世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/17 11:12
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  • Which one sounds more natural?

「どちらが自然に聞こえますか?」は英語に訳すとこのようです。 Which one sounds more natural? となります。 どちら→ which one 自然→ natural 聞こえる→ to sound like... 聞こえますか?→ sounds like? 例文 Which one sounds funnier? どちらが面白く聞こえますか? Which one sounds smarter? どちらが賢く聞こえますか? Which one sounds more appropriate? どちらの方がふさわしく聞こえますか? Which phrase sounds more natural? どちらの表現が自然に聞こえますか? ご参考までに!
  • 1. What's the most normal way of saying that?

  • 2. How would people usually say that?

  • 3. Which would you personally prefer to use?

1 and 2 are questions asking for the most common way of saying something. 3. This is asking the teacher to tell you which phrase he would prefer to use in a certain context. A: "How would people usually say that?" B: "We would usually say: XXXXX."
1と2は何かを言う最も一般的な言い方を求める質問です。 3.これは、教師に、特定の文脈でどのようなフレーズを使用するかを教えてくれるように頼んでいます。 A: "How would people usually say that?" B: "We would usually say: XXXXX."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Which one is the most natural?

  • Which phrase is best?

  • Which phrase sounds the most natural?

In order to ask your teacher which phrase is better, more natural or more native, you can ask: Which one is the most natural? - Natural in this sense means the most appropriate to the situation. Which phrase is best? - Best means the better one or the most fitting. You can also ask your teacher, which one would you choose? Or you can describe a particular situation and say which phrases would fit to that situation. You can ask if it will work in daily conversation or in a formal setting. I hope that helps!
先生にどちらのフレーズのほうがより自然でネイティブっぽい言い方か聞くには、こんな聞き方があります。 Which one is the most natural? natural とはこの場合シチュエーションに合っているという意味です。 Which phrase is best? best というのは一番適しているという意味です。 Which one would you choose? (あなただったらどれを使う?)という聞き方もありますね。 または、例を説明し、どのフレーズがそのシチュエーションに合うか聞いてみてもいいです。 日常会話またはフォーマルな場面で使えるのか聞くこともいいです。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • How would a native speaker say this?

  • Which one sounds more natural?

1. How would a native speaker say this? By asking how a native speaker would say something, this would be the most natural way of saying it. 2. Which one sounds more natural? The natural way of saying something is the way in which it sounds best and most fluent.
1. How would a native speaker say this? (ネイティブスピーカーはこれをどうのように言いますか?) この様に聞くことによって"the most natural way of saying(一番自然な言い方)"を教えてもらうことが出来ます。 2. Which one sounds more natural? (どちらが自然な言い方ですか?) "The natural way of saying something"とは最も自然で流暢な言い回しと言う意味になります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Which one would you advise me to use?

  • Which one has the best natural expression.

Which one would you advise me to use? - This is asking the teacher which one he/she thinks is best to use in the situation. Which one has the best natural expression. - This is asking which one sounds the best and has the best natural expression.
Which one would you advise me to use? -これは先生に、その状況で何を使うのが一番いいのか聞くことができます。 Which one has the best natural expression. - これは、どちらが一番うまく聞こえているのか、そして自然な表現か尋ねる表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Which way is the more natural?

  • What's the most natural way of saying that?

  • What's the best way for me to say that?

During your lesson if you want to know which phrase is the best to say you could ask "what's the best way for me to say that" or "what's the more natural way of saying that" If something is natural to be said it comes across as very easy and you do not have to think much about it
レッスン中、どの言い方が一番いいか知りたいなら、以下のように尋ねられます: What's the best way for me to say that? (どの言い方がベストですか?) What's the more natural way of saying that? (どちらがより自然な言い方ですか?) 「natural(自然な)」は、簡単であまり考える必要のないことを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Which saying sounds more natural?

  • Which saying is more native?

  • Which saying is more common?

The three sentences you see above are excellent ways to ask your English teacher which saying is more natural. The words natural and native both mean relaxed and genuine. The word common means something that happens a lot. All of these words are used a lot in our everyday conversation and would make great additions to your vocabulary.
三例とも、どちらの言い回しが寄り自然かを尋ねる時に使える、素晴らしい表現です。 naturalとnativeは、砕けたネイティブの使う英語を表します。commonは、頻繁に起こることを表します。これらの語はどれも日常会話でよく使われますので、覚えておくと良いでしょう。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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