If there is anyone who wants it, please contact me. I'll give it to the first person who does so.
If there is anyone who wants it, please contact me. The first person to do so will get it.
「誰かほしい人がいたら」→「If there is anyone who wants it」
「先着順」→「The first person」
「If there is anyone who wants it, please contact me. I'll give it to the first person who does so.」という表現です。
「If there is anyone who wants it, please contact me. The first person to do so will get it.」というのは、
If anybody wants it, please contact me. First come, first served.
「If anybody wants it」⇨「誰か欲しい人がいたら」anybodyの代わりにanyoneでもいいです。
「please contact me」⇨「連絡下さい」
他に、電話して欲しい場合は「please call me」、
Facebookなら「please send me a private message」や「please comment on this post」です。
「First come, first served」⇨「先着順であげるよ」イディオムで「早い者勝ち」と言うニュアンスです。
Giving away free items. First come first served.
Free items. First come first served.
ちなみに First come first served. は厳密に言うと
Free desk. First come first served.
Free lamp. First come first served.