世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/04/24 20:04
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  • How did you study at college?

"How did you study at college?" この質問は、就活でよく面接官から出て来る質問です。 「どのように勉強したか?」⇒「成績はどうか?」という意味で使っています。 つまり、「どれくらい勉強したか?」という日本語の意味と同じなのです。 簡単な英訳ですが、これでいいと思います。 ここまでで、お役に立てば幸いです。 感謝
Nishijo Tomoyuki 「Global 10の英語教室」代表
  • When you were in college, how did you study.

  • When you were in college, did you have a lot of work load.

*When you were in college, how did you study. This means that you would like to know if they had a study plan. For example: study 2 hours a day. *When you were in college, did you have a lot of work load. This means you would like to know if you have to study a lot when you are in college for you to pass. Work load includes your course work, tests, assignments etc.
例文 *When you were in college, how did you study?. 大学時代、どのように勉強しましたか? 彼らが勉強の計画があったのどうかを知りたいということです。例えば1日に2時間勉強するという感じです。 例文 *When you were in college, did you have a lot of work load?. 大学時代、宿題がたくさんありましたか? 大学時代に進級するために、かなり勉強しなければいけなかったかどうかを知りたいということです。 Work loadには、学習過程、テスト、課題が含まれます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • How much effort did you put into your college studies?

  • Did you study hard at college?

You may try the open question form: "How much effort....?" or the closed question form: "Did you study hard...?" As with all open question forms, this way you are more likely to get a detailed and interesting response compared with the closed question form. A: "Did you study hard at university?" B: "Not at all."
「How much effort...?」(どのくらいの努力?) という自由回答式の質問をしたり、 「Did you study hard...?」(一生懸命勉強しましたか?) というイエス・ノー選択式の質問で聞いたりすることができます。 自由回答式で聞くと、イエス・ノー選択式の質問よりも、詳細で面白い 答えを聞くことができます。 A: Did you study hard at university? 大学で一生懸命勉強しましたか? B: Not at all. 全然しませんでした。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • "How did you study at college?"

  • "How often did you study whilst you were attending college?"

  • "How much effort did you put into your work when you were at college?"

If you wanted to ask someone how much they studied when they were in college, you could ask any of the following: "How did you study at college?", "How often did you study whilst you were attending college?" or "How much effort did you put into your work when you were at college?". All three of these questions allow you to direct ask someone who much they studied when they were at college.
大学時代にどのくらい勉強したか尋ねたいときは、次のように言えます。 "How did you study at college?"(大学ではどのように勉強しましたか) "How often did you study whilst you were attending college?"(大学時代はどのくらいの頻度で勉強しましたか) "How much effort did you put into your work when you were at college?"(大学時代はどのくらい勉強しましたか) 上記三つどれを使っても、大学時代にどのくらい勉強したか尋ねることができます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Did you study hard when you were in college?

  • Were you a diligent worker in college?

  • Did you spend a lot of your time studying when you were in college.

How much time did you spend studying when you were in college? Was college easy or challenging? Did you have to study much when you were in college?
例文 How much time did you spend studying when you were in college? 大学時代にどれくらい勉強しました・ Was college easy or challenging? 大学は簡単でしたかそれとも大変でした? Did you have to study much when you were in college? 大学時代はかなり勉強をしなければいけませんでしたか・
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Did you study alot when you was in college?

  • When you went to college did you study alot?

If you study hard and do alot of work then we can also call this to study 'alot' meaning you get alot of work done and achieved
一生懸命勉強することは、'study a lot' と表せます。'study a lot' は「たくさん(a lot)勉強する」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • How much did you study when you were at University?

  • How much revision did you do at University?

In England, college is what we go to at the age of 16-18 years old. After that, we go to University (which is often called college in America). You could ask "How much did you study" but this is quite vague, as it doesn't specify whether they are including lecture time and revision time, or just revision time. The second sentence is a little more specific, just 'revision time'.
イングランドでは "college" は16歳から18歳までの人が行く所です。その後、"university" に進みます(アメリカではこれをよく "college" といいます)。 "How much did you study"(どのくらい勉強しましたか)と聞けますが、これはかなり漠然としています。講義とテスト勉強(revision)についてなのかそれともテスト勉強だけなのか明確にしていません。 二つ目の文ではテスト勉強に限定していて、少し具体的になっています。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • How much did you study while in college?

  • Did you study a lot at college?

  • Did you spend a lot of time studying in college?

If you want to ask someone how much they studied when they were in college, you can say: "How much did you study while in college?" "Did you study a lot at college?" "Did you spend a lot of time studying in college?"
「大学時代はどのくらい勉強しましたか」と質問したいなら、次のように言えます。 "How much did you study while in college?"(大学時代はどのくらい勉強しましたか) "Did you study a lot at college?"(大学時代にはたくさん勉強しましたか) "Did you spend a lot of time studying in college?"(大学時代にはたくさん勉強しましたか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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