ding dong は日本で言う「ピンポン」です。ベルを鳴らした時の音です!
ditch は「捨てる」とか、この場合は「置き去りにする」という意味の表現です。学校などをずる休みする時の「サボる」という意味でも使える便利な(全体的にネガティブなニュアンスの)表現です!
例:Let's go ding dong ditch that mean old man's house.
They are masters of ding dong ditching.
Knock down Ginger - this name originates from a British poem
Thunder and lightening is another name which comes from the fact that you knock as loud as thunder and then run as fast as lightening
Knock down Ginger -イギリスの詩から有名になった名前です。
Thunder and lightening これは、雷の音のごとくノックしておいて、雷の閃光のごとく走り去る様からそういう風に言うようになりました。
As a child in the UK, we used to call this 'door knocking' but that phrase actually means: campaign by making door-to-door house visits. So, someone who wishes to be a member of parliament or other public representative, may campaign by knocking on doors and asking people for their support - but we used the term differently!
'knock and run' was another expression commonly used and quite clear in its meaning.
昔、UKの子供はこれを'door knocking' と呼んでいたね。ただこのフレーズは、訪問販売など家宅訪問という意味のマーケティング手法にも使われるフレーズです。つまり、議員さんが選挙の前にそれぞれのお宅を訪問して応援をえるようなキャンペーンのことを指すわけです。つまり当時僕は間違えて使ってたんですね。
'knock and run' これが一般的に使われるピンポンダッシュの英語です。
This concept of pulling a prank by ringing the doorbell and then running away can be referred to as, "doorbell ditching." There are many ways that people can describe this game but the title of the game changes by region or English speaking country that does it.
We used to play terrible pranks in our neighbourhood....
When we set out to play pranks we can fins it funny:-D However maybe its not so much fun for the recipients !!
So do bear that in mind when you decide to have your fun...
"We used to play terrible pranks in our neighbourhood...."
"We used to play terrible pranks in our neighbourhood...."