世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/02 15:44
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  • Could you tell me your WiFi password?

  • Can I ask for your WiFi password?

  • How can I access your network?

ここ「の」Wi-Fi「の」パスワード、 のように日本語で「の」が続く英語ってどう扱っていいのか 難しいんですよね… Could you tell me your Wi-Fi password? こちらのWiFiパスワードを教えていただけますか? これが一番シンプルだと思います。 パスワードなければ "Oh, it's free. Just connect your device with it." とか言ってくると思います。 Can I ask for your WiFi password? WiFiのパスワードを聞いてもいいですか? でももちろんオッケーです。 またパスワードだけでなく、ホテルなんかではまず ログイン時に部屋の番号を入れたりなんやかんやと いろいろやることがあることも多いので、まとめて How can I access your network? どうやったらネットワークにつながりますか? とざっくり聞くと全部教えてくれると思います。
  • ① What's the password for the free wifi please?

  • ② Could you give me the password for the free wifi?

丁寧度の異なる2つの提案をさせていただきました。 まず、「① What's the password for the free wifi please?」が「無料Wifiのパスワードは何ですか?」。「Please」が入るので、「お願いします」のニュアンスが伝わります。 次に、「② Could you give me the password for the free wifi?」は丁寧度が少し劣り、パスワードを請求するようなニュアンスです。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • What's the password for the Free-Wifi?

  • Can I get the password for the Free-Wifi?

  • I would like to know the password for the Free-Wifi.

What's the password for the Free-Wifi? (Free-Wifiのパスワードはなんですか?) Can I get the password for the Free-Wifi? (Free-Wifiのパスワードをもらってもいいですか?) I would like to know the password for the Free-Wifi. (Free-Wifiのパスワードが知りたいです。) いろいろな言い方があると思います。 カフェなどでは、Can I get a latte?(ラテをください)Can I get a sandwich?(サンドイッチをください)など、Can I get~?で注文もできますよ(*^^*)
DMM EIkaiwa B DMM英会話
  • Could you tell me the wifi password please?

  • What's the password for the internet please?

  • What's the wifi access code please?

Any of these expressions should suffice
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have the Wi-Fi password?

  • What is the information for the Wi-Fi?

  • What is the Wi-Fi password?

I have asked this question on many occasions and I usually say 'What is the information for the Wi-Fi?'. You could also ask 'Where can I find the information for the Wi-Fi?'.
多くの場面で、「What is the information for the Wi-Fi?'」と尋ねることができます。 「Where can I find the information for the Wi-Fi?'」と尋ねることもできます。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • What is the Wi-Fi password?

  • What is the password to the Wi-Fi?

Both sentences mean that you want to know the password to the Wi-Fi connection. Usually when it is for free they may publicly display it for the convenience of the customers.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Hi, is it possible to get your wifi password?

  • What is the wifi login please

  • How do I access the wifi here?

If there are no obvious signs around for how to access the wifi in a hotel or cafe the best way to ask is to ask someone for the wifi password or how to access the wifi at your location. I hope this helps Teacher Jemxi
ホテルやカフェで、Wi-Fiにどうアクセスするかわからない時は、誰かに聞いてみましょう。パスワード、もしくはアクセスの仕方を尋ねるのがいいです。 参考になるといいです Teacher Jemxi
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • May I have the password for your free wifi?

  • Please let me have the password for your Free Wifi...

These days when we travel around it is likely that we will encounter a FREE WIFI option...Usually in a bar, cafe or hotel. This service is meant for customers or clients and is "Password Protected" So, a password is required to gain access;-D SImply ask one of the staff for their WIFI access password...Then type it into your own device and BINGO! are online...(and it's free!)
この頃は旅行に行くと、無料WiFiを利用できることがありますね...普通はバーやカフェ、ホテルです。これは客(customers or clients)に向けたサービスで、利用するにはパスワードが必要です。 スタッフにWiFiのパスワードを聞いてください...それを手持ちの機器に打ち込めば、ビンゴ!...オンラインです...(しかも無料!)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have the password to the Wifi please?

  • Could you tell me the wifi password please?

  • What is the wifi password please?

Most public places like hotels and cafes offer free WiFi for their customers/clients, but they usually don't post the password for everyone to see. The way to get the password is to ask the person working there. Most people ask by saying, "Can I have the WiFi password please?" and if they know it they will give it to you.
ホテル、カフェなどほとんどの公共の場所で、利用者は無料Wifiにアクセスできます。 ただ、みんなに見えるようにパスワードを示すことは普通ありません。パスワードはそこで働いている人に聞きます。大抵は次のように質問します: "Can I have the WiFi password please?" 「Wifiのパスワード教えていただけますか」 パスワードを知っていればこれで教えてくれます。
Aba DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me! Could you possibly tell me the Wi-Fi password?

  • Sorry to bother, but do you know the Wi-Fi password?

"Excuse me! Could you possibly tell me the Wi-Fi password?": This is a very polite way of asking for the Wi-Fi password. It is very common to use this phrase and it will be understood practically anywhere you go. "Sorry to bother you, but do you know the Wi-Fi password?" : If you add "Sorry to bother you" this is also very polite and the other person will help you without hesitation.
"Excuse me! Could you possibly tell me the Wi-Fi password?"(すみません、Wi-Fiのパスワードを教えてもらえますか) これは「Wi-Fiのパスワードを教えてください」のとても丁寧な言い方です。このフレーズはよく使われるので、場所を問わずすぐに伝わると思います。 "Sorry to bother you, but do you know the Wi-Fi password?"(お忙しいところすみませんが、Wi-Fiのパスワードをご存じですか) "Sorry to bother you"(お忙しいところすみません)も非常に丁寧な表現です、相手はすぐに手を貸してくれると思います。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Please could I have the wifi password?

  • Could you be kind enough to give me the free wifi password?

  • What is the wifi password?

Saying 'please' and 'thankyou' when asking for something is always polite to say especially when asking for something. 'Could you be kind enough to give me the free wifi password?' This is a perfect respectful way of asking for the password
人に何かを頼むときは、'please'(どうか)と 'thank you'(ありがとう)を言うと丁寧です。 'Could you be kind enough to give me the free wifi password?'(Free-Wifiのパスワードを教えていただけますか) は、非常に丁寧な言い方です。
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • What is the password for the Wi-Fi?

  • Excuse me, could I have the password for the Wi-Fi, please?

  • Please may I have the password for the Wi-Fi?

What is the password for the Wi-Fi? Excuse me, could I have the password for the Wi-Fi, please? Please may I have the password for the Wi-Fi? All of these are saying the same thing, all they are is worded differently and structure differently. Also, the last two are much more polite. Enjoy them all and use them well. I hope it helps. Have a great day. Will
What is the password for the Wi-Fi?(Wi-Fiのパスワードを教えてもらえますか) Excuse me, could I have the password for the Wi-Fi, please?(すみません、Wi-Fiのパスワードを教えていただけますか) Please may I have the password for the Wi-Fi?(Wi-Fiのパスワードを教えていただけますか) これらは言い方が違うだけで、意味はどれも同じです。最後の例が最も丁寧です。うまく使い分けてみてください。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Can I please have the password for the wifi?

  • Could you please tell me what the password is for the free wifi?

If you want to ask someone for the wifi password, you can say something like "Can I please have the password for the wifi?" or "Could you please tell me what the password is for the free wifi?". These are easy and very polite ways to ask someone for the wifi password.
Wifiのパスワードを確認するなら、次のように言えます。 "Can I please have the password for the wifi?"(Wifiのパスワードを教えていただけますか) "Could you please tell me what the password is for the free wifi?"(Free-Wifiのパスワードを教えていただけますか) どちらも、「Wifiのパスワードを教えてください」のシンプルで丁寧な言い方です。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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