世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/05 22:47
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  • Please take this medicine after a meal three times a day.

薬を「飲む」はdrinkではなくtakeを使います。 食後はafter a meal (after meals)ですね。ちなみに食前はbefore a meal。 毎食後ということは1日3回なので、three time a dayを入れました。 ちなみに薬の種類もいろいろあって、私がカナダでよく目にするのは’・・・ 錠剤:tablet カプセル:capsule 痛み止め:pain killer/pain reliever 咳止めシロップ:cough syrup 抗生物質:antibiotic 軟膏:ointment 目薬:eye drop のど飴:lozenges とかがありますね。 日本にもたくさんの外国人の方がお住まいのことと思います。ご質問者様のように英語で薬の説明をしてくださる方が増えると、困っていらっしゃる方が一人でも減ると思います。ぜひ頑張ってください!
Mari Kato 英語講師、通訳者、翻訳家、英語教育コラムニスト
  • This medication is to be taken with food, 3 times a day.

  • This medication will irritate your stomach is you take it without food. Take it after each meal.

The first phrase directly gives the information. The second phrase gives the reason why it is to be taken with food and might motivate them to follow your instruction.
最初のフレーズは情報を直接伝えています。 2つ目のフレーズは、食事と一緒に取る理由を与えているので、あなたの指示に従おうと思うかもしれません。
  • Please make sure you take this medicine after each meal.

  • Please ensure that you don't take this medicine on an empty stomach.

Please make sure you take this medicine after each meal" and "Please ensure that you don't take this medicine on an empty stomach." are almost identical in meaning.Most people tend to forget to take their medicine after a meal and so you might also explain why the medicine has to be taken in this manner. eg .It is important to take your medicine after a meal to avoid irritating your stomach -The chemicals in this medicine are too strong to me consumed on an empty stomach
Please make sure you take this medicine after each meal" and "Please ensure that you don't take this medicine on an empty stomach." are almost identical in meaning.Most people tend to forget to take their medicine after a meal and so you might also explain why the medicine has to be taken in this manner. eg .It is important to take your medicine after a meal to avoid irritating your stomach -The chemicals in this medicine are too strong to me consumed on an empty stomach 「この薬を毎食後飲むようにして下さい。」と「この薬は空腹時に飲まないようにして下さい。」は、ほぼ同じ意味です。 大半の人は、食後にお薬を飲み忘れることが多いので、何故、食後に服薬するのかを説明すると良いかもしれません。 例えば、次のような言い方があります。 「胃を荒らさないために、食後に服薬することが重要です。」 「お薬に入っている成分は空腹状態で飲むには強過ぎます(胃に負担がかかります)。」
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • 1. You need to take this after every meal

  • 2. This is a postprandial medicine

  • 3. The instructions say take it after every meal

1. Need to = we use this construction when giving advice and when saying what is necessary. "We need to clean the house today." 2. Postprandial = occurring or done after a meal. "An annual postprandial blood glucose test" 3. 'The instructions' = the users manual or information sheet. "We have to assemble the wardrobe according to the manufacturer's instructions.
1. Need to = これは必要なことや、相手にアドバイスをあげるときに使い言い方です。 "We need to clean the house today." 今日は家を掃除しなくちゃいけないね。 2. Postprandial = ご飯後に、 "An annual postprandial blood glucose test" 年に一回の食後のグルコーステスト。 3. 'The instructions' = ユーザーマニュアルや説明書 "We have to assemble the wardrobe according to the manufacturer's instructions. 説明書通りにワードローブを組み立てなければならない。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please take this medicine as directed, after every meal.

  • This medicine needs to be taken after every meal, as directed by your healthcare provider.

  • You must not take this medicine on an empty stomach, you must take it after every meal.

These sentences will help you express to someone that they need to be taking their medicine after every meal.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • Take with food.

  • Take after you eat.

  • Do not take on an empty stomach.

The above are instructions you may see on a pill bottle or instructions included with a prescription medication. Instructions on the bottle of the prescription medication are usually short and concise so the patient understands the instructions and will not be confused by or doubt the instructions given. When verbally speaking to the patient you could add more language, like please and thank-you, so you sound more polite. Along with the reason why the patient should not take the medication on an empty stomach. Such as; the medication may cause an upset stomach or the medicine won't be absorbed correctly without food in the stomach.
薬の瓶や処方薬の注意書きに使われる文言です。処方薬の瓶の注意書きは普通、誤解がないよう、短く簡潔に表されます。 口頭で言う場合には、より丁寧に、もっと言葉を足せます(例えば「please」「thank you」)。また、なぜ食後に飲むのか、理由を伝えてもいいです: The medication may cause an upset stomach.(薬で胃の調子が悪くなるかもしれません) The medicine won't be absorbed correctly without food in the stomach. (空腹の場合、薬がきちんと吸収されません)
Meli D DMM英語講師
  • You need to eat first before you take this medicine.

  • Take this medicine after every meal.

  • You should take one pill three times a day after every meal.

"You need to eat first before you take this medicine." explains to a person when they need to take their medication, in this case, after eating food.
"You need to eat first before you take this medicine." (この薬は食後に服用下さい)は、薬を飲むことが必要な時に、この場合、食事を取った後に行うように説明しています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Take this medicine after each meal.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) Take this medicine after each meal. 「毎回のご飯の後にこの薬を飲んでください」 after each mealやafter every mealで「毎食後」の意味になりますm(__)m 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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