I was in ○○ on business for 2 months and just came back yesterday.
「○○にいた・行っていた」はI was in○○、「仕事で」はon businessと表すことができます。
Long time no see. Where have you been?
I was in China on business for 2 months
and just came back yesterday.
I was away with work for 2 months and only came back yesterday.
I went on a business trip to Africa for 2 months.
Friend: Hi, I have not seen you in a long time, where have you been?
Me: I was away on a business trip.
Friend: Nice, where did you go?
Me: I was in Africa for 2 months.
Friend: Wow, when did you come back.
Me: I only came back yesterday.
"Friend: Hi, I have not seen you in a long time, where have you been?
Me: I was away on a business trip.
Friend: Nice, where did you go?
Me: I was in Africa for 2 months.
Friend: Wow, when did you come back.
Me: I only came back yesterday."
I was on a business trip for two months and just got back
I've been away on business these last couple of months and just returned.
To 'get back' means to return to the original place - in this case, the hometown.
'Get back to where you once belong.' these are lyric from the Beatles song, 'get Back'.
To have been away = to have been in another place away from home.
To 'get back'とは、元の場所(この場合は故郷)に戻ることを意味します。
'Get back to where you once belong.これらはビートルズの歌詞である「get Back」の歌詞です。
To have been away=家から離れて別の場所にいること
I was on a business trip for 2 months but came back yesterday
I was away on business for 2 months but returned yesterday
I returned back to work yesterday after being off for 2 months
If you are explaining you have returned to work yesterday after being off then you would say 'Came back yesterday' or returned yesterday'
If you say 'i was away on a business trip for 2 months' or 'i was away on business for 2 months' you are explaining wy you were off
you could also say 'i returned to work yesterday after being off for 2 months'
「昨日戻ったばかり」と言うときは、”Came back yesterday"または、”Returned yesterday"と言います。
”I was away on a business trip for 2 months"(出張で二ヵ月不在にしていました)と言えば、貴方が不在にしていた理由を説明することが出来ます。
また、”I returned to work yesterday after being off for 2 months"(二ヵ月ぶりに職場復帰しました)と言います。
I went on a business trip to Africa for two months.
I have arrived home yesterday after two months away.
You can explain that you have been away by stating "I went on a business trip to Africa for two months". This sentence explains how long you were away for, why you were away and where you went on your trip. You can then follow it up with "I arrived home yesterday".
"I went on a business trip to Africa for two months"(出張で2カ月間アフリカに行きました)
"I arrived home yesterday"(昨日家に着きました)
I was away for work for 2 months, but I just got back yesterday.
I was on a business trip for 2 months and just got back yesterday.
If you want to explain that you were on a business trip for 2 months, and just got back yesterday, you can say:
"I was away for work for 2 months, but I just got back yesterday."
"I was on a business trip for 2 months and just got back yesterday."
"I was away for work for 2 months, but I just got back yesterday."(2カ月出張にでていましたが昨日戻ってきました)
"I was on a business trip for 2 months and just got back yesterday."(昨日2カ月間の出張から戻ってきました)