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2017/05/23 09:39
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  • I always book a lesson at the last minute.

「直前に」は at the last minute と言います。 I can't plan ahead due to my work. 仕事のせいで前もって計画できない。 ↑こちらも参考になれば嬉しいです。
yui 英会話講師
  • Because of my variable work commitments, I can only book last minute lessons

  • My working hours are haphazard so I'm never sure until the last minute, when I may do a lesson

Haphazard = lacking any obvious principle of organization, random, unplanned, unsystematic, unmethodical, disorganized, disorderly, irregular "The music business works in a haphazard fashion." "Jonathon, I notice that sometimes you book in the morning and sometimes late at night." "Yes, teacher. Because of my variable work commitments, I can only book last minute lessons." "I understand."
Haphazard =無計画に、でたらめに、偶然に、など "The music business works in a haphazard fashion." (音楽業界は無計画なスタイルで機能する) 例 "Jonathon, I notice that sometimes you book in the morning and sometimes late at night." (ジョナサン、あなたは時々、朝だったり夜遅くに予約をしたりするわね) "Yes, teacher. Because of my variable work commitments, I can only book last minute lessons." (はい、先生。色々な仕事をしているので、直前にならないと予約できないんです) "I understand." (なるほど)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I always book lessons at the last minute because of work.

  • I have a busy schedule at work so it's difficult for me to book lessons ahead of time.

"I always book lessons at the last minute because of work." You: Hi, teacher. I'm sorry that I always book lessons at the last minute because of work. This is a very simple way of explaining that you can't book ahead of time because of your job. "I have a busy schedule at work so it's difficult for me to book lessons ahead of time. I'm sorry, teacher." This second one is a bit more polite and explains that you're very busy at work so you can't book ahead of time.
"I always book lessons at the last minute because of work."(私は仕事の関係でいつもレッスンを直前に予約します) あなた: Hi, teacher. I'm sorry that I always book lessons at the last minute because of work.(先生こんにちは。仕事の関係でいつもレッスンを直前に予約してしまい申し訳ございません) これは仕事の関係で前もって予約ができないことを説明するための簡単な方法です。 "I have a busy schedule at work so it's difficult for me to book lessons ahead of time. I'm sorry, teacher."(私は仕事が忙しいためレッスンを前もって予約することが難しいです。先生申し訳ございません) 2文目の方がもう少し丁寧で、仕事が忙しいため前もって予約することができないことを説明しています。
  • I book my lesson on the last minute because it is difficult to plan ahead with work etc

  • Because I have other responsibilities I cannot book my lessons ahead so I book on the last minute.

▪I book my lesson on the last minute because it is difficult to plan ahead with work etc. This sentence explains that because of your work situation you can only book your lessons last minute and not ahead of time. ▪Because I have other responsibilities I cannot book my lessons ahead so I book on the last minute. Responsibilities=a thing which one is required to do as part of a job, role Example 1 Friend: why do you always book your lessons last minute? You:I book my lesson on the last minute because it is difficult to plan ahead with work etc Example 2 Friend: why do you always book your lessons last minute? You:Because I have other responsibilities I cannot book my lessons ahead so I book on the last minute.
▪I book my lesson on the last minute because it is difficult to plan ahead with work etc. (私は仕事などの関係で前もって予定を立てることが難しいためいつもレッスンを直前に予約します) この文は仕事などの関係でレッスンを前もってではなく直前にしか予約できないはことを説明します。 ▪Because I have other responsibilities I cannot book my lessons ahead so I book on the last minute. (他にやることがあってレッスンを前もって予約できないため直前予約します) Responsibilities(責任) = 仕事や役割の一部としてやらなければならないことです。 例1 友人: why do you always book your lessons last minute? (どうしてあなたはいつもレッスンを直前に予約するのですか?) あなた:I book my lesson on the last minute because it is difficult to plan ahead with work etc. (私は仕事などの関係で前もって予定を立てることが難しいためいつもレッスンを直前に予約します) 例2 友人: why do you always book your lessons last minute? (どうしてあなたはいつもレッスンを直前に予約するのですか?) あなた:Because I have other responsibilities I cannot book my lessons ahead so I book on the last minute. (他にやることがあってレッスンを前もって予約できないため直前予約します)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I always book my lessons at the last minute

  • i am always late booking my lessons depending on my work schedule

  • i book last minute lessons as i never know my work plans

To do something at the last minute means you have not planned them and just do them when you can or just before they are going to happen. If you are working late you can't always book lessons and make them so it is good to book them later on when you know you will be free to do them. To explain this you could simply say " Hi, I book lessons at the last minute as I do not know my work plans".
to do something at the last minuteとは、計画を立ててなくて、出来る時にする、または行われる直前にするという意味です。 仕事で遅くなる場合、必ずしもレッスンの予約が取れるとは限りません。従って、レッスンを受けるための時間があると分かってから予約するのが良いでしょう。 これを説明するためにシンプルに次のように言えるでしょう。 Hi, I book lessons at the last minute as do not know my work plans. 仕事の予定が分からないため、いつもぎりぎりになってからレッスンを予約します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I always book lessons at the last minute.

  • I always book lessons right before the start time.

  • I always book lessons right before it is supposed to start.

It is hard for me to book lessons well ahead of the lesson time because of my hectic work schedule. I have a busy work schedule, so I have to wait until the last minute to book lessons. I never know when I will be able to take lessons because of my sporadic work schedule, so I have to sign up for classes at the last minute.
It is hard for me to book lessons well ahead of the lesson time because of my hectic work schedule. (仕事が忙しいので、前もってレッスンを予約しておくのが難しい) I have a busy work schedule, so I have to wait until the last minute to book lessons. (仕事が忙しいので、間際にならないとレッスンを予約できない) I never know when I will be able to take lessons because of my sporadic work schedule, so I have to sign up for classes at the last minute. (仕事が散発的なので、いつレッスンが受けられるか分かりません。なので、直前にならないと予約できません)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • Because of my work commitments, I always book lessons at the last minute.

  • My booking is always last minute because I don’t often know my work timetable in advance.

There are lots of ways that you can explain this - I think the best way is to say ‘I always book lessons at the last minute’ which means that all your lessons are booked right before they happen, not in advance. The phrase ‘in advance’ means with plenty of time beforehand - so you could also explain that you don’t know your work times in advance.
言い方はいろいろあります。 ベストな言い方は: I always book lessons at the last minute. (いつもレッスンを直前に予約する) だと思います。レッスンは(事前でなく)いつも直前に予約するという意味です。「in advance」は「事前に」という意味です。 ですから: I don’t often know my work timetable in advance. (事前に仕事のスケジュールが分からないことが多い) と説明することもできます。
Sarah El DMM英会話講師
  • I usually book lessons at the last minute because of my hectic work schedule

  • My work schedule makes it hard for me to book lessons ahead of time. So, I usually book them at the last minute

When you want to explain that you always book your lessons at the last minute because of you demanding (work) schedule, the you can say it in the following ways: -I usually book lessons at the last minute because of my hectic work schedule -My work schedule makes it hard for me to book lessons ahead of time. So, I usually book them at the last minute -I have a hectic schedule. That is the reason I book lessons at the last minute.
(仕事の)スケジュールがタイトなのでいつもギリギリにレッスンの予約をすると伝えたいなら、以下のように言えます。 -I usually book lessons at the last minute because of my hectic work schedule 忙しい仕事のせいで、たいていギリギリにレッスンの予約をします。 -My work schedule makes it hard for me to book lessons ahead of time. So, I usually book them at the last minute 仕事のスケジュールがタイトで、前もってレッスンの予約をするのが難しいです。なので、たいていギリギリに予約します。 -I have a hectic schedule. That is the reason I book lessons at the last minute. スケジュールがタイトなんです。なので、レッスンはギリギリに予約します。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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