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2017/06/24 07:38
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  • Do you eat three square meals a day?

  • Are you eating properly?

質問ありがとうございました! 朝昼晩ですね!大事ですもね。 多くの方から朝昼晩の三食は{正しい}食生活ということで: ●Are you eating properly? →ちゃんと食べてますか? →Properlyっというのは正しい、正式に。こういう時は食事ちゃんととってるのか聞いてます。 ●Do you eat three square meals a day? →朝昼晩、三食ちゃんと食べてますか? →three, square mealsっというのは三つのちゃんとしてる食事。 →I only eat one square meal a day. ちゃんとした食事は一日一回しか食べない。 Hope this helps! いかがでしょうか? Cheers, Jess
Jessica ニュージーランド出身タレント、コラムニスト
  • Do you eat three times a day?

ご質問ありがとうございます♩ Do you eat three times a day? 「1日3食食べていますか?」 〇〇 times a day 「1日に〇〇回」 という表現ができます♩ ご参考になられたら幸いです♩
Risa Komatsu ごちそう英会話講師
  • Do you usually eat three meals a day?

  • Are you in the habit of eating three times a day?

When asking questions about someone's daily routines, you can ask them what they "usually" do. In this case, "do you usually eat three meals a day" is a good way to phrase the question. You can also ask if someone is in the "habit" of doing something. This is another way to ask someone about their usual routines. - Are you in the habit of eating three times a day? - Are you in the habit of showering before bed or when you wake up? - Are you in the habit of brushing your teeth after lunch?
誰かの日常生活に関する質問をするときは、彼らが「普段」どうしているのかと聞くとよいでしょう。この場合、「あなたは普段、1日3食食べますか?」と質問するのがよいでしょう。 何かをする「習慣」があるかどうかを尋ねることもできます。これは、普段のルーティンについて尋ねるもう一つの方法です。 - Are you in the habit of eating three times a day?(1日に3食食べる習慣がありますか?) - Are you in the habit of showering before bed or when you wake up?(寝る前または起きた時にシャワーを浴びる習慣がありますか?) - Are you in the habit of brushing your teeth after lunch?(ランチの後に歯を磨く習慣がありますか?)
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Do you eat three meals a day?

You can ask "do you eat three meals a day?" ------------------------ The 3 meals are : 1.breakfast 2.lunch 3.dinner -----------------------------------------
"do you eat three meals a day?" (一日3食食べますか)と聞くことができます。 ------------------------ 3食とは: 1.breakfast(朝食) 2.lunch(昼食) 3.dinner(夕食) -----------------------------------------
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Do you eat three meals a day?

  • What is your regular meal routine?

Do you eat three meals a day? =一日三食食べる? What is your regular meal routine? =普段の食事のルーチンはどんな感じ? meal =食事 routine =ルーチン、手順 国や文化によっては一日三食食べるのが常識でない場合も多いので色んな人に尋ねてみると面白そうですね。
  • 1. How many meals a day do you eat?

  • 2. I guess you eat 3 meals a day?

  • 3. You're so skinny! I suppose you only eat 2 meals a day?

1. This asks the question without any embellishment. 2. here you are saying that you assume this person eats three meals a day. They will either confirm or correct this assumption. 3. There should be a reason for this rather strange question. here you say that this person is thin and so you understand they only eat two meals a day. The other person should now either confirm this or correct you.
1. 飾りっけなしの率直な質問です。 2.あなたがこの人が1日3食を食べると仮定して尋ねる言い方です。相手はそうですと認めるか、違うと修正してくることでしょう。 3.こういったちょっと奇妙な質問を投げかけるにはそれなりの理由があるはずです。skinnyと、その人が痩せているので2食しか食べてないのではないかと尋ねる表現です。相手は認めるか、違うと修正するでしょうね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Do you eat 3 meals a day?

上が一般的ですが、timesといっても間違いじゃないですよ。 Bodybuilders eat 5 times a day. ボディビルダーは一日5食たべる。
  • Do you eat three meals a day?

  • Do you eat three times a day?

Example A: Do you eat three meals a day? B: I eat three meals and two snack each day. A: Do you eat three times a day? B: No. I eat more than that
例文①: A. 1日3食食べていますか? B. 毎日、1日3食と間食を2回します。 例文②: A. 1日3食食べていますか? B. いいえ、それ以上食べています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Do you usually eat three meals a day?

  • How many meals per day do you usually eat?

  • In a given day, how many meals do you usually eat?

"Meals a day" means meals each day or meals per day. "Usually" means typically. If you want to ask how many meals someone eats in a day, you could start with "in a given day", which means within a usual day.
"meals a day" は、"meals each day"(1日~食)あるいは "meals per day"(同)という意味です。 "Usually" は「普通は」という意味です。 一日何食食べているか尋ねるなら、"in a given day" で始めることができます。"in a given day" は「普通の日は」という意味です。
Jae C DMM英会話講師
  • How many meals a day do you eat?

  • Do you eat three square meals a day?

The first question will allow the person you ask to give an open answer, whereas, the second one, is more direct about a specific number of times he or she eats.
一つ目の質問はオープンクエスチョンです。 ※ オープンクエスチョン = 二者択一で返答できる質問ではなく、自由に返答できる質問。 一方、二つ目の質問では具体的な回数を挙げて尋ねています。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Do you eat 3 meals daily?

  • Do you usually eat 3 meals a day?

  • Would you say that you eat 3 meals a day?

Do you eat 3 meals daily? "Daily" is a word native speakers often use. Daily just describes an activity or occurrence that happens every single day. So in this case, you are asking if the person has 3 meals every single day of their life. EXAMPLE: Do you eat 3 meals daily? A1: Yes, I eat 3 meals every day." A2: No, I only sometimes eat 3 meals a day. Do you usually eat 3 meals a day? "Usually" is also a term used by native speakers quite often. It simply means that it is something that happens most of the times. So this sentence asks if the person eats 3 meals a day, most of the time. Would you say that you eat 3 meals a day? A1: Yes, I would say that I eat 3 meals a day. A2: No, I would not say that I eat 3 meals a day.
Do you eat 3 meals daily?(毎日3食食べていますか) "Daily" はネイティブがよく使う言葉です。"Daily" は「毎日(行われる[起こる])」という意味です。ここでは、「毎日3食食べていますか」と尋ねています。 例: Do you eat 3 meals daily?(毎日3食食べています) 回答1: Yes, I eat 3 meals every day.(はい、毎日3食食べています) 回答2: No, I only sometimes eat 3 meals a day.(いいえ、時々しか3食は食べません) Do you usually eat 3 meals a day?(普段は3食食べていますか) "Usually" もネイティブがよく使う言葉です。"Usually" は「普通は/たいていは」という意味です。ここでは、「普段は3食食べていますか」と尋ねています。 Would you say that you eat 3 meals a day?(1日3食食べていますか) 回答1: Yes, I would say that I eat 3 meals a day.(はい、一日3食食べています) 回答2: No, I would not say that I eat 3 meals a day.(いいえ、一日3食食べていません)
Arne DMM英会話講師
  • Do you eat three times in a day?

  • Do you have three meals each day?

  • How many times a day do you eat?

Usually, people have three periods within a day where they eat. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are the three periods in which people usually eat. To ask this, use the sentences above. The last sentence is more open and allows the speaker to answer how many times they eat in a day. Eating regularly is good for you as it keeps your energy levels balanced but making sure you eat the right food is important too.
たいていの人は一日に3回食事をしますね。それは、'Breakfast'(朝食)、'Lunch'(昼食)、'Dinner'(夕食)です。 これは、上記のように言えます。 最後の例はオープンクエスチョンで、「一日に何回食事をしますか」と聞いています。 ※ オープンクエスチョン = 二者択一で返答できる質問ではなく、自由に返答できる質問。 食べることはからだにエネルギーを取り入れることですから、規則正しい食事、そして良いものを食べることが重要です。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Do you eat three meals a day?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「Do you eat three meals a day?」 =1日3食食べてますか? (例文)Do you eat three meals a day? // I do. Today I had pancakes for breakfast. (訳)1日3食食べてますか?//はい。今朝は朝ごはんにパンケーキを食べました。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 Coco
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