英訳3:more polite
Can I get / have your signature / autograph?
注意してほしいのは、signは、「サインをする」という動詞としては使えますが、Can I get your sign?とは言えないということ。名詞として使うときは、signatureやautographとなります。
autograph は[著名人](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/5477/)のサインなどに使われることが多いです。signature は書類にサインする時などにも使われます。
The word autograph can be used as both a noun and a verb.
You can ask for the autograph of a famous person.
You can also ask them to autograph your book.
You can also ask them to sign your book.
I hope this helps!
autograph という単語は名詞としても動詞としても使えます。
「有名人のサイン」は autograph of a famous person
「あなたの本にサインをする」は autograph your book または sign your book といいます。
A signature is also called an autograph, but the two are not used interchangeably. If you want a famous person to sign your book, you can use either word, but when signing a cheque, for example, the word is always signature, rather than autograph.
So, autographs and signatures are for collecting, while signatures are for legal documents.
Would you be kind enough to sign a copy of your book for me?
Please autograph my copy of your book
When we are lucky enough to gain access or get into a ..."Book Signing Event"...
it's usually a great opportunity to get the author to personalise a copy
and have them sign it or autograph your copy...
A "signature" increases the value of the book as well as providing a great reminder of the moment you met a famous author...
"May I have your autograph ?"
This is a polite way of asking someone to sign your book.We often say "May I" instead of " Can" as it is considered more polite.
"Please sign my book?"
This is the simplest way to request and autograph.
Make sure you raise your intonation at the end of the sentence to signal a request.Also,it may be useful for you to gesture to the book or show them the book you would like to have signed.
Some people may even ask for a special message to be written in addition to the signature for keepsake.
May I have your autograph ?
より丁寧に言うために「Can」と代わりに「May I」とよく言います。
Please sign my book?
It would be brilliant if you would sign this please!
You may ask the author to sign in a very simple way...for example if he is at a book-signing promotion of a new book:
"Could you sign this please?"
Or, if you are asking the author to sign a book in another setting
- and specifically just for you, you may like to be really enthusiastic when you make your request:
"It would be brilliant if you would sign this please!"
"Could you sign this please?"
"It would be brilliant if you would sign this please!"
- a signature, especially that of a celebrity written as a memento for an admirer.
A: I love your work. Can you please sign my book?
B: Sure!
Autograph - 署名、特に有名人がファンのための記念品として書くもの
A: I love your work. Can you please sign my book?
B: Sure!
Could you sign this book for me?
Would you mind signing my book?
Can I have your autograph, please?
Could you sign this, please?
Can you sign my book, please?
Please sign the receipt.
この場合、Could you sign my book for me?(私の本をサインして頂けますか?) が一番良いと思います。Could you autograph my book for me でも大丈夫ですが、autograph より sign の方を良く使います。
Please sign my book (私の本をサインしてください)は命令文になるので、ちょっと避けたいと思います。
有名な著者の方にサインを書いてもらいたい時、「この本にサインください」といいます。それは英語で「could you please sign my book?」か「would you mind signing my book?」です。
結婚式などでそういう表現もよく聞かれています。この場合、「please sign your name in this book」か「please sign our guestbook」と言えばいいです。「Guestbook」が「芳名録」か「ゲストブック」という意味です。
Signature = Autograph, Either phrases above would be a good way of asking a famous author to sign a book. The most simplest way would be "Can I have your autograph in my book please" .
Signature = Autograph(サイン)
一番シンプルな言い方は、"Can I have your autograph in my book please"(本にサインしてもらえますか)でしょう。
"Can you sign my book please?" A very polite phrase, commonly used.
"Can I have your autograph" A more casual expression when asking a celebrity to sign an autograph.
"Can you sign my book please?"(私の本にサインしてください)
= 非常に丁寧で一般的な言い方です。
"Can I have your autograph?"(サインをいただけますか)
= これは有名人にサインをもらうときのカジュアルな言い方です。
Can I have your autograph?
有名人などの「サイン」は英語で autograph と言います。
I can't believe I got his autograph!
1. Could you autograph this book?
autograph は「サインする」という意味があります。
sign という言葉を使っても伝わります。