世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/05 08:43
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  • Do you just have a test today? or a class too?

こんにちは。 今日はテストだけ?それとも授業もありますか? Do you just have a test today? or a class too? テストだけ just a test only a test test only それとも or ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • Are we only having the test today or normal classes as well?

This is a direct way of asking a teacher or someone else if the test/exam is the only thing you are doing at school that day, or if you also have your normal classroom lessons too.
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Do we have normal classes after the test?

  • Are we just doing the test today or normal classes too?

  • Can we go home after the test?

There are a variety of ways that you can ask this question. Each of these should give you the answer you are looking for: -Do we have normal classes after the test? -Are we just doing the test today or normal classes too? -Can we go home after the test?
この質問はいろいろな聞き方ができます。 これらどの例を使ってもあなたの知りたいことが聞き出せるはずです。 -Do we have normal classes after the test?(テストの後普通の授業はありますか) -Are we just doing the test today or normal classes too?(今日はテストだけですか、それとも普通の授業もありますか) -Can we go home after the test?(テストが終わったら帰れますか)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • Do we have classes after the test?

  • Is today's lesson only a test or do we have class after as well?

"Do we have classes after the test?" is a short question where as "Is today's lesson only a test or do we have class after as well?" is slightly more elaborate.
"Do we have classes after the test?"(テストの後に授業はありますか)は、短い質問です。 一方、"Is today's lesson only a test or do we have class after as well?"(今日はテストだけですか、それともその後授業もありますか)は、少し手の込んだ質問です。
Stef H DMM英会話講師
  • Are we only doing the test today?

  • Will there be a lesson after the test?

If you ask "Are we only the doing the test today?", it is an indirect way to have your teacher tell you whether there will be a normal class afterward or not. "Will there be a lesson after the test?" Is a more direct way of asking your teacher if you should expect a normal lesson after the test.
"Are we only doing the test today?"(今日はテストだけやるのですか)は、テストの後に普通の授業があるかどうか先生に確認する間接的な言い方です。 "Will there be a lesson after the test?"(テストの後に授業はありますか)は、より直接的な言い方です。テストの後に普通の授業があるかどうか先生に確認しています。
Chinique DMM英会話講師
  • Can we go home after the test?

  • Do we have classes after the test?

テストの後に家に帰ることはできますか? Can we go home after the test? テストの後にクラスはありますか? Do we have classes after the test?
テストが終わったら家に帰れますか。 Can we go home after the test? テストの後に授業はありますか。 Do we have classes after the test?
Tom Ott DMM英会話講師
  • Do we only have a test today?

  • Do we have anything except the test today?

  • Do we have lessons today?

There are several ways in which you could ask this question. 'Do we only have a test today?' is asking if there is anything else to be expected. 'Do we have lessons today?' is specifically asking if there are going to be lessons. 'Do we have anything except the test today?' is asking the same question using the more advanced word of 'except'.
この質問はいくつかの聞き方ができます。 'Do we only have a test today?'(今日はテストしかありませんか)は、他に何かすることになっているかどうか尋ねています。 'Do we have lessons today?'(今日は授業はありますか)は特に授業があるかどうか尋ねています。 'Do we have anything except the test today?'(今日はテストの他に何かありますか)は、同じ質問をより上級レベルの英語 'except' を用いて尋ねています。
Sarah El DMM英会話講師
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