.

If find yourself in this situation, feel free to use any of the giving examples. Just be aware that the second one is a bit more polite.
どちらの表現も、この場面で使うことができます。 二つ目の例の方が一つ目よりも少し丁寧です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I haven't gotten much sleep. Could you wake me up when we get there?

I haven't gotten much sleep. Could you wake me up when we get there? 寝不足なんです。到着したら起こしてくれませんか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 to not get much sleep や to not get enough sleep で「寝不足」を英語で伝えることができます。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
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