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(How have you been?と聞かれた時の)答え方って英語でなんて言うの?

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2017/07/04 19:48
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  • I've been good, thank you.

  • I've been fine, thank you. And you?

こんにちは。 How have you been?と聞かれた時の)答え方" は色々あります。 例えば;丁寧な場合 I have been good. Thank you. And you? 私は[元気](でやっています。[ありがとう](。先生はどう? I haven't been that good lately. And you? 最近はちょっとよくない。先生はどう? I've been very busy. How about you? とても[忙しい](です。先生はどう? カジュアルな答え方; Fine, thanks. You? Good, you? 元気だよ。あなたは? Not bad. You? 悪くはない。あなたは? <ボキャブラリー> busy = 忙しい good = 良い And you? = あなたは? bad = 悪い not bad = 悪くない ご参考になれば幸いです。 関連した英語表現については、こちらのブログ記事をご覧ください: [“How are you?”への返事でコミュニケーションは劇的に変わる!自然な返事の英語フレーズ20選](
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • I'm doing well, thanks

  • I'm good, thanks

  • I'm fine, thanks

When someone says 'How have you been?' They are normally asking how are you, especially when they have not seen you in a while. It means that since the last time they have seen you, have you been well? The most appropriate way to answer is to start by saying: I'm doing well, thanks - 'doing well' is the present continuous way of saying you are well. I'm good, thanks - It is also polite to say thanks after the response. I'm fine, thanks You can then go on to highlight any events that went on during the week. If there was anything that happened of interest or an exciting event, you can then go on to talk about it. I hope that helps!
How have you been?と聞かれたとき だいたいその場合は、元気だったかどうかを聞いています。しばらく合っていないときにもよく使います。これは最後に会ってからあなたが元気にしていたかどうかを聞く言い方です。 最も適した答え方は、こう返答するといいですよ。 I'm doing well, thanks. doing well は、今も[元気](にしているという現在進行形の言い方です。 I'm good, thanks. 返答のあとに"thanks"とつけると丁寧ですね。 I'm fine, thanks. (元気です、[ありがとう]( こう答えてから、次にその週に起きた主だった出来事について話すといいです。面白かったり[ワクワクする](ような出来事があったら、ぜひ話してください。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I've been great.

  • Not so great.

The answers to 'how have you been' are usually longer and detailed. This is a common question between persons that have not seen each other in a long time. You should let the person know how you are feeling and why you are feeling that way. Example: A: How have you bee? B: I've been great. I just gave birth to a beautiful girl. A: How have you been? B: Not so great. I was in an accident a few weeks ago and my car has not been repaired yet. A: How have you been? B: I've been okay. Nothing new has happened since we last spoke.
How have you been' に対しての返答は、 長くそして、詳細を語ることが多いです。 これは、長い間会っていなかった友人同士の挨拶です。 その間どのように感じていたのか、またどうしてなのかを伝える必要があります。 例文: A: How have you been?   →しばらくの間どうしてた? B: I've been great. I just gave birth to a beautiful girl.   →元気だったよ。きれいな女の子を産んだんだ。 A: How have you been?   →しばらくの間どうしてた? B: Not so great. I was in an accident a few weeks ago and my car has not been repaired yet.   →あまり良くなかったよ。数週間前に、事故にあったんだ。 僕の車はまだ直ってないんだ。 A: How have you been?   →しばらくの間どうしてた? B: I've been okay. Nothing new has happened since we last spoke.  → 大丈夫だったよ。前にあったときから、特に変わりはないね。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I've been really good, thank you!

  • I'm good, thanks!

  • I've been very busy, but I am fine, thanks!

I've - I have I'm - I am "Fine"really good" "good" it all means that you are doing very well. It is polite to ask the question in return, and "How are you doing?"
"I've = I have I'm =I am ""fine"" ""really good"" ""good"" これらの表現は全て、とても元気、とても調子が良い、という意味です。 質問されたら、""How are you doing?"" のように、さらに相手にも質問を返すのが丁寧な挨拶のやり取りの仕方です。"
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I've been really well, thanks!

  • Fine thanks. And you?

These are formalities of a conversation and are sometimes referred to as 'small talk,' however the function is to put people at ease so as to slide gently and in a civilised way, into the upcoming matters to be discussed. "I haven't seen you in ages Paul. How's it going?" "Fine thanks. And you?" "Great, thanks!"
これらは会話の形式であり、「small talk」と呼ばれることもあります。本題にうつる前に、流れをスムースにする役割を果たします。   "I haven't seen you in ages Paul. How's it going?" "ポール!久しぶりだね。最近どうですか?"   "Fine thanks. And you?" "元気です、あなたはどうですか?" "Great, thanks!" "元気です。ありがとうございます!"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I've been great! how about you.

I've is a short way of saying I have. Been great means that things are going well with you and in your favour. Example :- A. How have you been lately? B. I've been great! how about you.
I've は I have の短縮形です。 Been great は物事があなたにとって順調であることを意味します。 例 A. How have you been lately? (最近どうですか?) B. I've been great! how about you. (元気ですよ!あなたは?)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I'm good thank you.

  • I'm doing very well thanks.

The most common way to reply to someone asking how you have been is the two above.
この二つは "How have you been?"(元気でしたか)に対する最も一般的な返しです。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • I've been well, thank you

  • I've been better

"I've been well, thank you" depending on how you are feeling, in this context you have been very well/good, you can use this phrase. "I've been better" If you haven't been having the best time, things haven't been as good as they had been, you can use this phrase.
"I've been well, thank you"(元気でしたよ、ありがとう) 答え方はその時の気分によりますが、元気だったなら、このフレーズが使えます。 "I've been better"(あまり調子が良くない) 「あまり調子が良くなかった」というときには、このフレーズが使えます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I've been good, thanks.

  • I've been great, thank you.

I've - I have good/great - fine ---------------------------- A : How have you been? B : I've been good, thanks. How have you been? A : I've been fine. ---------------------------- Also ask the person how has he/she been, it is always polite to ask :)
I've - I have good/great - fine(元気な) ---------------------------- A : How have you been?(元気でしたか?) B : I've been good, thanks. How have you been?(元気でした、ありがとうございます。あなたは元気でしたか?) A : I've been fine.(私も元気でした) ---------------------------- ask the person how has he/she been(どうしていたかを尋ねましょう)尋ねることが礼儀です :)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I've been good. How about you?

  • Good, good. And you?

  • I've been OK, nothing special. What about you?

I've been good. How about you? 私は元気です。あなたはどうですか? Good, good. And you? 良い感じです。あなたは? I've been OK, nothing special. What about you? まあまあです。特別なことは何もありません。あなたはどうですか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 私は個人的に、シンプルに Good や Great などをよく使います。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 またいつでも質問してください。
  • Great and you?

Friend:"How have you been?" You:"Great and you?" Friend: I am fine. I can't complain. It is always polite to ask the other person how they have been as well.
例文 Friend:"How have you been?" You:"Great and you?" Friend: I am fine. I can't complain. 友人「元気にしてた?」 あなた「元気です。あなたは?」 友人「元気だよ。まぁまぁだね。」 話の相手にも、元気かどうか尋ねると常に丁寧な印象を与えます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
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