はい!「[学期](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/37913/)」はtermでOKです。The last ~ of ~は他にも色んな使い方があります。例えば、The last day of the school year「1学年の[最後](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/58644/)の日」です。もうすぐで春休みですね~!勉強大変だと思いますが、頑張ってくださいね^^
'Yippee' is an expression of delight.
In the UK, everyone understands term as meaning, 'school term'. It is not necessary to say 'SCHOOL term' - unless the listener comes from Mars!
You can say:
-It';s the last day of term (today)
-Today is the last day of the school term.
-We're closing school today. The (first) term is ending.
These are just some of the ways you can say that. But it also helps to express whether you're talking about the first, second, third or fourth term of the school year. Giving a lot of details leaves the impression that you express yourself well in English
-It's the last day of term (today)
-Today is the last day of the school term.
-We're closing school today. The (first) term is ending.
This depends on whether you prefer British or American English. British English will always refer to the last day of term but American English is more likely to refer to the school semester. Both terms are quite formal. A more fun way to refer to the last day of term is to say "today, schools out for the holidays" or "today, we break up for the holidays"
イギリス英語又はアメリカ英語のどちらが好きかによって、表現が変わってきます。イギリス英語では、いつもthe last day of term と表現しますが、アメリカ英語では、the school semesterと表現する傾向があります。どちらの表現もフォーマルです。
学期の最後をもっと楽しく言う表現は、"today, schools out for the holidays" / "today, we break up for the holidays"と言うことです。
School's out - this is an informal way to say the school term has finished.
Out means to be at an end or to be finished e.g. "The marriage fizzled out."
There is a famous British song that has the words - "Schools out for summer."
School's out (学校はお休み)
- これはインフォーマルな表現で学期が終わったという意味になります。
"The marriage fizzled out."
"Schools out for summer."
The complete statement would be that, "today is the last day of school," or that its the, "last day of the term/semester." However we don't always need to include, "today," and we can place it with, "it."