世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/05/20 06:15
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  • If we speak at the same time, it is hard to hear each other.

  • If we talk at the same time, we can't hear each other.

「同時に話すと聞きとれない」は英語に訳すとこのようです。 If we speak at the same time, it is hard to hear each other. If we talk at the same time, we can't hear each other. 同時に話す→ to speak at the same time; to talk at the same time; to speak over one another 聞き取れない→ can't hear hard to hear → 聞き取れにくい ご参考までに!
  • If you both speak at the same time I can not hear you.

  • I can not hear anything if you both speak at the same time.

'if you both speak at the same time I can not hear you.' You don't understand them if they speak at the same time.
"if you both speak at the same time I can not hear you. あなた達が同時に話したら、あなた達の話が分からない You don't understand them if they speak at the same time. 同時に話したら、言っていることが分からない"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I can't hear anything if you all talk at the same time!

  • One at a time or I can't hear you!

I can't hear anything if you all talk at the same time! みんな同時に話すと何も聞こえないよ! One at a time or I can't hear you! 1人ずつ話してくれないと聞こえないよ聞こえないよ! one at a time = 1人ずつ Stop! Wait! Calm down! などと初めに静かにさせてから言うと効果的でしょう!
  • I can't hear what you're saying if you all speak at once.

  • I can't hear what you're saying if you all speak at the same time.

こんにちは。 I can't hear what you're saying if you all speak at once. I can't hear what you're saying if you all speak at the same time. みんな同時に話したら何言ってるか聞き取れないよ。 上記のような言い方ができます。 can't hear が「聞こえない」、what you're saying が「あなたが何を言っているか」なので、can't hear what you're saying で「あなたが何を言っているか聞き取れない」になります。 「同時に」は at once や at the same time などと言えます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • One at a time!

  • Take turns speaking!

  • Don't speak at the same time!

These can be used to get your point across quickly. "One at a time" and "take turns" are common expressions.
これらはあなたの言いたいポイントを押さえた表現です。 One at a time と take turns はどちらもよく使われる表現です。
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • 1. Please stop speaking altogether!

  • 2. Stop speaking at the same time!

  • 3. Stop yapping simultaneously!

1. This is relatively polite 2 and 3, Here we use the imperative form without 'Please'. A simple instruction to do something. 3. 'Yapping' is slang for 'speaking quickly or noisily.' 'Yapping' is how small dogs bark.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I can't hear you all at once.One at a time please so that I can hear.

"I can't hear you all at once.One at a time please so that I can hear." This means that you would like them to speak one after the other so that you can hear them.
"I can't hear you all at once.One at a time please so that I can hear." 一度に話すと聞き取れないよ。 一度に1人ずつ話して。そしたらちゃんと聞こえるわ。 1人ずつ話してほしいときのフレーズです
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Even though we can sing together,we can't all speak at the same time.

  • One at a time,please!

  • You're all speaking at the same time so I can't hear a thing.

"Even though we can sing together,we can't all speak at the same time." This is a useful reminder many parents use to let their children know about how disruptive it is to all speak at the same time. "One at a time,please!" This is a way to instruct them to give each other a chance to speak/explain. You may also follow this sentence with an instruction of who should speak first,second etc. "You're all speaking at the same time so I can't hear a thing." This is also a useful way of letting them know that you find it difficult to hear/understand them because of their insistence of speaking at the same time.
Even though we can sing together, we can't all speak at the same time.  これは、多くの親が自分の子供たちが、すべてが同時に話すことは、それがどのように混乱を知らせるために使用する便利なリマインダーです。 One at a time, please! これは相手が話したり説明したりする機会を譲り合うように指示する言い方です。 こう言ったあとに、だれが最初に話し、そして次はだれかなどを決める文を言うと良いでしょう。 You're all speaking at the same time so I can't hear a thing. これはまた、彼らが同時に話すことを主張すると、あなたが聞けなかったり理解できないことを知らせるのに便利な言い方です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I can't hear you if you all speak at once. One at a time please! Jake, you speak first.

  • Its all noise if you all speak at once. Please give each other a chance to speak.

  • Please speak one at a time so that I can get what each one of you wants to say.

They may be a noisy lot, but, politely asking them to speak one at a time by using the adverb 'please' will go a long way. For example, in the first line, you firstly made them understand that you could not hear them if they all spoke at once. Then you went on to politely ask them: One at a time please! Then, you instructed Jake to speak first, after which, Mary may speak, and lastly, Joe may speak.
とてもうるさいかもしれませんが、 'please'という副詞を使って一度に一人ずつ話すように丁寧に頼んだ方が上手くいきます。 例えば、最初の文で、一度に話したら言っていることが分からないということを相手にまず理解させます。その後丁寧にこう頼みます。 例文 One at a time please! 一度に1人ずつ話して下さい。 その後ジェイクが最初に、その次にメアリー、最後にジョーに話すように指示します。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I can't understand if you all speak at the same time.

  • Please speak one at a time.

To explain that you can't hear what your children are saying if they all speak at the same time, you can say: "I can't understand if you all speak at the same time." "Please speak one at a time."
「みんな一緒に話したら何を言っているのか分からない」と子どもたちに説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 "I can't understand if you all speak at the same time."(みんな一緒に話したら何を言っているのか分からない) "Please speak one at a time."(一人ずつ話して)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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