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Which を使いますか?

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2017/05/16 13:22
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  • I went to Australia and it was Brisbane airport where I landed.

I went to Australia and it was Brisbane airport where I landed. 私はオーストラリアへ行きましたが、到着したのはブリスベンでした。


多くの観光客は東京に来る。それは日本の首都です。Many tourists visit Tokyo which is the capital of Japan.

ブリスベンとはすごい大きい町でオーストラリアにあります。Brisbane is a very large city which is in Australia.


Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • I went to Australia and arrived at Brisbane Airport

If you want to explain to someone that you went to Australia and then arrived at Brisbane Airport, you can simply say:
"I went to Australia and arrived at Brisbane Airport."


"I went to Australia and arrived at Brisbane Airport."(オーストラリアに行ってブリスベン空港に到着した)

Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • I went to Australia and landed at Brisbane International Airport.

G'day! オーストラリアからお答えします。

シンプルに、「オーストラリアに行きました」「ブリスベン空港に着陸しました」という要素を繋げた表現です。landは「着陸する」 空港なので、ここは前置詞at 
land at~で「~に着陸する」と覚えてしまってもいいですね。


  • I just landed in Brisbane

  • My flight just touched down in Brisbane

You went to Australia and arrived at Brisbane Airport. You can explain this by trying one of the above example comments.


Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I arrived at Brisbane airport, Australia

  • I went to Australia and arrived at Brisbane Airport

"I arrived at Brisbane airport, Australia"
This sentence is stating that you had arrived/landed at Brisbane, a city in Australia.
usually when talking about entering a new city or country via an airplane we use 'arrive' or 'land'.
"I went to Australia and arrived at Brisbane Airport"
A simple and causal of putting this together in a sentence.
To go is also 'I went' in past tense.

"I arrived at Brisbane airport, Australia"(オーストラリアのブリスベン空港に到着しました)

飛行機で街や国に到着したというときには、普通 'arrive' または 'land' が使われます。

"I went to Australia and arrived at Brisbane Airport"(オーストラリアに行って、ブリスベン空港に到着しました)

'I went' は「行く」の過去形です。

Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • When I went to Australia, I flew into Brisbane.

  • On my recent trip to Australia, I flew into Brisbane.

"Flew Into" is a phrasal verb used to describe which airport you arrived at when you went to some destination. It's a common expression and used by most native speakers.

When organising someone to meet me I might say to them, "I'm flying into Brisbane at 9pm, can you meet me?

"Flew Into" は、どの空港に到着したか伝えるときに使える句動詞です。一般的な表現で、ほとんどのネイティブスピーカーが使います。

"I'm flying into Brisbane at 9pm, can you meet me?"

Mikey J DMM英会話講師
  • When I went to Australia, I flew into Brisbane.

When we talk about where we arrive when flying, we use the phrasal verb "fly into."Using the phrase "when I went to" makes it clear that you are talking about a previous trip. I hope that this helps! :)

飛行機で到着した場所について言う場合、"fly into" という句動詞が使われます。

"when I went to" で、それが過去に行った旅行であることが明確になります。

Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I flew into Brisbane Airport on a recent trip to Australia.

  • On arrival in Australia, my plane touched down in Brisbane.

1.I flew into Brisbane Airport on a recent trip to Australia.
To fly into a place means to arrive there.This indicates
that Brisbane was your first stop.

  1. On arrival in Australia, my plane touched down in Brisbane.
    On or upon arrival in Australia, your plane "touched down"
    which means it landed/came in to land or arrived in Brisbane.
  1. I flew into Brisbane Airport on a recent trip to Australia.(最近行ったオーストラリア旅行ではブリスベン空港を利用しました)

"To fly into" は「~に到着する」という意味です。この文は「オーストラリアに行って最初に降り立ったのがブリスベンだった」と伝えます。

  1. On arrival in Australia, my plane touched down in Brisbane.(オーストラリアに行ってブリスベン空港に着陸しました)

"touched down" は「(飛行機が)着陸した」という意味です。

Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I traveled to Austrailia and landed in Brisbane Airport.

  • Brisbane airport was the first place I landed when I traveled to Australia.

Any of these sentences are suitable to tell someone that you went to Australiaand arrived at Brisbane Airport.

  1. I traveled to Austrailia and landed in Brisbane Airport

  2. Brisbane airport was the first place I landed when I traveled to Australia.


  1. I traveled to Austrailia and landed in Brisbane Airport(オーストラリアに旅行に行って、ブリスベン空港を利用しました)

  2. Brisbane airport was the first place I landed when I traveled to Australia.(オーストラリアに行ったとき、まず降り立ったのはブリスベン空港でした)

Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • When I went to Australia, I arrived at Brisbane Airport.

  • I arrived at Brisbane Airport, when I went to Australia.

  • I landed in Brisbane Airport, when I went to Australia.

These are different ways to say that you landed in Brisbane Airport, when you went to Australia. Below are ways it could be used in a sentence.

After our long flight to Australia, we ended up landing in Brisbane Airport.

We arrived in Australia at the Brisbane Airport.

Our flight was long, I was glad when we finally got to the Brisbane Airport.



After our long flight to Australia, we ended up landing in Brisbane Airport.(長時間のフライトを経て、ブリスベン空港に到着しました)

We arrived in Australia at the Brisbane Airport.(オーストラリアのブリスベン空港に到着しました)

Our flight was long, I was glad when we finally got to the Brisbane Airport.(すごく長いフライトでした。ようやくブリスベン空港に着いたときにはホッとしました)

Berta DMM英会話講師
  • I have arrived at Brisbane Airport.

  • I took a flight to Australia and reached my destination, Brisbane Airport.

  • I traveled to Australia and my first port of call was Brisbane International Airport.

First port of call: means your first point of contact. When I arrived in Australia, my first point of contact was Brisbane Airport.
Reached my destination:Arriving at a place to which one is journeying

First port of call:「最初の立ち寄り先」という意味です。
When I arrived in Australia, my first point of contact was Brisbane Airport.

Reached my destination: 目的地に到着する

Bev U DMM英会話講師
  • I went to Australia and landed at Brisbane Airport

  • I went to Australia and I arrived at Brisbane Airport

Your example is a good one, although, another good word to use in this context is "landed". For example: I arrived later than I expected to JFK, at 9 p.m instead of 6 p.m.We landed very easily which is rare for me.


I arrived later than I expected to JFK, at 9 p.m instead of 6 p.m.(JFK空港には予定の午後6時よりも遅い午後9時に到着しました)

We landed very easily which is rare for me.(私にしては珍しく何事もなく着陸した)

Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • When I went to Australia I landed in Brisbane Airport.

  • I landed in Brisbane airport when I went to Australia.

If you would like to tell someone that you landed in Brisbane airport when you went to Australia, you can say something like "When I went to Australia I landed in Brisbane Airport." or "I landed in Brisbane airport when I went to Australia.".


"When I went to Australia I landed in Brisbane Airport."
"I landed in Brisbane airport when I went to Australia."

Kharina DMM英会話講師
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