世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/04/18 21:42
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  • How was she/he today?

  • Was she/he okay today?

How was she/he today? 彼女/彼は今日どうでした? Was she/he okay today? 彼女/彼は今日は大丈夫でしたか? 先生に詳しく様子を聞きたいかどうかによって使い分けてもいいかもしれません。
  • How did she/he do today?

他のアンカーの方の回答、素晴らしいです。私からは、もう一つ日常会話で使える表現を紹介させていただきますね。 How did she/he do today? 彼女/彼は今日どうでした? How did ~ のフレーズは、様々なシチュエーションで使えるので、便利です。 ------------------------------------- 例文: How did she/he do on the test? 彼女/彼のテスト(の結果)は、どうでしたか? How did she/he do during the class? 授業中、彼女/彼は、どうでしたか? How did your presentation go? プレゼン、どうだった? ------------------------------------- 少しでもお役に立てれば幸いです。 ありがとうございました。
Yuko Sakai サンフランシスコ在住ピアノ&英語講師、税理士、ユーチューバー、ブロガー
  • How were they today?

  • Did they have a good day?

You dropped your two young children off at 8 am that day. You are collecting them at 5 pm. It seems like a long time and you are wondering what kind of day they have had. You see one of the nursery nurses and ask: "How were they today?" "They had a lovely time today! We played with the paints and then we went into the garden, then we had lunch and they both ate up all their shepherd's pie. They are little angels!" "Oh, thanks!"
【背景】 2人の幼い子供をその日午前8時に預けました。あなたは2人を午後5時に迎えに行きます。長い時間のように思い、2人がどんな日を過ごしたのか気になります。 あなたは保母さんに質問します: 【例文】 "How were they today?"(今日は2人はどうでしたか?) "They had a lovely time today! We played with the paints and then we went into the garden, then we had lunch and they both ate up all their shepherd's pie. They are little angels!"(今日は楽しんでいましたよ。お絵描きをしてから庭に行って、それからランチでは2人ともシェパードパイを完食しました。小さい天使たちですね! ) "Oh, thanks!"(あら、ありがとう!)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How was he/she today?

  • How did he/she do today?

How was he/she today? How did he/she do today? どちらも「今日はどうでしたか?」という意味のフレーズです。 「今日は変わりありませんでしたか?」 「今日は大丈夫でしたか?」 とたずねたい場合は、Was he/she alright today? という表現を使ってもいいのではないかと思います。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • How was she/he today?

  • How did she/he get on today?

  • Was she/he ok today?

When collecting a child from school and wanting to enquire of their teacher, how their day was you can ask any of the following questions: "How was she/he today?" "How did she/he get on today?" "Was she/he ok today?" "How did she/he do today?"
子供を迎えに行って、先生に今日一日がどうだったか聞きたいときは以下のように言うことができます。 "How was she/he today?" 今日(子供は)どうでしたか? "How did she/he get on today?" 今日(子供は)どうでしたか? "Was she/he ok today?" (子供は)今日は大丈夫でしたか? "How did she/he do today?" (子供は)今日はどうでしたか?
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • How was my child today?

  • How did my child perform today?

A straight forward 'how was my child today? is short and clear. The answer from the teacher may be: "He/she was great today", or, "he/she did very well today". You may also vary this question by referring to the child's performance and ask: How did my child perform today? The teacher might respond and say: "He did an excellent job today". "He/she got all the questions right". "He/she is such a clever child"
how was my child today?(今日子供はどうでしたか?)という分かりやすい言い方は短くて、明瞭です。先生からの答えは "He/she was great today"(今日はとても良かったですよ)又は, "he/she did very well today". (今日はとても良く頑張りました)のような感じでしょう。この質問を子供の活動状況に変えて、聞くことも出来ます。 例文 How did my child perform today? 子供は今日どのように活動していましたか? 先生はこのように答えるかもしれません。 例文 "He did an excellent job today". 今日はとてもよく頑張りました "He/she got all the questions right". すべての質問をきちんと答えました "He/she is such a clever child" 本当に賢いお子さんですね
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • How was she/he today.

  • How did he/she do today.

1. How was she/he today. 今日はどうでしたか? 2. How did he/she do today. 彼は今日どのようにしたのですか?
1. How was she/he today. (今日はどうでしたか?) 2. How did he/she do today. (今日どんなふうにしていましたか?)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • How did my child behave today?

  • How was my child today?

We can ask these two questions to the teacher to ask how our child, "behaved," which means the things that he/she did and if he was good or bad in class today. We can also simply ask, "how was my child today," to mean the same thing.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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