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2017/06/01 21:02
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  • have a late breakfast

  • have breakfast later than usual

「遅い朝食」=「late breakfast」! 日本語と同じですね^^ 例文: I had a lie-in this morning so I had breakfast later than usual. (私は寝坊しましたのでいつもより遅い朝食を食べました。) We had a late breakfast this morning. (今日は遅い朝食でした。)
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • I ate breakfast a little late today.

  • I had a late breakfast today.

今日は少し遅い朝食でした = I ate breakfast a little late today. "少し" = "little, a bit" 今日は遅い朝食でした= I had a late breakfast today. *** "I" can be changed to "We" if referring to more than one person.
今日は少し遅い朝食でした = (英文)I ate breakfast a little late today. (訳)今日は少しだけ遅く朝ごはんを食べました。"少し" = "little, a bit" 今日は遅い朝食でした= I had a late breakfast today. *** たくさん人がいる場合"I"を"We"に変えることができます。
Denise Nicole Tiu Tantuco Private English teacher
  • I had a late breakfast.

  • I ate breakfast at lunchtime!

You could explain this by saying "I had a late breakfast." If you wanted to be humorous you could say "I ate breakfast at lunchtime", meaning you have eaten breakfast so late it was lunchtime when you ate it.
「I had a late breakfast (遅い朝食を食べた)」と言えます。 ちょっと面白く言いたいなら: "I ate breakfast at lunchtime" (お昼に朝食を食べた) 遅い朝食で食べたのはお昼ご飯の時間だった、という意味です。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • I had a mid-morning breakfast

  • I had breakfast at 11

  • I slept in this morning and then had breakfast

To sleep in = to stay in bed sleeping or relaxing later than usual You may like to identify exactly the time that you had breakfast, to be precise: "I had breakfast at 11" Or, you could describe the approximate time of the morning by including, 'mid,' or 'late' morning in your statement. Or you could state that you 'slept in,' and so, if you sleep in, then it follows your breakfast will not be an early one.
To sleep in =普段よりもう少し寝ること、リラックスする事 具体的に何時朝ごはんを食べたのか伝えるのがいいです: (英文)"I had breakfast at 11" (訳)「私は11時に朝ごはんを食べました。」 'mid,' や 'late' などを使って朝の何時頃か表すことができます。また、'slept in,'を使った場合早く朝ごはんを食べなかったことを示すことができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • a late breakfast

  • a late morning snack

example "I didn't eat until late morning" or "I want a morning snack". or "I ate at about 11 today"
"I didn't eat until late morning" 今朝遅くまでご飯を食べなかった。  "I want a morning snack".  朝のスナックがほしい。 "I ate at about 11 today" 11時ごろ食べた。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Late breakfast

  • I had had a late breakfast.

I had a late breakfast I had breakfast later than usuall I was late having breakfast I had brunch, a combination of lunch and breakfast.
I had a late breakfast. (遅い朝食をとりました。) I had breakfast later than usual. (いつもより遅く朝食をとりました。) I was late having breakfast. (朝食をとるのが遅かったです。) I had brunch, a combination of lunch and breakfast. (ブランチをとりました、朝食とランチをあわせて。)
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • late breakfast

brunch 以外は late breakfast と言えます。 例) 今日は遅い朝食をしたので、お腹があまり空いていない。 I had a late breakfast today, and so I'm not that hungry ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I had a late breakfast.

  • I had my breakfast at 11 am.

I had a late breakfast.-This means that you had your breakfast after normal breakfast time. I had my breakfast at 11 am.- This means that you had your breakfast late. Therefore instead of saying late you can say the specific time.
I had a late breakfast.-一般的な朝ごはんの時間よる遅く朝ごはんを食べたこと。 I had my breakfast at 11 am.- これは遅くに朝ごはんを食べたという事。lateの代わりに具体的に時間をいう事も出来ます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I had a late breakfast.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「I had a late breakfast.」 =今日は少し遅い朝食でした。 (例文)Did you have breakfast?// I had a late breakfast. I didn't have time this morning. (訳)朝ごはん食べた?//今日は少し遅い朝食でした。今朝は時間がありませんでした。 単語: breakfast 朝ごはん お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
  • I had a late breakfast.

・「I had a late breakfast.」 (意味)今日は少し遅い朝食でした。 <例文>Are you hungry?/ I had a late breakfast so I'm not that hungry right now. <訳>お腹空いている?/今日は少し遅い朝食だったので今はお腹空いていません。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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