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2017/06/16 09:51
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  • A brand new Wendy's just opened in the Kansai area!

Wendy's is a franchise store, so you can use the following saying: "A brand new Wendy's just opened in the Kansai area!" "Franchise" meaning that there is more than one and anyone can own a store if it is franchised
ウェンディズはフランチャイズのお店なので、このように言うことができます。 "A brand new Wendy's just opened in the Kansai area!" "franchise"は、複数お店があり、フランチャイズ化されていただ誰でもオーナーになることができる仕組みです。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Hey, did you hear about the new Wendy's store in Kansai?

  • Guess what? there's a new Wendy's store in Kansai!

"Hey, did you hear about...?" We use this construction to introduce some news or information that is noteworthy. "Guess what...? We use this introductory phrase to catch the attention of the listener and to introduce the idea that you have something interesting to share with them. "Guess what!" "What?" "I just won $12,000 on a lottery ticket!" "Wow!"
"Hey, did you hear about...?" 何か面白い情報や特筆すべき情報を紹介するときに使われる文章構造です。 "Guess what...? これも何かを紹介する前に、みんなの注意をひきつけるときに使われる文体です。 "Guess what!" おい、知ってるか? "What?" 何が? "I just won $12,000 on a lottery ticket!" 12000ドルの宝くじあたったよ! "Wow!" おお!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • First ever...

  • The first ever, Wendy's in Kansai ... has now opened...

"The first ever"...Meaning " nothing like it was ever seen," before" this... "The first ever" driver-less car is now operating in Korea....In this case: The first ever, Wendy's in Kansai ... has now opened...
"The first ever"...は、これ以前に見たこともないものということです。 例文 "The first ever" driver-less car is now operating in Korea. 今韓国で、初めての自動運転の車が運行しています。 この場合は 例文 The first ever, Wendy's in Kansai ... has now opened... 関西で初めてのウェンディーズの店舗が、オープンしました。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Wendy's has opened in Kansai area for the first time.

  • Wendy's has opened in the western Japan region for the first time.

"ウェンディズが関西に初上陸(初出店)した" は、 Wendy's has opened in Kansai area for the first time. です。 日本を知らない人だと、Kansai area を知らない可能性もありますね。 その方々には、関西も英語で表現しましょう。 Wendy's has opened in the western Japan region for the first time. で伝わりますよ。 ウェンディーズ、美味しいですよね。 食べたいな♪
Chiyoka きもの着た通訳 & プライベート英語教師
  • The Kansai area got their first Wendy's store.

>The Kansai area got their first Wendy's store. This sentence explains that this is the first Wendy's store in the Kansai are. The following can also be used: a. It was the Big opening of the first Wendy's store in the Kansai area. b. Wendy's store finally made it to the Kansai area.
The Kansai area got their first Wendy's store. 初めてウエンディーズが関西にやってくることを意味する表現です。 以下のように使うことができます。 a. It was the Big opening of the first Wendy's store in the Kansai area. 関西地区にウエンディーズが上陸した大きなオープニングでした。 b. Wendy's store finally made it to the Kansai area." ウエンディーズがとうとう関西地区にやっていきました。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • The first ever Kansai Area Wendy's store has just opened its doors.

The adjective 'first' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'being before all others with respect to time, order, rank, importance, etc., used as the ordinal number of one: the first edition; the first vice president'. The adverb 'ever' has several meanings, but, in this context, it has been used to emphasize the adjective 'first'. The adverb 'just' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'very recently; in the immediate past'. So, you may say: The first ever Kansai Area Wendy's store has just opened its doors.
”first”という形容詞には意味がいくつかありますが、この文章では、”時間、順序、ランク、重要性という点で他の全てのものより前にある”という意味です。例えば何かの通常の順序を表す数字として使われます。例  the first edition(初版)、the first vice president(初代副大統領) "ever"という副詞には意味がいくつかありますが、この文章では、”first”という形容詞を強調するために使われています。 ”just”という副詞には意味がいくつかありますが、この文章では、”ごく最近、直近のこと”という意味です。 ですからこう言うことができます。 例文 The first ever Kansai Area Wendy's store has just opened its doors. 関西エリア初上陸のウェンディーズの店舗が最近オープンした。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • A Wendy's has newly opened in the Kansai area.

  • There is a new Wendy's in the Kansai area now.

I just got to hear about a Wendy's opening in the Kansai.area. Wendy's has recently opened up in the Kansai area.
私はウェンディーズが関西地区に 出店するということをちょうど 聞いたところです。 例文 Wendy's has recently opened up in the Kansai area. ウェンディーズは最近関西地区に 出店したところだ。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • "A new Wendy's store has opened for the first time in the Kansai area"

  • "There is a new Wendy's in the Kansai area"

If you wanted to explain that a Wendy's store opened for the first time in the Kansai area, you could say either of the following to express this: "A new Wendy's store has opened for the first time in the Kansai area" or "There is a new Wendy's in the Kansai area".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • A new Wendy's store just opened in Kansai, it's the first one in the area!

Examples: Did you hear about the new Wendy's store that just opened in Kansai? It's the first one to ever open up in the area! Wendy's just opened in Kansai, I am so excited, it's the first one that has opened up in the area, I love the food at Wendy's!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • A brand new Wendy's opened in the Kansai area.

  • There is finally a Wendy's in the Kansai area.

  • Wendy's has finally opened a store in the Kansai area.

Here are three different phrases that we can use to express that a new store has opened up in a certain area or city. We can use the adjectives, "brand new," to express this or we can use the adverb, "finally," to show that after a long awaited time, it has finally opened up.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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