世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/05 20:11
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  • What kind of food would you like to have?

  • Is there anything you want to try?

メニューが読めない相手だとどんな食べ物が書いてあるかわからないと思うのでとりあえず「どんな食べ物が食べたいですか?」と好みを聞いてあげるといいと思います。 A: What kind of food would you like to have? B: I want to have fried food. A: We have Tempura, Katsudon, and fried chicken. B: I'll have Tempura. A:どんな物が食べたいですか? B:揚げ物が食べたいです。 A:天ぷら、かつ丼、から揚げがあります。 B:天ぷらをください。 Is there anything you want to try?は「どんなものを試してみたいですか?」と言う意味です。初めて日本で食事をする人はどんなものが口に合うかわからないので食べたいものが明確でないかもしれません。「なにが食べたいですか?」とずばり聞くのではなく、「どんなものを試してみたいですか?」と聞いたほうが優しく聞こえると思います。 A: Is there anything you want to try? B: I've heard a lot about sushi. I'd love to try that. A: Excellent choice! We have a variety of sushi options for you to enjoy. B: Great, I can't wait! A:何か試してみたいものはありますか? B:寿司についてはたくさん聞いていて、試してみたいと思っています。 A:素晴らしい選択です!様々な種類の寿司をお楽しみいただけます。 B:素晴らしい、待ちきれません!
  • What would you like to order?

  • Have you decided what you would like to eat?

  • May I take your order, please?

All three expressions are suitable for this situation.
Entei DMM英会話講師
  • Are you ready to order?

What would you like to have? 「何を食べたいですか。」よりも A: Are you ready to order? 「お決まりですか。」 B: Yes. I will get~「はい。〜をください。」 のような流れの方が自然だと思うので、 このフレーズを選びました。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • A) Good day / Good evening what would you like to order?

  • B) Are you ready to place n order ?

A) Good day / Good evening what would you like to order? *Good day - would be used during the day *Good evening - would be used during the evening B) Are you ready to place n order ? - Would you like to order now ? I hope this helps :-)
A) Good day / Good evening what would you like to order? (いらっしゃいませ、何をご注文されますか?) *Good day - 日中に使用されます。 *Good evening -夕方・夜間に使用されます。 B) Are you ready to place n order ? (ご注文の準備はよろしいでしょうか?) - Would you like to order now ?(もうご注文されますか?) お役に立てば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • What would you like to eat?

  • Would you like me to explain the menu for you?

It's something of a chicken and egg problem. The person can't read the menu - so he can't know what is on offer at the restaurant. If you ask:'What would you like to eat?" he will probably still be unable to tell you. The best way forward here may be to offer to explain the basic items on the menu: noodles, chicken beef, rice, soup etc and then the customer will be just a little better-informed: "Would you like me to explain the menu for you?" "How kind, thank you so much"
これは鶏か卵が先かの問題と一緒です。 メニューが読めないので、レストランが何をだしているかさえわかってないんですよね。だから、もし:'What would you like to eat?"ときかれても、それにこたえられないでしょう。一番いいのは、基本的なメニューを教えてあげることでしょう。そのお客さんに、味噌汁やごはん、メインは何か、教えてあげれば少しは理解するでしょう。 "Would you like me to explain the menu for you?" メニューについてご説明いたしましょうか? "How kind, thank you so much" ああ、本当に助かります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What would you like to eat?

  • Would you like a/an (type of food) dish?

What would you like to eat? This is a simple way of asking the customer for their order. You could also make suggestions as to what the restaurant specializes in if the customer does not understand Japanese Example A: What would you like to eat? B: I cannot read the menu. What do you suggest? A: We are nest known for our beef stew. Would you like to try that? B: Yes, please. _________________________________________________________________________ Would you like (type of food) Types of food you can suggest include: Chicken Pork Seafood Salad Examples A: Would you like a salad? B: What kind of salad do you recommend? A: Our red bean and avocado salad is great. A: Would you like a pork dish? B: No, thank you. I don't eat pork. A: How about a seafood dish? We have a special on prawns and hake. B: I'll have that
What would you like to eat?何が食べたいですか? お客さんに注文を聞くシンプルな質問です。日本語が読めないお客さんには何がお店の看板メニューなのか、何のお店なのか教えてあげるといいですね 例 A: What would you like to eat?何が食べたいですか? B: I cannot read the menu. What do you suggest?メニューが読めないです。何がおすすめですか? A: We are nest known for our beef stew. Would you like to try that?私たちのお店はビーフシチューが人気です。お試しされますか? B: Yes, please.ええ、お願いします。 _________________________________________________________________________ Would you like (type of food)~はいかがですか? Types of food you can suggest include:おすすめする食べ物の種類 Chicken チキン Pork豚肉 Seafood海鮮 Saladサラダ 例 A: Would you like a salad?サラダはいかがですか? B: What kind of salad do you recommend?どんなサラダがおすすめ? A: Our red bean and avocado salad is great.赤豆とアボカドのサラダがおいしいですよ。 A: Would you like a pork dish? 豚肉料理はいかがですか? B: No, thank you. I don't eat pork.結構です。豚肉は食べないの。 A: How about a seafood dish? We have a special on prawns and hake.シーフードはいかがですか?おすすめはエビとヘイクの料理です。 B: I'll have thatそれをいただくわ
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • What would you like to eat?

  • Have you decided what you would like to order?

1. What would you like to eat? You can ask the person this question directly. This is a simple question that gets straight to the point. 2. Have you decided what you would like to order? In most restaurants, the customers have to order what they want from the menu. The item they ordered will then be prepared by the chef, and served to the customer. To order food at a restaurant means to make a request for a certain item on the menu.
"1.What would you like to eat? こちらの表現を使って単刀直入に聞くことができます。 これは、ストレートで率直な質問です。 2.Have you decided what would you like to order? 殆どのレストランでは、お客さんはメニューから食べたいものを注文します。 注文された料理をシェフが料理し、お客様にお出しします。 To orderとは、レストランでメニューから料理を選んで注文するという意味です。"
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • What would you like to order?

直訳をすれば "What would you like to eat?"なのですが、 ここでは飲食店で働いている店員という設定なので "What would you like to order?" のほうが的確ではないかと思われます。 海外の方が困っていて何を注文するばよいかわからないのであれば "This is the most popular dish that we have in our restaurant." 「こちらが当店のおすすめメニューです。」 とお伝えしてみるのはいかがでしょうか。
  • What would you like to eat?

  • What do you want to eat?

What would you like to eat? 何が食べたいですか? What do you want to eat? 何が食べたい? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 What would you like ... のように言うと What do you want ... より少し丁寧な印象です。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
  • Have you decided, what you would like to eat?

  • Are you ready to order your meal?

Some restaurants have guidelines on how long you have to wait between getting the drinks and food order. Sometimes, people need more time, especially if it is their first time at that place, they want to look at the different variety of food that is being served.
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • What type(kind) of food would you like to order?

  • Are you ready to order?

1) メニューが読めないとのことでしたので、まずはどんな種類の食べ物を食べたいかを確認すると親切かなと思います。その後に希望の種類のメニューを説明してあげるとより良いと思います。 2)とにかくシンプルに、ご注文はお決まりですか?と聞きたい場合はこれで問題ありません。
Amy T DMM英会話スタッフ
  • What can I get for you today?

  • Is there anything on the menu that I can get for you?

  • May I take your order?

All of these sentences can be used when asking someone what they would like to order off the menu.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Do you have a preference for today's meal sir/ma'am?

  • What kind of taste are you looking to try out?

  • Would you like me to help you understand the menu?

If you want to ask someone who is new to Japanese cuisine what they would like to order, you can help them by offering to explain the dishes so they have a better idea of what they would like to eat. "We have ___ for today's special. It tastes great! It has ___ and ___ as the main ingredient. Would you like to try it out?" Preferences: something you like over other things Taste: flavor Cuisine: a style of food
和食を食べたことのない人に何を注文するか尋ねるなら、メニューについて説明してあげると相手は選びやすいと思います。 "We have ___ for today's special. It tastes great! It has ___ and ___ as the main ingredient. Would you like to try it out?" (本日のスペシャルメニューは___です。すごくおいしいです。___と___を使った料理です。お試しになりますか) Preferences: 好み Taste: 風味/味 Cuisine: 料理法
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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