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I'm going to uniqlo to get T-shirts tomorrow. I'm going to get T-shirts at uniqlo tomorrow. どちらの方が、ナチュラルですか? 又、良い表現有ったら教えて下さい!
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2017/05/26 23:27
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  • I'm going to uniqlo to pick up some T-shirts tomorrow

  • I'm going to pick up some T-shirts at uniqlo tomorrow

文の形は、実はいずれでも構いません。どちらでも、違和感があったり、日常会話において使わない表現であるなどといったことはありません。 しかし。2か所ほど修正したほうが良いところもあります。 まずは"get"。「ちょっと買いに行ってくる」というニュアンスにおいて、間違いではありませんが、より自然なのは"pick up"という表現ですね。もちろんきちんと「買う」という意です。 そしてもう一つが"some"。「シャツ何枚か」というニュアンスで"T-shirts"と表記しているのかと思いますが、であれば"some"という言葉もあわせて使うと良いでしょう。
Ken Rose 株式会社フェーズシックス 翻訳・通訳者
  • I am going to go buy me t-shirt at Uniqlo tomorrow.

  • I am going t-shirt shopping at Uniqlo tomorrow.

▪I am going to go buy me t-shirt at Uniqlo tomorrow. This is clearly indicating that you are going to get your t-shirts from Uniqlo tomorrow. ▪I am going t-shirt shopping at Uniqlo tomorrow. This means that you are going shopping for t-shirt tomorrow at Uniqlo. Example 1 Friend: when are you going to buy you new t-shirts You:I am going to go buy me t-shirt at Uniqlo tomorrow. Example 2 Friend: When last did you go shopping You:I am going t-shirt shopping at Uniqlo tomorrow.
▪I am going to go buy me t-shirt at Uniqlo tomorrow. (私は明日ユニクロでTシャツを購入します) これは明らかにあなたが次の日にユニクロでTシャツを買うことを示しています。 ▪I am going t-shirt shopping at Uniqlo tomorrow. (私は明日ユニクロにTシャツのための買い物をしに行きます) これはあなたが次の日にTシャツを買い求めにユニクロに行くという意味です。 例1 友人: when are you going to buy you new t-shirts. (いつ新しいTシャツを買うの?) あなた:I am going to go buy me t-shirt at Uniqlo tomorrow. (私は明日ユニクロでTシャツを買います) 例2 友人: When last did you go shopping. (あなたが前回買い物に行ったのはいつですか) あなた:I am going t-shirt shopping at Uniqlo tomorrow. (私は明日ユニクロにTシャツを買いにいきます)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I'll get my tee shirt at Uniqlo's tomorrow

  • Uniqlo's tee shirts kick ass! That's where I'm getting mine tomorrow.

Kick ass =If you kick ass, you do something in a very impressive and exciting way. "I wouldn't do the show if I thought we were going to suck. But I know we're gonna kick ass." "He was sold to America as a star who could really kick ass." Example: "I'm going to Harrods to buy a tee shirt tomorrow. What about you?" "Uniqlo's tee shirts kick ass! That's where I'm getting mine tomorrow."
Kick ass =全力を尽くす、思いっきりやる "I wouldn't do the show if I thought we were going to suck. But I know we're gonna kick ass." (このショウは最悪になると思たらやらなかったけど、私たちは全力を尽くせるって分かってるよ) "He was sold to America as a star who could really kick ass." (彼は最高のスターしてアメリカへ売り込んだ) 例 "I'm going to Harrods to buy a tee shirt tomorrow. What about you?" (明日ハロッズにTシャツを買いに行くつもりだけど、あなたは?) "Uniqlo's tee shirts kick ass! That's where I'm getting mine tomorrow." (ユニクロのTシャツ最高!だから私は明日そこで買うつもりです)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going to Uniqlo to buy some T-shirts tomorrow.

Native speakers will say like this: “I'm going to Uniqlo to buy some T-shirts tomorrow”. There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used. Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation: A: Do you have any plans for tomorrow? B: Yes, I'm going to Uniqlo to buy some T-shirts tomorrow. Feel free to join!
ネイティブスピーカーは次のように言います。 “I'm going to Uniqlo to buy some T-shirts tomorrow” (私は明日ユニクロにTシャツを買いに行きます) 他にもいろいろな言い方ができますが、これが最も正確で一般的です。 会話では以下のように使えます。 A: Do you have any plans for tomorrow? B: Yes, I'm going to Uniqlo to buy some T-shirts tomorrow. Feel free to join! ↓ A: 明日は何か予定はありますか。 B: はい、私は明日ユニクロにTシャツを買いに行きます。良ければご一緒に!
Ned DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going to buy a shirt a Uniqlo tomorrow.

  • I'm buying a shirt at Uniqlo tomorrow.

  • Tomorrow I am getting a shirt at Uniqlo.

"I'm buying a shirt at Uniqlo tomorrow." is a casual and natural way of telling someone where you are going tomorrow and what you are doing.
I'm buying a shirt at Uniqlo tomorrow. [訳]明日、ユニクロへシャツを買いに行きます これは、明日どこに行って何をするかを伝えるカジュアルで自然な言い方です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • "I am going to uniqlo to pick up some T-shirts tomorrow"

The best way to explain that you are going to buy Uniqlo t-shirts tomorrow is to state, "I am going to uniqlo to pick up some T-shirts tomorrow". The phrase "to pick up", is an informal and commonly used phrase which means to go to a place to either collect or buy an item that you desire.
あしたユニクロにTシャツを買いに行くと伝えるベストな言い方は、 "I am going to uniqlo to pick up some T-shirts tomorrow". The phrase "to pick up"(あしたユニクロにTシャツを買いに行きます) です。 "to pick up"は「買いに行く」「取りに行く」という意味のインフォーマルな表現で、よく使われます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going to Uniqlo to buy/get some T-shirts tomorrow

  • I'm going to buy/get some T-shirts from Uniqlo tomorrow

  • Tomorrow i am going to Uniqlo to buy/get some T-shirts

All of these sentences are a great way to explain what you are doing they all contain all the information that you want to tell someone If you buy something then you pay money for it but you can also simply say 'get'
上記例文は3つとも、貴方が相手に伝えたい情報をすべて含めた文章です。 ”Buy"(購入する)の代わりに、”Get"(入手する)という動詞も使えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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