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とっても天気が良い日に仕事があって、 会社についたものの、 暇で暇で仕方なくて、 帰りたいな〜と言う時の独り言です。 「あぁ〜こんなに天気が良いのに仕事なんて…馬鹿馬鹿しいなぁ〜帰りたいな〜他にやりたい事いっぱいあるのになぁ〜(;一_一)」のようなニュアンスです。 よろしくお願いします。
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2017/04/29 15:15
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  • Ah..I have to work on this nice day..

"ah" は「あー」「あっ」「ああ」などの一言を表します。 "have to 〜" は「〜しなければならない、〜するしかない」という意味の表現です。 「こんなに天気が良い日に」は "on this nice/beautiful/sunny day" と表すことができます。
  • I'd rather be in the sun than in the office today

  • I wish I could skip work and enjoy this sunny day

These are both simple sentences that can be used when you have to work but would rather be out enjoying a day in the sun. 'skip work'- this is to miss a work day or not to go to work. I hope this helps :)
これらはどちらも仕事をしなければならないのに関わらず太陽の下で1日を楽しんで過ごしたい時に使われる簡単な文章です。”Skip work”とは仕事を休むことです。ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • This weather is too good to be sitting in the office.

  • I should be out there enjoying the sunshine.

The sun is shining and you are at work in your office. It doesn't feel fair that you can't enjoy this day. You can say... "The weather is too good the be sitting in the office." This means that the sunny weather is so good that it's not right the be in your office. You can also say... "I should be out there enjoying the sunshine."
太陽が輝いていて、あなたはオフィスで仕事をしています。この日を楽しむことができないのがフェアじゃないように感じます。そのようなときは以下のように言うことができます。   "The weather is too good the be sitting in the office." オフィスで仕事するにはこの天気は良すぎる。 これは、晴れた天気が良すぎて、オフィスにいるべきではないという意味です。   "I should be out there enjoying the sunshine." 太陽を楽しみながら外にいるべきだ。
Hendrik DMM英会話講師
  • I wish I were somewhere else!

  • How wonderful it would be to be sitting in the sun!

  • I really want to go home and chill in the sun.

I wish...= I really want ... How wonderful... = An exclamation of joy. To chill = to relax (slang) A "What are you doing this evening?" B "I'm going home, put my feet up in front of the TV and just chill.,"
I wish...= I really want ...と同義として使われます。 How wonderful... = An exclamation of joy. 楽しさ、喜びの感嘆の言葉 To chill = to relax (slang):リラックスすることのスラング表現 A "What are you doing this evening?":今夜は何してるんだい? B "I'm going home, put my feet up in front of the TV and just chill.,":家に帰ってテレビの前で足伸ばしてのんびりするさ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The weather is too beautiful to be working.

This means that you would rather be at home and enjoy the good weather
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Too bad I have to work in this lovely weather.

  • I wish I could be at home enjoying this weather.

1. Too bad I have to work in this lovely weather. This sentence can be used to express regret that you have to work in this weather. 2. I wish I could be at home enjoying this weather. A "wish" is something that you desire, so this sentence is saying that you desire to be at home enjoying this weather.
1. Too bad I have to work in this lovely weather. (あぁ~こんないい天気の日に仕事しなきゃいけない) こんな天気の良い日に働かなくてはいけない残念な気持ちを表す表現です。 2. I wish I could be at home enjoying this weather. (家にいてこのいい天気を楽しみたいな~) この"wish"とは願い、希望、望みと言う意味になります。 ですので、この表現は家にいてこのいい天気を楽しみたいな~、という望みを表しています。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • It's a shame I have to work when the weather is so nice today.

  • It is so beautiful outside and I regretfully have to work all day.

  • I will not be able to enjoy this nice weather today because I have to work.

All of these sentences will tell someone that you do not want to work due to the fact that you want to enjoy the weather.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • I can't believe I have to work on such a nice day.

  • It's so nice out. I can't believe I have to sit here and work.

I can't believe I have to work on such a nice day. こんなに天気が良い日に仕事なんて信じられません。 It's so nice out. I can't believe I have to sit here and work. 外はとても良い天気です。ここに座って仕事なんて信じられません。 nice out で「外は良い天気」を英語で表現することができます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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