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2017/07/10 00:13
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  • This dish will take a little while to prepare.

  • This dish will take (....) minutes to prepare. I hope you don't mind waiting.

In order to explain to a customer that a certain dish will take some time to prepare, you can say: This dish will take a little while to prepare. Dish - meal, food Take a little while - A little while is needed in order for it to arrive. To prepare - To cook, to get ready. In this case the customer may ask how long will they have to wait. It may be better to be more specific with the amount of time it will take for them to receive their meal, in case they would like to change their order. In that case you can ask: This dish will take (....) minutes to prepare. Then this would be followed by a polite phrase like: I hope you don't mind waiting. I hope that helps!
お客様にこの料理は準備に時間がかかっていますよと説明する時は This dish will take a little while to prepare. ということができます。 dish - 料理 take a little while - 出来上がるまでにしばらくの時間がかかること to prepare - 料理するために、または準備するために この場合、お客様はどれくらい待ち時間がかかるのか尋ねるかもしれません。 料理をお届けするまでにどれくらい時間がかかるのか、細かい時間をお答えするほうがいいかもしれません。それによってお客様が注文を変えるかもしれませんので。その場合、 This dish will take (....) minutes to prepare. (こちらの料理は準備に・・・分ほどかかる予定です。) そして、こう続けると丁寧です。 I hope you don't mind waiting. (お待ちいただければ幸いです。) 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Your meal will take some time to prepare. Please wait a while.

  • Your food will take a little time to prepare. I hope you don't mind waiting.

全てを新鮮な材料から作る場合にはよくあることですよね。 それも強調したいなら、"As we prepare all our food from fresh ingredients, ..."で始まれば良いです。 料理を作るのに時間がかかります=>Your meal/food will take some time to prepare. お待ち頂けますか => Please wait a while. 又は I hope you don't mind waiting. ご参考になれば幸いです。
DMM Eikaiwa I DMM英会話
  • The meal you ordered will take some time to prepare and will be out as soon as it is done.

  • Please bear with us as the meal will take some time to prepare.

The meal you ordered will take some time to prepare and will be out as soon as it is done.: This sentence can be used to let the guests know that the meal they are waiting for will take a while to prepare, so they can be prepared to wait. Please bear with us as the meal will take some time to prepare. This sentence can be used to ask the guests for understanding as the meal will take some time to prepare.
The meal you ordered will take some time to prepare and will be out as soon as it is done.: 食事を提供するのにもう少し時間がかかりそうな時に使います。 Please bear with us as the meal will take some time to prepare. 食事を提供するのにもう少し時間がかかる事を理解して欲しい時に使います。
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • There is currently a wait on food, this is about ____ minutes.

  • Your meal will be around ____minutes I hope this is okay.

  • Please bear with us, your meal will take (amount of time) to prepare and will be with you asap

*There is currently a wait on food, this is about ____ minutes.* Meaning= this means there is a waiting time for food to come out of the kitchen. I would say this BEFORE someone orders food. So then they can decide if they can wait that long *Your meal will be around ____minutes I hope this is okay.* Meaning= this is giving a specific amount of time until their meal is ready. Only say this if you know the actual time it will take. Don’t make it up and say less time- the customer will know you are bluffing and will be angry! *Please bear with us, your meal will take (amount of time) to prepare and will be with you asap* Meaning= this is asking the customer to be patient and again giving a set amount of time when the food will be with them. ASAP= as soon as possible
*There is currently a wait on food, this is about ____ minutes.*現在料理の提供にお時間をいただいています。~ほどの待ち時間があります。 キッチンから食べ物がでてくるまでに時間がかかっていることを伝える言い方。私ならお客様が注文する前にこのように伝えます。そうすれば、お客さんが待ちたいかどうか判断できるからです。 *Your meal will be around ____minutes I hope this is okay.*あなたの料理は~分くらいかかりますが大丈夫でしょうか? 料理の提供までの時間を明確にする言い方。少なめの時間で見積もらないように。あなたが適当に言っているとしったらお客様は起こるかもしれません。 *Please bear with us, your meal will take (amount of time) to prepare and will be with you asap*どうぞご容赦ください。あなたのお料理は~分ほどかかります。でき次第すぐにお持ちします。 忍耐強く待ってもらえるようにお客様にお願いしている言い方。どのくらいの時間で提供できるのか時間を明確にしています。 ASAP= as soon as possible すぐに
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • Preparations might cause some delays,please be patient.

  • Thanks for your patience

  • I know your time is valuable, so just bear with us for another minute to complete your meal preparations.

"Preparations might cause some delays,please be patient." This is an acceptable way to ask the customer to be patient and provide a valid explanation. "Thanks for your patience" Thanks for your patience" is already considered a polite way to ask "Please be patient". This form of presumptive thank you is quite common and accepted "I know your time is valuable, so just bear with us for another minute to complete your meal preparations." This is a good way to show your appreciation for the customer's willingness to come and buy at your business and to explain that you need them to wait for a while.
“Preparations might cause some delays, please be patient.” これはお客さんにちゃんとした説明をし、お待ちいただくようにお願いすることができる言い方です。 “Thanks for your patience.” Thanks for your patience はこれだけで Please be patient.(お待ち下さい)を丁寧に言った言い方だとみなされます。 予めお礼をいう Thank you はよく使われて、人々から受け入れられています。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Please bear with us as we are very busy at the moment

  • Your order will be freshly prepared so please understand the waiting time

  • Please relax for about 15 minutes and your order will be with you as soon as it is prepared

If someone asks you to 'bear' with them for a moment, it usually means, 'please to be patient with someone or something and understand and wait a moment.' "Just bear with me while I finish downloading this file." On the other hand you may prefer to give a short explanation as to why there is a period of waiting: "Your order will be freshly prepared so please understand the waiting time." Or you could give the customer a time estimate of the waiting time, which, for the customer, is the most helpful of all these suggested phrases.
少しの間、誰かに我慢してもらうよう尋ねる場合は、普通、誰か、または何かに我慢してもらうこと、理解してもらうこと、少し待ってもらうという意味になります。 "Just bear with me while I finish downloading this file." (このファイルをダウンロードし終わるまで、ちょっと我慢してね。) 一方で、なぜ待ち時間が発生するのか短く説明するのがいいかもしれません。 "Your order will be freshly prepared so please understand the waiting time." (ご注文いただいたお食事は、出来立てとなりますので、待ち時間についてはご了承ください。) または、予想される待ち時間をお客さんに伝えることができます。そうすると、お客さんにとって、この中で一番役に立つフレーズです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I apologize for the inconvenience but you order will be ready in the next hour.

*I apologize for the inconvenience but you order will be ready in the next hour. inconvenience means to cause trouble or difficult. Therefore you are saying you are sorry if you have caused any trouble/difficulty to the customer by delaying with the meal. It is also important to inform the customer how long the order will take and then they can decide if they have enough time to wait.
*I apologize for the inconvenience but you order will be ready in the next hour. (ご不便をおかけして申し訳ございませんが、ご注文頂いた料理は1時間以内にご用意できます。) inconvenience(不便)は、トラブルや困難を引き起こすという意味です。そのため、こちらの文は、料理が遅れてしまうことで不都合が生じることに対して、お客さんに謝っている表現です。 また、注文が用意できるまでどれくらいかかるかを伝えて、お客さんが十分に待つ時間があるかどうかを決めてもらうことが大切です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • This dish will take some time to prepare.

  • Your meal will be around (put the time) minutes. I hope this is okay.

The first sentence is quite usual and can be used to explain the situation, whereas, the second one is more detailed and I would personally prefer it.
一つ目の例は一般的な言い方です。 一方、二つ目の例はより具体的で、個人的にはこちらがおすすめです。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • It will take some time to cook your meal so please wait patiently.

It will' is using the modal auxiliary verb to describe an event in the future in this case cooking your meal. 'Take' a verb used with 'some time' which means a period of time. 'To cook' in the future tense. 'so please wait patiently' so please used as a polite way of asking the customer. 'wait patiently is used to tell the customer what they want them to do which is to wait patiently.'Wait' means to stay in the same place or do something else until it happens in this case it is the food arriving. 'Patiently' adjective used to describe waiting calmly without fuss or annoyance.
It will' と、法助動詞を使って未来の出来事(ここでは「食事を作る」)を表しています。 'take' は動詞です、「しばらく」という意味の 'some time' と共に使っています。 'to cook' は未来時制です。 'so please wait patiently'(しばらくお待ちください) 'please' を使って丁寧にお願いしてます。'wait patiently'(辛抱強く待つ)は「お客さんにしてもらいたいこと」です。 'wait' は「~が起こるまで同じ場所にいる/他のことをしている」という意味です。ここでは「料理が来るまで」です。 形容詞の 'patiently' は静かに待つことを表します。
Samantha H DMM英会話講師
  • Please be patient, we are busy with your order.

  • Your meal takes some time to prepare, please bear with us.

  • Your meal will be ready, please be patient as it is being prepared.

To 'bear with' means to be patient along with the speaker (waiter). If a meal takes some time prepare it means that it is a lengthy preparation process and you should not expect to eat very soon. Hopefully, the meal itself will be delicious so it will be worth the wait :)
bear with' は「(話し手に)我慢して付き合う」という意味です。 'Your meal takes some time to prepare' は「食事ができるまでにしばらくかかります」という意味です。 食事がおいしくて、待ったかいがあるといいですね。 :)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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